In Memory

Evelyn Palmer

Evelyn Palmer


Mrs. Palmer taught social studies/Bible

If you have any information about Evelyn Palmer which may help in our search for her obituary, such as date of birth, full name, date of death, please contact us.

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12/23/09 12:02 AM #1    

Judy Susan Musslewhite (Reno) (1973)

Ms. Palmer was a fun and quiet teacher, had grace and a glowing spirit. She taught bible and was patient in my application of the subject. I always knew behind her smile she believed and accepted me. I grew later to love the Lord, and knew a kindred spirit in Ms. Palmer. Her kindness and acceptance was something that lives with me to this day. What a difference she made in my life. Thank you Ms. Palmer. I know you are rejoicing in that wonderful place in heaven.

07/11/11 10:28 PM #2    

Nancy Stark (Stevenson) (1972)

I wish I would have taken her Bible class; I had Mrs. Palmer for World History and she made the subject enjoyable. I liked her teaching style and her gentle manner. I now see Christ lived in her, but wasn't that tuned in back then. It is interesting to think back to those days and wonder if she was praying for all of us??

07/27/12 05:46 PM #3    

Mary Diane Deluca (Rinn) (1971)

Of all my teachers at Westchester, I remember Mrs. Palmer most often.  She had a very caring, loving, protective spirit.  I still remember that far-away gaze she would get sometimes when she was talking in Bible class, as though she was actually seeing God or heaven.  I guess she really is now.  What a beautiful lady!


08/20/15 11:56 AM #4    

Dennis McGuire (McGuire) (1972)

Mrs. Palmer was one of my two favorite teachers at Westchester.  I was lucky enough to be in her Bible class in 10th Grade, 1969-1970, and then to be in her World History class the following year.  We kept in touch after I graduated in 1972, and I invited her to my wedding, to Carol Watson, in August 1977.  She came.  She gave us a beautiful blue figurine which occupied the center shelf of our china cabinet throughout our marriage.  She was more than just a teacher.  I miss her to this day.

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