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12% of all sales go directly to our Scholarship Funds.

Items include: •Sports clothing•Hoodies•Hats •Coffee Cups•Water-Bottles •Backpacks•Gym Bags•And more



To send your tax deductible scholarship donation online using a credit card or PayPal please click on the link below and choose the Westchester Alumni Association Scholarship Fund:



•   Pamela Ann Mason (1970)  2/10
•   Lauri Lynn White (Ramsey) (1977)  2/4
•   Sharon Ann Calhoun (Bundy) (1977)  2/1
•   Amy Bonner (Wagoner) (1984)  2/1
•   Chester Vlasek (Vlasek) (1984)  1/31
•   Gregory L. Hering (1975)  1/31
•   Patricia "Patti" Garrett (Chesney) (1977)  1/30
•   Joan Elaine Womack (1975)  1/30
•   Robert Lee McGlasson (McGlasson) (1975)  1/29
•   Mary Ann Glass (Fordyce) (1977)  1/29
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Who lives where - select from the dropdown to find out.


•   William J. Bighouse (1983)  2/16
•   Robert Kidd (2017)  2/16
•   Douglas Lee Morrison (1972)  2/16
•   Gregory Lee Morrison (1972)  2/16
•   Bryant "Tip" Ragan (1978)  2/16
•   Jennifer Vidal (2019)  2/16
•   Adrienne Abbott (Voit) (1970)  2/17
•   Angelique Alexis Garcia (2013)  2/17
•   Geneen Marie Gray (Lannom) (1970)  2/17
•   Jan Ivey (Wheeler) (1970)  2/17
•   Julie Jeanne McCollum (Burke) (1976)  2/17
•   Joseph Brett Binko (1981)  2/18
•   Mark Hardman Carnahan (1981)  2/18
•   Kelle Lynnise Pephens (Gambill) (1981)  2/18
•   Toni Renee' Pucciarello (Bruno) (1974)  2/18
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 27.6%
A:   3389   Joined
B:   8881   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Class of 1974 Reunion Yearbook

We are excited to remind you that there is just one week remaining to pre-order your Westchester 50th Reunion yearbook at a special reduced rate. After November 5th the price increases. This is a wonderful opportunity to secure your copy of a cherished keepsake that celebrates the memories and connections made over the years.
Four fellow WHS classmates, Brad Buchholz, Ray Helmers, Judy Sublett Wild, and I worked for the past year to create this book. We were all in Journalism together at Westchester and reconnected to create this memory book. It contains 120 pages and includes classmate's biographies, reunion pictures, memories from 1974, an "In Memoriam" section, excerpts of our senior wills are included (if you remember making them), and much more.
Don't let this chance slip away, place your order today and ensure that your yearbook arrives before the end of November. Capture the essence of your reunion and relive those unforgettable moments. Order now and be part of this special celebration!

Congratulations to the

Westchester Class of 2024

Scholarship recipients!

The Westchester Alumni Association awarded six Westchester Class of 2024 seniors with scholarships.   Thank you to our amazing Westchester alumni for their generous donations!   


Congratulations to the

Westchester Class of 2023

Scholarship recipients!

The Westchester Alumni Association awarded six Westchester Class of 2023 seniors with scholarships.   Thank you to our amazing Westchester alumni for their generous donations!   



Scholarship Recipients














Westchester Alumni Association Scholarship Donation

One scholarship will be dedicated

In Memory of Principal Dave Figari

The class of 1977 has created a scholarship to be awarded in 2023,  in memory of Dave Figari from the proceeds of their 45th reunion this Spring.  

From the reunion proceeds and individual donations from 1977 classmates, $1,500 was dedicated to this special In Memory scholarship from the Class of 1977!   

Please share this message with all classmates from all class years who wish to dedicate their donation to this scholarship in memory of Dave Figari for Class of 2024.  We accept checks at the address below or credit cards and PayPal via a scan of the QR code below.

Westchester Alumni Association, Inc.
2208 Postoffice Street #101
Galveston, TX  77550-1989

Tax deductible donations can be accepted through Spring Branch Education Foundation at this link:



If you wish to make a donation to the Westchester Alumni Association's Student Scholarship Fund please follow the instructions below.    

Electronic Donations

  1. Electronic tax deductible scholarship donations may be made online using a credit card  by clicking the orange button below.
  2. After clicking on the button you will be transferred to a webpage hosted by the Spring Branch Independent School District. 
  3. A list of donation choices will appear on the webpage.  The Westchester Alumni Association Scholarship Fund (WAA) is near end of the list.
  4. Click the donate button beside the WAA name and follow the further instructions on the site.  You do not need a PayPal Account to donate you can use your personal credit card.


Mail Donations by Check to:

Westchester Alumni Association, Inc.

     2208 Post Office St  Suite 101

       Galveston, TX  77550-1989


Congratulations to the

Westchester Class of 2022

Scholarship recipients!

The Westchester Alumni Association awarded seven Westchester Class of 2022 seniors with scholarships.   Thank you to our amazing Westchester alumni for their generous donations!   

Angela Alvarado

Arlette Camacho

Isabella Garcia

Evelyn Chinchankar

Jazmin Orozco

Janet Truong

Daniela Valdes


Congratulations to these exceptional Westchester seniors!

Since 2007, the Westchester Alumni Association Student Scholarship Fund* has awarded $104,500 to 102 deserving, college bound Westchester Academy for International Studies graduating seniors.

Thank you to all alumni, friends, parents and students who have donated generously over the years!

*Donations to the scholarship fund are accepted all year via our website.  Click on Scholarship Donation.

The Westchester Alumni Association was established in 2005 to unite all Westchester Senior High School and Westchester Academy for International Studies alumni.   Members have the opportunities to connect with former classmates, to support our scholarship programs and continue their Wildcat Pride!

Westchester now authorized to offer International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme for Grades SIX through Twelve!!

Only 13 schools in the state of Texas offer both middle school and high school programs.

Many consider the IB curriculum the best curriculum in the world.

Shaun Wegscheid (a Westchester grad and now faculty member at Westchester) worked alongside many other Westchester staff members to bring this excellent opportunity to Westchester students.



