As for the warpedness of the U.S.,
the painful part is the sheer number of adults who are happy to believe things
they know are not true.
— Garrison Keillor, Author of A Prairie Home Companion
Thom Kempf has posted the Final Round of his Game Show Host's Contest.
Happy New Year!
Jesus, the Reason for the Season!
Merry Christmas Everyone
(turn your cellphone sideways to view)
Wishing you a Norman Rockwell Christmas!
AOL / AT&T / YAHOO have been Blocking Our Emails - Again
Update 12/23/2024 They believe that this has been fixed. If you are still having problems getting out emails, please click "Contact US" on the lower left side menu and let us know. Thanks
But, they have not singled us out, a change in their system apparently is blocking others as well. We have reported the issue to them and they tell us that they have created a fix, but it could take another 72 hours (from 11 a.m. 11/13/2024) to propagate it's way throughout the system. I'd send out an email to tell you all about it, but, well, if you are affected, you'd never receive it.
After November 20, 2024, if you fail to get any messages, please let me know and we'll pass that information on to them. Interestingly enough, AT&T apparently uses Yahoo to process some of their email and are thereby affected. Thanks to John Surguy for letting us know!
I'll try to remember to send out a class email on Nov. 18th to test the system. Please be aware that the system dribbles out email messages rather than sending them all at once and can take up to a full day before they all go out. If you have not received a test email by November 20, please let me know by clicking the "Contact Us" tab on the lower left menu.
Gary Scott
What's On
If you’re looking for a feel-good movie, and happen to have Netflix, check out “Bank of Dave.” It’s a David and Goliath story of Dave Fishwick, a self-made millionaire and seller of mini-vans who, when banks “would make loans to people who didn’t need them and refused those who did, and paid multi-million dollar bonuses to their executives,” began lending his own money to them personally. Loans that he made helped restaurants, allowed businesses to expand, helped people cover funeral expenses, and helped create more than 150 new jobs in the small town of Burnley, England. Dave’s fight against established banking institutions to make financing available to people with less than perfect credit, is inspiring, and while the topic sounds dull, the story is fascinating.
The movie begins with a statement that the Story is True(ish), yes, the details have been embellished, but the main story of Dave and the Bank (actually a Savings and Loan) is true and to date, has loaned out 30 million pounds ($38,160,000 US Dollars) to people in the area.
Let us now how you like it in the What’s New Comments.
Consumer Reports Magazine has an article some of you may find interesting: "It's Not Too Late. You Can Boost Your Brainpower at Any Age. Memory-building games, superfoods, supplements. What really works to preserve—and even enhance—your thinking skills." Click Here to Read Snippets from the Article with a link to the entire article.
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1/26/25 Nothing new today. Sorry. Perhaps you could write us a short article, story, tell us what you've been up to lately, what's happening in your life?
We'll wait as you compose your thoughts.
Just write them down and post them here on the "What's New Page" or send them in
using the "Contact Us" tab on the bottom of the left side menu and we'll post them for you.
(It's always BEST if you post them, that way any comments are tagged and remain connected to YOUR post, otherwise they are scattered ramdomly all over the What's New Page.)
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