Classmate Profiles (1954)

     Contains profile information: 9
     Profile contains photos: 1
     In Memory: 19
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 16
     Military Service: 10
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Robert Albertson   
Eddie Altenburg
Leonard Atkinson    
Lola Brown (Kelleher)  
John Bucanan    
Jerry Buckley
Marlene Bykonen
Geraldine Ethredge (Harriman)   
Claude Evans    
Karen Frost (Phillips)   
Clinton Gallup   
Jerry Gannon
Loretta Gorder (Benjaminson)   
Nan Haines (Guenzler)   
Bill Hetrick   
Margie Hietpas  
Robert Holman    
Bill Karst   
Arlo Ketcham    
Stan Kimmet    
David Lerum    
Ken Malberg  
Neal Maxwell    
Mabel McAlpine  
Dixie McDermott (Swenson)   
Terry Meagher (Meagher)   
Johnny Michaud    
Herbert Peck   
William Pellett
Frances Robinson   
Bessie Sherman
James Sherman
Duane Smith   
Loretta Taft (Schoendaller)   
Ronald Thompson  

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