Cherrine Henk Reed

Profile Updated: October 20, 2015
Cherrine Henk
Residing In: Troutville, VA USA
Spouse/Partner: Kevin Reed
Occupation: physical therapist
Children: Jenna, 22, is now an engineer in Arlington and seems to be loving her independence. She has worked More…hard to get where she is.
Yes! Attending Reunion

I have been working in physical therapy for nearly 30 years and still love it (except for the ever-mounting computer/paperwork) with emphasis on orthopedic out-patient P.T. Hobbies include a new puppy, crafts, music, gardening, and beekeeping.

School Story:

My daughter's favorite story from my LHS days are how I repeatedly got thrown out of the library for making too much noise. She has occasionally followed in her mother's footsteps.

Favorite Teacher/Coach

My favorite teachers include Mr Freed(government) who always reminded me of Ben Franklin; Mr Williams (biology) who allowed us to stuff road kill rather than write yet another research paper; Mrs Fuchs who inspired me to read classics, albeit many years later; Mrs Alexander (geometry), who allowed a few of us to study at our own pace in the teacher's lounge; Mr Miller (chemistry) who always told the same joke so that by the end of the day we already knew the punchline, we also learned how to use a slide rule since calculators were verboten ("Forbidden" in German-I remember something); and Frau Sherman (German) who took our class across the ocean (figuratively) to learn about another culture. Many thanks are due these and all teachers who dedicate themselves so tirelessly to the younger generations.

Favorite Hang Out Place

Oh, probably the cafeteria since we were able to get together with most of our friends, esp Krista, Lisa, Julie, Kim, Karen, John, Mark, Matt, Mike. My fondest memories are times spent with y'all. Young Life was a favorite weekly hang out as well. Thanks Krista.

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Oct 20, 2015 at 7:18 AM