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•   Howard T Jendlin  7/11
•   David Kimmel  3/27
•   Chuck Olson  3/12
•   Jon Resnick  11/12
•   Bruce Lesnick  10/10
•   Jed Dolnick  10/8
•   Bob Friedman  9/14
•   Bill Bennewitz  9/14
•   David Kassander  9/13
•   Bruce Barnes (Barnes)  9/12
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3 live in Alabama
12 live in Arizona
24 live in California
6 live in Colorado
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19 live in Florida
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22 live in Illinois
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7 live in Washington
187 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in China
1 lives in Germany
2 live in Israel
1 lives in Mexico
1 lives in United Kingdom
111 location unknown
90 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 57.0%

A:   288   Joined
B:   217   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Our 50th Reunion   -   Sept. 7-9, 2023

Thanks for the fabulous memories!!
Click to download your favorite photos . . .

Friday, Sept. 8, 2023
Lime Cantina Restaurant, Cedarburg, WI
Lambfamb Photography

Have some to share?

Bill Edwards

Check Regularly for Updates!

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CONTACT US link on the left.

From the archives . . .

Sawdust Symphony!


(Posted 5/7/19 by Bill Edwards)

Now who could that gent on the banjo be??

Their Website! (link)

Glendale, WI USA

  "The Way We Were - Before We Were??"

(Posted 5/16/16 by Bill Edwards)

As a nostalgia junkie, I loved perusing the Whitefish Bay Library's North Shore picture collection (early 1900's) of Whitefish Bay & the eastern slice of Glendale that borders Lydell Ave on the west side with WFB on the east. There were pictures of the WFB building (where Winkies is now) on the corner of Silver Spring Dr. & Marlborough Drive (did Marlborough exist in the early 1900's??) - with photos of sparse homes/open land along Shoreland, Bay Ridge, and Kent avenues in WFB, and the area where the Milwaukee Gear Little League park stands now.

Our classmate, Beth Dallman Veldbloom shared historic pictures of her grandfather's barn on Green Bay Ave., as well as pictures from the Glendale Fire Dept. that her dad was active in as a supporter/volunteer.

We were able to squeeze a few more out of the Central Milwaukee Library & Milwaukee Historical Collection for posting - - - all of which, including Beth's photos you can still view here if you scroll down from the Sept. 2009 postings and Chuck Olson's historic Fox Point bicycle license. (This begs the question - - - were the bicycle plates also stamped at Waupun?)

Many of you FB enthusiests have also either posted or viewed some older pictures of Bay Shore (when J.J.Kresgge's was located in the south wing), and the both "The Milky Way," and "Port Silver Diner" were making a photo-reappearances. Of course, Echo Bowl and the Kohl's Food Emporium (with the treasured electric company substation - NE Corner of Port & Silver Spring)

The most recent '73 FB posting (below) is
courtesy of Mr. Randy Hill
Okay, we know that Randy is pictured here
long before he  & his GM prototypes
roared north to Hayward-land.
Now for bonus points - can you name the street
intersection, the gas station & the year it was taken?

Hint: You can't ask me 'cause I only know the street intersection. :-)


A recent Nicolet Facebook Group called
Nicolet High School Friends
has really
caught on & another flurry of nostalgic photos
has proliferated . . .

Picture above - - (1955)

Picture below - - (a bit older??) with a blacksmith shop.
Could this have been the predecessor to
KINNEY SHOES in Bayshore??


Head a few blocks south, but don't go under the railroad trestle.
On the right side - this beloved establishment's menu:

Do a "180" - head back north up GREEN BAY to GREEN TREE -
hang a right, cross the river NE on a diagonal & stay to
the right - go about a 1/2 mile to the
NW corner of Port Washington & Green Tree.

Herein, this famous institution (below) played host to certain
disgruntled Nicolet students, disastisified with the
school hot lunch program fare.
What a unique way to utilize the "Open Campus" experience
while enjoying alternative dining accommodations!
Do you think Shrinsky's served chocolate milk with
the schnapps? After our diplomas were awarded,
one '73 classmate
(at the very least) was legally
(in the role as bartender)
to mixed assorted spirits with cherries, olives,
and a few jerkies & slim Jim's on the side.
I won't mention this person's name - - -  Michael Reck.

(I trust that some of you, as well as Michael - 
can help to impressively develop this personnel list). :-)

Seems that this lakefront residence (below)
got almost as many tourists as the Domes!

As shared earlier, you may desire to affiliate with
the Nicolet High School Friends
FB group,
Some of the featured pictures here derive from this group.
Of course, these include contributions from our very own.
To "borrow" a frequently used vocabulary word of the
newly-wed Rick Bernstein - - - "AMAZING"!

Do any of you have any nostalgic photos that we have not
yet had the pleasure of viewing?

At Your Service!!

- Bill Edwards




"The Streets of Old Milwaukee"

  !  !  !  E-X-P-A-N-D-E-D  !  !  !

(Posted 12/17/15 by Bill Edwards)

A while back, we chatted about this beloved exhibit "institution at the Milwaukee Public Museum. As a slam-dunk "no-brainer," many of us '73 alumns possess a true soft spot for this local treasure and the cobblestone streets.

Last week, the Museum reopened this exhibit wing & you can actually do a virtual tour by dowloading a app! For starters, you may want to check out photos of the latest additions.

Two additional facts

1. Yes, that lovely grandma is still on rocking chair duty on her creaky front porch.
2. No, the Knightskellar does not appear in this exhibit.
3. No, the "C-5" door with the upside-down doorknob & and plaster-paris statues of the "Bathroom monitors" don't either.

Over 21 years ago we celebrated our 20th Year Reunion!


Cindy & Roy

Travelers - Down the Road ... NOT over The Hill !!
(Posted 1/7/14 by Bill Edwards)

Click their picture
for their BLOG -
bottom of
page to

Not only have Cindy & Roy
traveled this road 2 short years ago,
but now comes Round #2!

Our '73 classmate
Cindy Zganjar McDowell Hubler

and her husband - Roy
are making a return trip of
hiking / backpacking
/ camping
in a number of African countries:

Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi,
Zimbabwe, Zanzibar, Botswana,
Namibia, & South Africa.

Safe Travels Cindy & Roy!
Can't wait to read your updates!

Do you have 40 year reunion photos that
we haven't received?

Pleeze Upload

Milwaukee or Vegas
40 Year
Photos & Videos!

or alternatively
e-mail Bill E.
for prompt inclusion!

Follow us on Facebook!

* * * * From Rick * * * *

Wow to the Class of 73!

The 40 Year Reunion was
a big success!
Over 70 persons joined us at

and the
kind words from both
attendees & those that
could not attend.
It made all of our efforts
well worth it!

Saturday night was amazing and
a huge success in bringing us together
to celebrate 40 years since we graduated!
The food was great and there was
plenty of time to catch up with people not
seen for decades in some cases!

I just want to say on behalf of the commitee
how much we enjoyed planning
the weekend and how gratified we were
with the comments we received.
You had a blast and that was our goal!

Those that took pictures and vidios ...
PLEASE upload to facebook and/or
You can also e-mail directly to Bill Edwards

Remember the Sydney Hih Building?
(John Engel Does!) 

(Posted 8/18/12 by Bill Edwards)

Who amongst our ranks can honestly say they never heard of the Sydney Hih Building? This was the "psychadelic"  antique building cluster on the NW corner of 3rd & Juneau - straddling the north downtown Milwaukee perimeter. Remember Betty's Bead Shop?

Undoubtedly, those of you that follow Milwaukee news - and/or continue to "hold the fort" locally have been following the debate with the complex's last owner (Milwaukee Economic Development Commission) whether to preserve as a historical building - or cede to the wrecking ball.

The wrecking ball prevailed - BUT our own John Engel was able to predict this during our senior year (and for that matter - Lee Levin too).

John was kind enough to share this old Knights Page article (1973) that was a Lee & John collaboration (Lee writing the article & John providing the photos).

Jim Stingl's column -
Sydney Hih history

(JS Online 6/12/12 - link below)


Bye Bye, Sydney Hih ...

(Courtesy of The Daily Reporter - Staff photo by Kevin Harnack)

Those Hillarious TV Celebrity Roasts from the 60's & 70's.
(Ed Sullivan Roasts Jack Benny) 

(Posted 8/18/12 by Bill Edwards)

For those of you that attended our 35th reunion, you have to admit that Rick has a very respectable immitation in-tow. :-)

Some of the funniest clips on the internet are from the old Friars Club Celebrity Roasts from the late 1960's (prior to the great Dean Martin roasts from the 1970's.

In this clip, Jack Benny is being roasted by Ed Sullivan. The toastmaster is Johnny Carson. Other "roasters" you will recognize include Phil Harris, Alan King, George Burns, Milton Berle & Dennis Day:


(Jed Dolnick - The Sounds of Yesterday!) 

Many of you know (especially Jed), that I am a huge Jack Benny enthusiast ... When Jed's "The Sounds of Yesterday" was heard on Milwaukee & Wisconsin Public Radio in the 1980's & early 90's, he always played a generous compilation of Jack Benny radio broadcasts & recordings from his own collection.

This artcile on Jed (8/21/87) was when Jed was broadcasting his show from the WYMS studios.,6503237

Letter to the Editor
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel

Last week, there was a in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
(can't link to it) entitled "Gurda did it Again."

The author was congratulating John Gurda (local historian)
on his column (4/1/12) regarding the history & preservation of the Red Star Yeast Factory.
(how many of you remember that sweet aroma off of I-94 & 27th street?).

The author of the letter was Jim Reiels of Land of Lakes.

A Final Thought ...

While 2012 was a rough launch for us losing, Steve, Thorpe & "Mr. J.,"
that there is a renewed energy in this website, as well as new '73 subscribers
(and possibly the next reunion).


Nicolet Re-Opens,
Two "Chestnuts" from Alex Chou
and a question . . .

(posted 10/15/10 - Bill Edwards)

Time has been gliding along since our 7/23/10 update below. The weather has been quite tranquil with abundant 70 & 80 degree weather. Due to severe July flooding, our alma mater began approx. 1-1/2 weeks late, but with a fabulous school-wide facelift. The good news is that most of the $3 million loss will be covered by insurance.

Alex Chou recently e-mailed
Rick a couple of scans to share from our senior year.

The first scan (broken into 4 sections) are reflections
from his English class. If you and Alex were in English class together,
are you cited below?




 Alex's second scan is the Student Council roster. Several more of you will recognize yourselves, as I do myself. We worked pro-actively on such issues as 1) Edible hot lunch food faire, 2) creating the "smoking lounges", 4) the renaming of Frontage Road to "Jean Nicolet Road, 5) Open Campus parameters and more . . .

Given the severe bare-bone budget cuts that most school boards wrestle with each year, isn't it a stitch that the school board budgeted for bathroom monitors to ensure a smoke-free experience? Was this the heyday of "pork barrel spending?"

Remember the "University of Lawsonomy?"

Friday night, I was returning to Milwaukee with my son who was having a short semester break. Driving in the wee morning hours can tap old memories, and one of them was the old lit-up sign for the University of Lawsonomy on I-94 south of Milwaukee. As we neared the the Kenosha/Racine county divider (Cty. KR) coming north, I started to look for the lit-up sign unsuccessfully. It's not like I haven't traveled this road frequently, but now the curiosity to spot it. For the record, the "University of Lawsonomy" comprises a sign with a customized anemoneter on a plot of manicured sodding. There are also some dilapitated farm buildings on the property that were intended to become campus structures. Its specific location is on the east side of I-94, between the Cty. KR (south) and Hwy. 11 (north). Do any of you know if the sign still exists? I have been passing this location at nighttime.

And who were the "alumni" that attended a 2002 reunion?

THANKS ALEX for the sending the scans to us!
How about you?
E-mail us - our update frequency is
"100% Content-Driven." 

Milwaukee (especially the North Shore)
drowns in Torrential Rainfall.  Nicolet hard hit.

(posted 7/23/10 - Bill Edwards)

Yesterday is supposed to happen once every 100 years or so - - try every 5 years or less these days.  Severe thunderstorms with continuous lightening, torrential, horizontal rainshafts (averaging 1-1/2 to 2 inches per hour) rapidly consumed ditches, culverts - - - then basements, creeks and land masses including a waterfall that descended from I-43 & Jean Nicolet road onto the lower elevated Nicolet H.S. Over 80% of the school was under 3 to 4 ft. of water. Areas of N. Port Washington Rd. (between Bender and railroad trestle) were also blocked off from water. Our office building in the Barrett Office Park, accumulated 5 to 5-1/2 feet in the basement, consuming 2/3r'ds of the telephone circuitry and all electrical meters

We could not get our of our parking lot for over three hours because of the high water on Port Washington Rd. rushing southward towards the Port/Bender interestion (and that underpass was blocked from high water too). Many portions of Santa Monica Blvd. in Fox Point were overtaken by the water in the center culverts rushing northward to Indian Creek. A car actually got swept into the culvert by the Town Club on Santa Monica Blvd. and Bradley Rd. Wth the major widening project that Fox Point completed recently, the creek was bankfull throughout the Indian Creek Parkway corridor.

Nicolet H.S. Flooding

Quick video - N. Port Washington Road - looking west

Fred Greifenhagen - remembrances

Fred is now in a place where he is at peace. I send my thoughts, love and prayers to all of his friends and family that mourn his passing.

Terri Tilton Stewart - 6/23/10

* * * * * *

I am terribly sorry to hear of Fred's passing. I had the privilege of knowing him from sixth grade through Nicolet. He was always polite, considerate, sweet and dignified. He also had pockets of phenomenal intelligence. I hope he found the happiness he so richly deserved.

Sadly, Laura Zuckert - 6/23/10

* * * * * *

I just wanted to take a few moments to express my sadness and give my condolences  to literally a "one of a kind  guy", Fred Greifenhagen. I don't know if it was just me and or a few other chosen people, but from time to time he would call me and talk to me - or for that matter whomever happened to pick up the phone; my wife or daughter, and simply speak his mind. He called me for advice on "car buying possibilities" as he knew my brother-in-law is in the car business. I gave him whatever info. he needed to help him out. Hopefully it worked out.  In addition, he liked to talk politics . He wasn't happy with the current state of the job outlook in the Milwaukee community (Gee I wonder why!) I also tried to steer him in the right direction for job possibilties. With that in mind, it was easy to tell and he admitted being a  "concerned Conservative"; always trying to better himself and not necessarily looking for any "handouts."

God bless Fred! The North shore and Nicolet community has lost  an"institution";
a friend to everyone!

John A. Kaelin - 6/23/10

Fred Greifenhagen

(posted 6/23/10 - Bill Edwards)

We are saddened to learn that Fred passed away on Monday. He was 57 yrs. old. As we grieve for all of classmates that have left us, we can all relate how he was special to all of us. Given his challenges that he had growing up and into his adulthood, I can never remember when he did not have a smile on his face or any hint of bitterness. Given his own limited financial resources, he was generous, cared about people and was always optimistic. While he had a different learning style with Asperger Syndrome, he was brilliant in many ways. I remember him being in a introductory accounting class at UWM (the type of class that many people could take 2,3 or 4 times to pass) that Freddie breezed through with a high "B+" grade. If you didn't see Freddie for months or several years at a time, it didn't matter, because he would greet you like you left a conversation from the day before . . . .

For those of you who are able, the there will be a visitation at Schmidt and Bartel funeral home (106 W. Silver Spring - Whitefish Bay) - this Friday, June 25th from 10 to 12 noon. Entombment will follow at Graceland Cemetary. Here is a link to notice - - -

Please e-mail any memories, recollections you have of Fred to Rick or myself, and we will promptly get them posted. (special thanks to Kent, Jed and Rick for the "heads up" on this)

Are You Still Getting Our E-mails?
(posted 6/23/10 - Bill Edwards)

If you have changed your e-mail/internet carrier recently, please check your profile to ensure you have the latest e-mail address. We are getting bouncebacks from the following:

Marc Y., Jon R., Chuck O., Mark R., Mark L., Dean B., Sue H/S., Kent, Jan B.,
Pam W/O., and Jim W.

If you are one of the above (or are in touch, please let them know - -  Thanks!


VOTE for BARB GRADY to host
host new Parenting show on
Oprah Winfrey Network!

(posted 6/6/10 - Bill Edwards)


For those of you who know, or have followed Barb and her diverse background in teaching, coaching and parental advocation, now - we have a opportunity to help Barb get her own talk show (Barb Says) on the new Oprah Winfrey Network.

You can view Barb's impressive audition tape by clicking on this link:

(best viewed in Internet Explorer as there are some
display issues with Adobe Flash Player in the
latest Firefox version)

Then VOTE (and get everyone else to also). :-)

Also, visit her website (also in her profile):

Good luck Barb - - - we're pulling for you!

Thank you again Joan for the heads up!


Inside Nicolet today
(posted 6/6/10 - Bill Edwards)

Recently, I have been on-premise in E-Wing and for those of you who had Choir, Concert Band, Orchestra, or Drama, you would see that things are pretty much like the E-Wing that you would remember. They did build an adjoining room between the band/orchestra and choir room that holds the huge musical library and some nice enhancements in the auditorium corridor.

Now, if you were all back in the hallways during a classroom change today, you might enjoy the protocol. When a class period ends, a tone sounds, then varied music (anything from 50's music, rap, jazz, etc.) is played for a period of 4 minutes. This is the "safe time" that students have to move to their next class. On the the 5th minute, the music stops, which is the equivalent of the "amber signal" on a traffic light - - - the warning that you should already be in or walking into your class. The only thing missing was the former head custodian Mike Stockinger tooling around in that battery-powered 4-wheeler. :-)

When I was working there, I was delighted to run into Mr. Rick Young between classes. He is the last remaining faculty member from our tennure teaching there - - and still going very strong with English and Creative Writing. I recall when he was our Forensics Coach and how strong a team we had under his tutelage - - carried over from "Coach" Ruth Way. I remember that he told us in class about a time in college when he was working at the campus radio station and somebody threw a pig in the studio as a prank.

Prior to Mr. Young coming to Nicolet, many of you may remember an English teach named Ron Ernst who was also the Debate coach and accompanied the Forensics team to some of our competitions. Mr. Ernst also was a great teacher and lot of fun to learn from. Would you believe that he has an identical twin brother named Roger who taught English in the Neenah/Menasha School District. When I say identical, they were identical in the way they talked, mannerisms, everything. And they did pull a brief brank where they switched and did fool some of us at a match.

* * * * * * 

If any of you can think of any oustanding starting pitchers that will work reasonably "cheap", please get in contact with the Brewers. (we miss you Bob Uecker)  :-)


An Personal Announcement & Update
(posted 2/7/10 - Bill Edwards)

Rick and I hope that 2010 is starting out well for you, or (at least) an improvement over 2009. Or, if there hasn't been an improvement - - - we still have 10/3/4 months left in this year for that. :-)

It's been a little quiet around the website here and hopefully we can get some activity moving again. So allow me to start out with some news . . .

In August 09, I shared information/pictures from our Professional Organizing Company's involvement in the Milwaukee filming of "Hoarders" for A&E television (Season 1). My boss filmed one episode in Torrence, CA and tomorrow night (Monday - 2/8/10 - 10 pm Eastern/9 pm Central), we will be on the "Doug" segment (Season 2 in progress). Our owner, Brenden McDaniel coordinated this with the producers, and besides Brenden and myself, Brenden also made it possible for Professional Organizers from the NAPO-Wisconsin chapter to volunteer - - which we are both members. I was primarily "behind-the-scenes" although there may be a very quick shot of me, but not sure. There was a lot of footage to condense into 20 to 25 minutes. Here is the link to the A&E website with the Hoarders Trailer in the upper left portion of the A&E Hoarders web page:

If you see it, please let me know what you think (good, bad, or indifferent).


For many of you that have not been back to the North Shore and around Nicolet (in particular), you may be a bit surprised to know that the City of Glendale and Nicolet School Board are suing the Village of River Hills over the intersection of Green Tree and Jean Nicolet Roads. There was a pedestrian that got struck and killed on Green Tree (just inside River Hills) and complaints about the traffic and speeders. The reason is that River Hills authorized the eastbound closure of Green Tree Road that would block off a direct route to Nicolet and across the I-43 bridge to N. Port Washington Road.

Here is a link to this story:


Finally, if you are rooting for either the Saints or the Colts, we sincerely hope that your team will/has won. :-)


Thanks for reading - - do stay in touch with us when you have a chance!

Milwaukee Public Museum
The Streets of Old Milwaukee - Updated!
(Including some background from Peter Newberger)

(posted 11/4/09 - Bill Edwards)

I tweaked and added a few more photos (please see 11/2/09 post below), including the website link for the Milwaukee Public Museum info. on this beloved exhibit. Peter Newberger recalls that his grandfather - a pharmacist for 50 years, contributed various items for the exhibit drug store. For the record, his grandfather operated 3 drug stores in the Milwaukee area - - - 38th & Villard, Walnut St. and Farwell Avenue on the east side of town complete with a old fashioned soda fountain!

Peter also reports that today's celebrity birthday includes Peter Noone of Hermans Hermits. He is 62 - still looks and sounds great. He had the pleasure of meeting Peter at the new Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls, Ontario - - just a short 30- 40 min. ride from their house. Thanks for both Peter!

Milwaukee Public Museum
The Streets of Old Milwaukee!

(posted 11/2/09 - Bill Edwards)

This has got to be the all time-hit for many of us that would visit the museum! As you may recall the exhibit was established in 1965 with donated cobblestones from the old streets, artifacts from older buildings - homes, storefronts, etc.  Remember "grandma" that would greet you as began your walk down the street at the first corner? The was actually a working "silent movie theater" and the modern "pharmacy" from the late 1800's/early 1900's. Check that lady cutting the sausages in the first photo - - - does that bring back any memories from the old Gimbels-Schusters? (at least the Tastee Town fountain maybe).  Enjoy the photos!


Want some more information and more pictures??

Milwaukee Public Museum - Streets of Old Milwaukee


 Fox Point Train Station
Early 1900's

(posted 9/5/09 - Bill Edwards)

This photo is from a compilation of historic Chicago and Northwestern train stations that follow the routes from Milwaukee throughout Wisconsin.

Assuming this is the same RR right-of-way as the present, one would wonder where this station was.
Could it be Green Tree or Dean Road? Or how about any of the in-between streets - - - Bradley, Calumet, Bell Road or maybe in someone's backyard that later lived on Santa Monica Blvd. or Boyd Way?

You can view the website: Don's Rail Photos

Many years later during our growing up years - how many of you recall the Remember When photos in the Milw. Journal Green Sheet? Okay - - that was a stupid question. :-)

You can view the collection:
Milwaukee Public Library - Remember When.

Do you have any historical photos from the North Shore or Milwaukee? We'd love to post them!

Hoarders Show Premier
The Ratings Are In!

(posted 8/20/09 - Bill Edwards)

HOARDERS set a adult demo ratings record! The Monday evening program (8/17/09 - 10/9C) was watched by 2.5 million viewers – including 1.8 million adults (18-49)making this A&E’s most-viewed season premier ever. We had about 125 persons at the premier show party at the Bavarian, including Mr. Bernstein himself (thanks for coming Rick!). You can see me shoveling up a rotted pumpkin into a garbage can and in a "briefing" by Dr. Tolin, similar to the photo (below right). There is also a dramatic (almost) throw-up scene too with Brenden McDaniel, my boss/owner.

You can view the full episode online - Jill
or, it will be repeated this weekend twice:

Brenden is also featured in the new 8/31/09 (Monday) that was filmed in Torrance, CA. If the ratings continue to do well, then there is a possibility that the network may order additional episodes. If you have a chance to view the show, drop me an e-mail and let me know what you think!

A Special Announcement - Making My "Debut"
on a National TV Network - 8/17/09

(posted 8/13/09 - Bill Edwards)

  There is a new documentary on A&E Television debuting next week called Hoarders. The program premiers next Monday (8/17/09) – 9:00 p.m. (CST). There will be a total of 6 episodes – each program will feature 2 unique hoarding-challenged clients. You may see me as part of the organization crew on the Monday “Jill” episode (filmed in Milwaukee - March 2009). Members of the crew, including myself (from Action Organizing Services), will be wearing scrubs and gas masks (see above) – the mold, odor from rotting food, animal feces, garbage, etc. was otherwise unbearable. We anticipate that the majority of the footage will focus on Jill, her son and sister, Brenden McDaniel (owner & my boss – Action Organizing Services LLC) and Dr. David Tolin, Ph.D, ABPP (author & founder and Director of the Anxiety Disorders Center at The Institute of Living)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

For those of you that live in, or within driving distance to Milwaukee, you are cordially invited to a Premier Viewing Party on Monday, August 17, 2009 (7-11 p.m.) at the Bavarian Inn (Glendale, WI). The event is sponsored by local businesses that both Brenden and I know through our chamber or other networking groups. If you would like to attend, please e-mail/RSVP to Karin Conway (KMC Marketing) – no charge. We would be honoredto have you join us to celebrate this very special event that is being graciously hosted by the business sponsors listed below  - - - and if the TV ratings are great - - - who knows what will be next??

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

   Vintage Fox Point License Plate - Chuck Olson
(posted 7/9/09 - Earlier Upload by Chuck to his Profile)

Chuck's Observation:
I think that's the original Fox Point road grime
on this 20th century artifact.

Click on Chuck's profile (Nicolet Class of 1973 link) for a variety of memorable photos,
including several Knight's Pages scans!

Glendale Historical Photos - Beth Dallmann Veldbloom
 - - - - Part Two - - -

(posted 7/8/09 - Bill Edwards)

1975 - Razing of Beth Dallmann Veldbloom's Grandparent's Barn

Beth describes the neighborhood - circa 1975:

The big barn across the street (photo below - left side of old Green Bay Rd.) had been removed; but the smaller one (facing north & south - photo above) on the same property was still standing during the 70's. Dad removed the house, barn & other out buildings on his homestead May of 1975. I have his pictures of that event, including the Glendale Fire Dept. "fire practice" prior to the destruction.

This photo shows the first model home (left - partially hidden behind barn - looking SW) built in the new subdivision across from the temple. That home is located on the northeast corner of Edward Lane & Berwyn Ave. across the street from Congregation Beth Israel. (P.S. My mother worked as a secretary to the principal of the hebrew school in early 70's. They didn't mind that she was Christian, and she loved being able to walk to work!!!)

Heading south on Green Bay (from Good Hope Rd.), one block north of Edward Lane is Bernard Lane (only goes west - across the street from the house I grew up in).  Check out the first driveway south of Bernard on the west side of Green Bay.  There you will see the original farm house from your 1900 photo; the one with all the barns.  I guess the house is still there, but the barns appear (on google maps - street view) to have been removed.

Glendale Fire Department - Winter 1959-60

As shared, Beth's father was a longtime supporter and volunteer for the Glendale Fire Department.

THANK YOU Beth for sharing these precious photos!

Glendale Historical Photos - Beth Dallmann Veldbloom
 - - - - Part One - - -

(posted 7/6/09 - Bill Edwards)

A few postings below this one (5/31/09), we posted a historical photo (circa 1900) and solicited your guesses as to the Glendale location. Not only did we get the correct answer from Beth Dallmann Veldbloom (now the intersection of Green Bay Ave./Green Tree Road) but learned that the land to the north was owned by her Grandfather and parents!

Beth further explains:

The house on the right (below) was where my father was born (1923).

My grandparents originally owned the land just north, and almost back to the Milwaukee River. They sold most of the farm, and thus were the homes built directly across the street from Congregation Beth Israel. My parents built their home directly north of the original farmhouse. I believe the "old tomato farmer" was the last working farm in Glendale.  I used to be embarrassed by it, but have become proud that my father (with a good education) was able to serve his community well. He did so much for/with the Glendale Fire Dept. and was President of the Glendale Water Commission.

1930 - Neighborhood gathering at the pond on Green Tree (including the Prange family). The Prange farm was on Good Hope Road; although they had Greenhouses, and my memory says they didn't really produce a crop.

The photo of the neighborhood gathering (1930) was taken at a pond which is located on the north side of Green Tree Road, about 3/4 of a block east of Green Bay. (Currently there are either apartments or condos on the site, named (I believe) Glendale Lake. The Pranges included in the photo are:  Bill - row 2, 4th from the right  and  Amanda  front row, center (6) in the white dress.  My grandparents: Walter Dallmann is behind Amanda (sporting the tall white hat) and Olga - front row, third from the right.

I do have all the names for the photo, but do not believe they would be familiar to you or others. I vaguely remember only a few myself!!  I would be quite surprised if any of them are still with us; as they would have to be in their late 90's or older.

* * * Is anyone in touch with Eric Prange?? ***

1954 - The house I grew up in (newly built) showing no
development east (behind it) of Green Bay Road. (1959 - 60?)






































































































































































































































































































































































































































a new version of the Maple Dale scrapbook has been posted here:

If anyone has any Maple Dale related pictures or comments they'd like to add please contact me at: wb9kzy at gmail dot com

Non-Maple Daliens: please note that the archive page also has the 1973 Shield Yearbook scan along with some Knight's Pages and our 1973 graduation program.

Chuck Olson

The paperback edition of my epic novel "Welcome to Brasil!" is now available on the Barnes & Noble website and will soon be available on Amazon (e-book remains available). Act now and B&N is granting a 15% discount!!

My own promo website has now survived numerous hacking attempts from IP addresses in such exotic locales as Staten Island, North Bergen, the Russian Federation and Kazakistan. Either a former employer is involved or Trump's Russian operatives!!

All names have been changed to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent. I have reserved all film and video rights. The golden doors of Hollywood await!! I will try to reserve time for Jimmy Fallon on my next swing through NYC.

My personal promo link is:

T W Heiser, Class of '73

I am pleased to announce that my first novel "Welcome to Brasil!" has now been published by Tenth Street Press of Australia.

All names in this literary masterpiece have been changed to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent. I have reserved all film and video rights. The golden doors of Hollywood await!!

The link is:

T.Walter Heiser, Class of '73

The reason I'm writing is sad. Our classmate Paul Egner is doing very poorly. He has had Parkinson's disease for about eight years or so and now complications are getting the better of him.

I just wanted to give you a heads up so you can remember him in your thoughts and prayers.

Let me know if you'd like contact information for Paul's family.



Kay Koch (Flick)  10/27
Michael Reck (Reck)  10/28
Scott Daugherty  10/29
Earl Lemon  10/31
Thomas Owen  11/6
Robin K Levine  11/9
Pat Keily  11/12
Laura Collins  11/17
Chuck Orenstein  11/18