In Memory

Pamela Paras

Pamela Paras

Automobile accident while in Morroco.

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04/26/09 07:30 PM #1    

Julia W. Rachie

Pam was my close neighbor and childhood friend in Farm Hills. I always enjoyed eating at her house because we got to have sodas at dinner! One night, a few years after high school..., my mother told me that Pam was killed in Morroco (I believe) in a jeep accident with a friend. She was a very kind and beautiful person.

05/08/09 11:13 PM #2    

Dyane G. Silva (Janney)

I thought Pam was just beautiful inside and out. So sorry to hear of her passing, much to young, such a loss!
Dyane Silva Janney

06/04/09 09:29 PM #3    

Linda Solle (Eisenberg)

Pam's Mother worked part time for my parents in their clothing store. I remember hear about her passing. She was the first person my age who had died and it was such a shock. I remember how hard it was on her parents. I had known her since elementary school.

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