In Memory

Ida Lee Beckham

Ida Lee Beckham

Ida Lee Jackson Beckham

Sister Beckham passed away April 29, 1994. The cause of her death at the young age of 65 was a blood clot. She arose that morning and was in her kitchen when she called to President Beckham. He rushed in and found her lying on the floor. While he sat on the floor and cradled her head in his lap, he phoned 911. Her last words were, “Don’t bother them. I’ll be okay.” She passed away immediately after that in spite of efforts to revive her.  She had been home for only a few days from the hospital where she had been recuperating from a small clot in her lungs. She and President Beckham had just concluded a two-week tour of Southern France and Spain in preparation for a mission call. Their papers were being processed.

Sister Beckham loved her mission in Alberta and Saskatchewan, especially the missionaries. She was a full and active partner with President Beckham in the affairs of the mission, helping him in numerous ways such as assisting in missionary transfers, developing Family Home Evening kits for missionaries, suggesting menus for missionaries, supervising the maintenance of the mission home, planning all meals, buying all groceries, traveling to and speaking at Zone Conferences, giving medical help (giving shots for hepatitis!), and in general just giving warm and loving advice in her kind and caring way. All of this in addition to nurturing Randy, Renae and Raleen.

Sister Beckham was born in 1928 in El Paso, Texas, where she lived until she came to BYU. She and President Beckham were married in the Arizona Temple in 1947. They have five children (Raymond, Jr., Rick, Randy, Renae and Raleen). She taught Kindergarten for two years and private piano lessons for nearly forty years. Her big interests in life were family, church, music, and missionary work. She always said that she was born with a testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ, and her life proved it.

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09/16/16 08:10 AM #1    

Cliff Brown

I remember Sister Beckham as a Big Spirit in the Mission Home.  I always looked forward to seeing her and enjoying her positive attitude and cheerfulness.

I remember her office with about of foot deep in missionary letters on the floor.  She could retrieve any missionarie's letter at will in what I thought was paper chaos.

I'm so sorry to have stayed away so long only to learn of her passing today.

Much love to you President Beckham and to your family.

Cliff Brown


09/17/16 10:43 AM #2    

A. Joel Clark

I was in the mission home when the Beckhams arrived.  There was one thing immediately apparent about the change from our dear Rhoton family to this new whirlwind from Utah.  Sister Beckham was everywhere.  Her enthusiasm and desire to get to work immediately was felt like an electric shock not only in the mission home but throughout the mission. I remember there was some minor resistance to her by staff and even President Beckham in that she wanted her own office. She got her way.  Obviously, a great deal of love poured out of that office over the years.  I loved her piano playing and even played my musical saw with her.  She is a multi-talented fealess warrior for the Lord!  I expect to find her easily in the next life as she will be well known missionary!

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