2012 Reunion Pictures

2012 Reunion Pictures

Thanks to Elder Eric Beck for taking all of the following pictures at the official 2012 reunion held at President Beckham's home in Provo. Those who attended had a very good time. Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures of Eric Beck this year because he was behind the camera.

As always, we knew we had arrived at President Beckham's home when we saw our Canadian flag hanging out to welcome us!

Randy Beckham and his wife Vicki attended. Man, he looks older than we do!

 Elder Lee Snarr visiting with President Beckham

Janette Hales Beckham with her grandson Tom

Elders John Bennett & Brent Hadfield

Elders Steven Wheeler (sitting down), Bart Davis, President Beckham, John Bennett, John Bird

Elder Dave Colton & his wife Julie traveled from Germany to attend

 Elder Paul Jensen, Randy Beckham & Elder Mike Boulter

Sydney Snarr, Lee Snarr & Brent Hadfield

Elder Mike Boulter & his wife Diane

Elder Dave Jensen & his wife Sharon

 Elder Steven Wheeler & his wife XX with John Bennett

President Beckham & Elder Jamie Sessions (who travelled from California)

Elder Bart Davis & his wife Marion

Elder Paul Jensen

Elder John Bird

Elder Martin Harker... some people just can't get away from the office, eh?

President Beckham, who turned 85 earlier in 2012, imparted some experienced wisdom, which can be read and/or watched on his "messages" page on this site

Elders Dave Bradford & John Bennett

Diane Boulter, Sydney Snarr, Vicki Beckham & Janette Beckham all watch intently as Elder Lee Snarr demonstrates the proper way to eat soft ice cream

We owe a lot to this man who has taught us much through experienced advice and example


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