John H. Tinker

Profile Updated: July 27, 2009
Residing In: Spirit Lake, IA USA
Spouse/Partner: Bonnie
Occupation: Physician anesthesiologist
Children: Deborah born 1969
Karen born 1970
Juliette born 1972
Rachael born 1990
Laura born 1993
Military Service: Army Medical Corps  
Yes! Attending Reunion

wow 50 years! Where did it go? I know one thing for sure, a lot of good things happened to me and there are one or two things I'd like to be able to do over again! After Woodward, I started it in engineering at UC, switched to premed. Married the former Martha Iuen in 1964. Went to UC medical, then Harvard for my residency, then the Army (I missed being assigned to a hospital in Vietnam by 18 days, because Nixon closed one of the three hospitals that were left in 1972, and by that time I had the most kids (3) of the 3 anesthesiologists who were on orders. So I served my two years with the hundred first Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. From there to Mayo Clinic, in 1974. I became chairman of the department of anesthesiology at Iowa in 1983. Martha and I divorced in 1989 and remain good friends. I remarried an Iowa pig farmer's daughter, Bonnie (who has two masters degrees), and we had two daughters (I had a total of five, all of them daughters, fathered my last one at age 52!). Left Iowa to become chairman of anesthesiology at Nebraska in 1997 and retired from that position in 2008. Built a home on 6000 acre Big Spirit Lake in northwestern Iowa. Now I teach physiology at the local community college, love to build model ships, and I am currently writing a book -- who knows if I'll ever get it published. Although I've written over 400 papers in medical journals and published several books of anesthesiology, but most fun I've had in that arena has been publishing six articles inMuskie fishing magazines! Who knows what crazy ventures, I will get into next.

School Story:

I remember math class with Mr. Duffy. Chuck Sonenshein was in that class and was already an accomplished magician. Somehow, by sleight of hand, he managed to hold a clicker device, which emitted an enormously loud clicking noise. When he wanted it to. He pretended to be winding his watch, except you could hear the clicking all the way across the room! It drove Mr. Duffy nuts. Chuck remains the best magician I have ever seen

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John H. Tinker has a birthday today.
May 18, 2022 at 4:33 AM
John H. Tinker has a birthday today.
May 18, 2021 at 4:33 AM
John H. Tinker has a birthday today.
May 18, 2020 at 4:33 AM
John H. Tinker has a birthday today.
May 18, 2019 at 4:33 AM
John H. Tinker has a birthday today.
May 18, 2018 at 4:33 AM
John H. Tinker has a birthday today.
May 18, 2017 at 4:33 AM
John H. Tinker has a birthday today.
May 18, 2016 at 4:33 AM
John H. Tinker has a birthday today.
May 18, 2015 at 4:33 AM
