Dennis Stelzel

Dennis passed away on 12/7/2023.

When Dennis turned 18, he departed Nicolet H.S. early to proudly serve in the United States Marine Corps (USMC) for 8 years. For 20+ years, Dennis was involved in the transportation industry as a over-the-road truck driver, logging over one million miles.

"My buddy Dennis Stelzel , USMC, passed away after a three year battle with cancer. So glad that I had a chance to talk to him one last time. RIP Dennis. We could write a book on all the hell that we raised back in the day."

"Funny story about Dennis Stelzel. It was about 25 years ago. I was busy towing. I stopped into Subway here in Hayward. I was ordering my sub. When I heard a voice behind me say. "WTF? Aren't you going to order me one too?" I turned around to see Dennis standing there. He never called to say he was coming up. He just got in his truck and drove all the way up here. It was a great suprise. That's when I took this photo (above)."

Randy Hill '73
