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09/10/08 10:52 PM #4    

Ann Deariso (Wincey)

I read a post on the website creators' message board from another school that it was "like pulling teeth" to get classmates to fill in their profiles. Guess we're not the only class with that problem!!!
That's "preaching to the choir." Thanks to all of you who have done your profiles!

09/13/08 08:59 PM #5    

Jerry Smith

I think you are right, Ann-- but this has been a good week for us-- 5 new classmates have completed their profiles-- so we are up to 20 now with Dorothy Rosser Mock, Jerry Stevenson, Porter Adams, Jeri Irvin Campana, and Peggy Daughtry Renfroe coming on-board with us.

Of the 20 profiles, 4 have posted photos-- and Ron Cothern and Hue (David) Landers have the best stories board going so far-- so we need others to join in.

Good news-- I think we have located Bob Kinzey in Clermont, Ron Reams in Franklin, NC, Myra Brown Senters in Apopka, (Gilbert) John Gillard, Ft White near Gainesville and Tommy Cannon in Niceville, FL. Hopefully they will all post their profiles this coming week.

BAD NEWS-- I think we have lost Tanis King Cook-- her mailing came back from the Mt Dora address we had for her-- but Donna Peavy is our private-eye who has been tracking folks down for us. Please check the Missing Classmates Link and see if you can help us find some of these folks-- thanks.

09/14/08 11:25 PM #6    

Sandie Krebs (Stalvey)

Hi Everyone,
This is really neat. Looking forward to the reunion. If I wern't so computer illiterate I would post pictures. Maybe later. Ann, what a great idea. Thanks for all your work.

09/22/08 01:41 PM #7    

Cheryl Graddy (Ellerbe)

Wow, how impressive is this? Ann and Jerry, what a great job you are doing. It's so good to hear from everyone. Re Tanis, isn't her sister, Diane married to Roy Vinson? Or, I think they were married, Rhonda may know. I'll ck with her.

09/25/08 01:10 PM #8    

Jerry Smith

Good news, Cheryl-- Diane sent us Tanis's new address-- in Talbott, TN-- wherever that is-- Tanis is going to have to tell us-- so check out her new profile on the site-- she just signed up-- and now holds the record for the "FASTEST SIGNER UPPER" ON OUR SITE. She came on board within 3 minutes of getting the email-- I am impressed-- I also asked her to email you.
PS-- Where are those photos of that grandbaby you keep promising me-- she will be in high school before you know it.

09/25/08 01:16 PM #9    

Tanis King (Cook)

Hi everyone. I am alive and well in Talbott, TN, just north of Knoxville. It is beautiful here and I have turned into a farm girl at this age in my life and loving it. Ann, this site is awesome and thanks Jerry for letting me know of it. You should have my address and all now so I look forward to the info re the reunion.
So nice to here from you all.

10/17/08 12:17 PM #10    

Jerry Smith

We have been hearing that several of our classmates are having surgery this month:

Sue Payne Shuman-- will be at Shands next week for surgery
Jim Lineberger is living in NC now and will have surgery there later this month--
Jane Marchant Walker just had successful heart surgery and is back home in Winter Garden recuperating--

I know you will want to keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

01/11/09 11:56 AM #11    

Cheryl Graddy (Ellerbe)

How 'bout those GATORS! What a great win! I just wanted to give you an update. Dave and I will be leaving Pensacola after 15 yrs to return to Decatur,AL. This is where he had his first job after graduating from college. Full Circle! I'm really not looking forward to this move at this time in my life but the opportunity for him in his career was too good to pass up. I hope you all had a great holiday and will have a great New Year.

02/06/09 02:50 PM #12    


Jeanne Lease ('63) (Hays)

Hey, y'all, Remember Donna Moore, the entertainer/DJ who worked at the '63 class reunion last July? Who doesn't remember her?! Alan and I went to see her recently in The Villages and she is fantastic on stage doing her own show. She and another gal are booked to do some Disco music on Friday nights this month. You can go and party hardy if you want to. If you're interested in getting more informaiton, just write me here or at my email and I'll send you the info. The Village Squares are the "happening place" on the weekends and attract people of all ages from all over the area, NOT just the golden old seniors! Y'all come! Jeanne

06/15/09 12:09 AM #13    

Jerry Smith

Check out our website to see some photos of our Class Reunion this weekend-- more photos to come.

A special thanks, again-- to:

Frances and Bob Grubbs for opening their beautiful home to us for our Friday evening party-- if you werent there, you missed a great party-- check out the photos to learn who our special guests were--

And thanks to Ann Wincey (and I am sure Wayne helped her a lot, too) for all the many things she did in coordinating many aspects of our weekend-- like taking care of all of our money and keeping us within budget-- setting up the tours of the Museum and Garden Theater-- and all those phone calls!! Arent you glad this is over??

A special thanks to Donna Chancey for being our private detective and finding so many of our missing classmates-- who arent missing anymore-- and I bet she is still trying to find the 12 we cant find-- check out website to see who they are-- and for helping Frances with all the decorations for the event-- thank you both.

Thanks to the Class of '61 for loaning us their Juke Box for Friday night-- and to Bob for arranging our music.

Thanks to Hue Landers for our souvenir CD for our great '64 music-- thanks, Hue! You get an A+.

To Judge Ted Van Deventer for opening the Historical Museum for us on Saturday morning-- and to the staff at the Garden Theater-- for our back stage tour-- and to the all the great restaurants in downtown for feeding us so well during our visit-- it was a great weekend in WG! I heard the comment time and again-- "If WG looked like this when we were kids, we would probably still live here."

And A HUGE THANKS TO ALL OUR CLASSMATES who travelled from out of state to be here-- Wayne Dixon from California, Charles Arrington from SC, Diane Eby Dawson and John Duggan from GA, ALL OF THE ALABAMA CROWD-- Cheryl Graddy Ellerbe, Becky Ruland Gamble, Hue (David) Landers, and Ron Reams from NC.

It was great to see some from our class who came to their first reunion with us-- I think I am correct on this-- Della Bronson Jackson, and Herb Carmine from the Class of '62, Joe Miller, and Jane Marchant Walker-- and it is always good to see Dick Wiedenbeck.

We always enjoy seeing our classmates from other classes-- you are always welcome at our events. We hope to keep attending your reunions as well. Keep us posted.

WE MISSED A LOT OF PEOPLE who let us know that they had conflicts or other situations that kept them away-- we hope to see all of you at the next event-- Susan Macchi Teel, Sandy Krebs and Jim Stalvey, Sandy Hamm and Ralph Girvin, Diane Barton Estes, Julie Brantley and Jimmy Bean, Tommy Cannon, Tanis King Cook, Mike David, David Dobson, Jerri Irvin Campana, Bob Kinzey, Susan Neff Frey, Jim Lineberger, Ernie Meadows, Sue Starr Hoke, Jerry Stevenson, Leslie Thompson and Claudia Monson Maricle and Ms. Barbara Robison. We missed you!!

AND to all of our other classmates who worked to make this a great reunion-- Jeanne and Alan Hays, Bill Bean, Larry Cappleman, Ron Cothern, Ron Dixon, Ralph Girvin, Gary Hewett, and Jane Meriam Sanford-- thanks!!

We hope to have another event after Christmas-- maybe a dinner in downtown WG-- keep checking our website. You can also go to our MESSAGE FORUM at the top of our HOME PAGE and post your comments about the Reunion-- who you enjoyed seeing -- what you would like to see next time, etc. and other good stuff like that. BY posting them there, everyone will get to see your message.

From all of us on the Reunion Committee-- we had a great time working on this reunion-- we treasure our friendships with all of you -- it is so much fun getting together-- and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Take care.

06/15/09 04:04 PM #14    

Hulust (Hue) David Landers

I want to express my Heart felt Thanks to the ones who worked to make our reunion a great sucess, also the so many who attended. I have not had as much fun and laughed so hard in years. I still think I got lost and wound up in a town I've never been to before. Everything is so different, well maybe not everything. There were enough land marks that I still enjoyed driveing around and could find my old homes and the schools some other places (O yea, Walker Field is there, the park across the street is new to me). It was fun trying to find places as it seems so much smaller and I got to places much quicker. The drive to Apopka use to take over an hour and I went past there and back to Maitland in 30 Min. and was not even speeding. Everyone I met was a blessing and brought up such memories, my head is still spinning. It is nice to know that my school mates turned out so well, kind and happy. To go back it an old saying that I've used for a long time "What a trip!".
Those of you who could not make the trip I would like to say "Try very hard next time." I know that I will. I also wanted to say I'm not real sure that all of the people who said they were from the Class of 64 were. I think they may have been gate crashers who were only there to get a free meat and stayed because they were having so much fun.
Thank All of You for helping me to have such a good weekend and for being the Loveing, Careing people that you are. You really lifted my spirt and made my world a little brighter. O'yea Barbara wants you to know she had fun also and that we are glad we got to share it with you.
God Bless All of You
Hue (David) & Barbara Landers

06/15/09 10:29 PM #15    

Ann Deariso (Wincey)

I had a great time visiting with you all. David's (Hue's)
message about having a great time and laughing a lot is one of the reasons we on the committee do the work we do. We're so glad you enjoyed it. That's the purpose of the whole thing!!!
And I agree with David, we are a bunch of caring people. We genuinely(sp?) care about each other.

06/16/09 01:34 PM #16    


Jeanne Lease ('63) (Hays)

I have such fond memories of my senior year at LHS ('63) and that's because several of you (in '64) were very special friends of mine. And you know who you are. I guess that's because I'm one of the younger ones in my class and was immature (was?) enough to fit in with you. Anyway, I enjoyed having the opportunity to spend time with you at your class reunion last weekend. Kudos to all who worked so hard to make it a very nice event. Let's do it again...sooner than later! Have a great summer! Love to all, Jeanne

06/16/09 02:33 PM #17    

Ron Reams

I just wanted to say that Jerry said come prepared to "Party". I looked around at 10:30 and where did everyone go? There must have been a curfew I was unaware of. I went back to a little pub in old Winter Garden to have a last beer for the night and went outside to the side walk tables. There was no room so I stepped out side the fence around the tables and was immediately told by a Police woman (who I guess was the sidewalk monitor) that I could not drink my beer outside the fense. At least I got a warning. I would hate to have had to call one of you classmates to come get me out of jail in Winter Garden.

I really had a great time! It was sooo good to see folks that shared so many good times with me. I enjoyed talking with all of you! I just wish we had had more time to sit around and talk. I am not as shy as I was in high school. Now I can walk up to pretty nearly anyone
as long as they are not shooting at me and talk with them. For those who did not make it - I missed seeing you and you missed a great time!

Ladies, I just want to say - "You are still looking good!"

Men, you guys just look older but,..ah...wiser.

Thanks to everyone who had a hand in making this possible! I would name names but, I don't want to leave someone out. It was great!!! Next time come prepared to "Party". If you are ever in Franklin, NC give me a call 828-349-1847.

06/29/09 11:49 AM #18    


Jeanne Lease ('63) (Hays)

RON, I agree with you...I had a good time at the dinner/dance but my dancing feet got real restless! I should have brought my CD's that contained the Electric Slide and the ChaCha Slide! That would have gotten folks out on the dance floor! But the gathering was fun regardless, with lots of time to visit, mix and mingle and chat. We have a place in Maggie Valley, not far from Franklin. And we've enjoyed going to the Stompin' Ground, where you can dance every weekend. Maybe you can join us there one weekend!
I had fun chatting with you on Friday night at Bob and Frances'.
Enjoy the cool weather up there. It's oppressive here!

11/25/09 12:55 PM #19    


Jeanne Lease ('63) (Hays)

Hey all you fabulous LHS class of '64 buddies. Just wanted to give you a headsup that Alan is now running for the Florida Senate...yes, he's still in the Florida House of Rep. and wants to continue to work for us to make Florida better and better! Check out his website at and see why he needs and would welcome your support. I'm sure many of you have contacts in Lake, Volusia, Sumter, Marion and Seminole County so passing his website on to them will be a big help. We'll be most appreciative too! I'm his campaign manager...can you tell? Oh, and...Happy Thanksgiving.

12/27/09 10:13 AM #20    


Jeanne Lease ('63) (Hays)

Thank you, Jerry and Patty for hosting a wonderful Christmas get together last night! While there wasn't a big crowd who gathered at your lovely "other" home, the friends who were there seemed to really enjoy the fun, food and fellowship! You two are great hosts...but we've known that for years! Thanks again for a great evening. And Happy New Year to everyone!

07/21/10 09:37 AM #21    

Bill Bean

Just a quick note to thank those responsible for this website and to thank Richard and Annette Hudson for a wonderful evening in Winter Garden at a car show that gave me chill bumps.  I certainly don't want to miss the next event in Winter Garden. 

I have retired but no plans except to survive. 




02/25/11 02:20 PM #22    


Diana Eby (Dawson)

 Diana EBY Dawson


This a heartfelt thank you for all your prayers, suggestions, and helpful ideas to cope with Mom's illness.  As you all know she went home to be with the Lord on December 26, 2010.  She lived the last 10 months of her life in Georgia.  I want to thank the classmates who came to Mom's service in Florida.  We brought her back home to rest beside Daddy, at Woodlawn, in Gotha.  We had been blessed to have had Mom 88 years.  She was the greatest Mother, Father(since Feb. 14, 1964), and the best friend ever.  I have a question for everyone,  does anyone remember attending my Father's furenal?????  Back in Feb. 1964?????  He died of a massive heart attack, on Valentines Day 1964.  I remember looking up durning that service and seeing several of my classmates,(but can't remember the faces).  Please let me know.  I don't know if I ever thanked you for coming and being with me and my family.  But I am now, that was the day that changed our lives forever.   










07/23/11 12:32 AM #23    

Ron Cothern

The "Tribute to Our Space Shuttle" that Jerry posted on our web-site was not done by me.  I do not know who did it, but it was fabulous.  July 22, 2011, was my last day and it was a good day for me, but thousands at KSC lost their jobs and the future there is bleak.  It distresses me that we have all of this technology and we are doing so little in Space.  I have been there since 1967 and I am still amazed at what has been accomplished. 

I was a contractor firefighter and did not work directly for NASA, and I have to say a lot of our problems are because of a lot of mismanagement in NASA.  A lot of wasted money and too many groups going in different directions.  They (NASA) protect themselves very well.  It is way too much to write, so if any of you want to hear about it just ask me at one of our next get-togethers.  Sadly, I don't think NASA is the only government agency that has those problems.

I appreciate Jerry putting it on our site because it is a great video.  I had a great view, I saw most of it firsthand.

05/08/14 12:43 PM #24    


Jeanne Lease ('63) (Hays)

Hi friends,

Many of you may remember Delmas Copeland and his sweet wife, Nancy Lou, from the late 50's early 60's. Delmas was the youth pastor at the Methodist Church in WG when we were teens. He was also very involved with the LHS athletic department, teams and activities and worked out with many you as well as "coached" from the sidelines at many games. 

They now live near Waynesville, NC and came to our cabin in Maggie Valley for supper last night. I shared this website with them and showed them the reunion pictures that you've posted here. They were delighted to "see" so many of you "youngins" and really enjoyed our stroll down memory lane. They are both doing very well, Delmas is already over 80 and Nancy Lou will turn 80 this year. I venture to say they're probably more fit than many of us! Jeanne


03/03/16 07:45 AM #25    

Paul Burkett

Finally one week and on our way to Summerfield fl . Del Webb will be home.


06/29/16 10:32 AM #26    

Alan Hays



Thanks for sharing the letter from Barbee Dyer.  She did an excellent job of expressing the feelings of many of us I am sure.  This tragic insult to our community reminded me of the feelings I had when the Murrah Building was bombed in Oklahoma City.  One of my college teammates was on the ground floor of that building when the bomb exploded.  Thankfully, he survived but had serious injuries.  One humorous part was that by the time the rescuers got him to the hospital, the only vacant bed was on the OB ward so that's where they put him.  Upon discharge, the nurses gave him a certificate of some sort acknowledging him as the first male patient on that ward.  

Let's just pray the senseless killing around the world ends immediately.

Alan Hays

06/29/16 12:53 PM #27    

Ron Cothern


That was very well written.  Unfortunately, we have a bunch of crazies in this world and history has a way of repeating itself.



03/15/23 09:08 AM #28    


Jeanne Lease ('63) (Hays)

We, of the class of 63, certainly enjoyed have y'all attend our 60th class reunion last weekend at the WG Elks Lodge. It was casual, mostly unstructured, to allow random, roaming visits and chats between old friends and fond memories. Dinner was tasty and ample. We missed many who did not attend. And we surely missed those who've already left us, some quite recently. Word had it that plans are already being made for YOUR reunion next year! Hope you'll make every attempt to gather and cherish your time together. 

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