
     Contains profile information: 30
     Profile contains photos: 12
     In Memory: 6
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 6
     Military Service: 3
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Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 30    Newest Members: 28    Latest Comments: 26  

Tony Allison   
Rob Bomar   
Fern Brooks (Minyard)   
Rita Brown (Hughes)    
Dwight Bruton    
Johan Bull-Njaa    
Pat Cagle (Rice)    
Camellia Comer    
Chyrel Cowart (Pelfery)    
Rocky Curby   
Dianne Davis (Bridges)    
Dwin Davis   
Jeanne Davis (McLeland)   
Garner Garrison    
Max Garrison   
Travis Gilkeyson   
Susan Laney (Fish)
Janice Lewis (Proctor)   
Brenda Martin (Smith)   
Larry McWilliams    
Steve Miller
Martha Mills (Greeson)    
Wayne Nance   
Kathy Peugh (Wellman)   
Peggy Phillips (Miller?)
Dwight Rampley   
Sandi Rhode (Williams)    
Ann Smith (West)
Freddy Stafford    
Donna Stephens (Copeland)   
Greg Towe   
Joe Bob Watson    
Gale Whitfill (Schaeffer)   
Tena Williams (McArthur)    

Guest Members

Mary Ann Crawford (Terrazas)   
Darrell Glover   
Pam Marler (Gonzales)   
Dianne Reynolds (Bailey)  
Kay Strange (Garrison)   
Tina Weaver (Nance)   

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