In Memory

John Scott Cofield - Class Of 1975

John Scott Cofield

October 21, 1957  - July 16, 1989



Picture of

DEATH July 16,  1989 (aged 31)

Memorial Oaks Cemetery   Houston, TX  USA

PLOT Section 10
MEMORIAL ID Find A Grave #140782843 · 


Gone 31 years now. John is reported to have died in a car accident. RIP 

Left by Mack McCormick on 2 Feb 2021

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12/28/12 10:11 PM #1    

George Allen Cowan (1975)

John Cofield passed away in a car accident some time before 1995, although I do not know the exact year.  I grew up with John, as we lived in the same neighborhood.  John was a decent fellow, always calm, gentle, kind, and with a good sense of humor.  Really a good guy, and he is greatly missed. 

04/10/23 05:25 PM #2    

David Alan Lee (1975)

John and I were roomates at Texas State Technical Institute in Waco where he was in the automotive technician course and I was in the HVAC technnician course. Our first year we drank and partied hard almost every weekend. During our second year we shared an apartment and kept that party spirit going. We got super drunk one night and ran from the only cop on duty in Bellmead at 3:30 AM in my mom's Mazda station wagon after being out disco dancing in Waco. We made it back to our apartment, popped open another beer, sat on the sidewalk and waved at the cop when he drove by. Cop slowed down and he looked really pissed at us. That same year, he and I made a road trip to Austin to visit some of his friends at UT and go out dancing. Bunch of us ended up at a cowboy topless club called the Pink Pussycat. John tried to convince me to not go home with one of the dancers, but I did anyway. When she finally dropped me off at John's friends apartment the next morning, they were just waking up and I will never forget all of them looking at me coming thru the door and all saying "she was U-G-L-Y!!! That was the last time I wore the beer goggles. When he & I were living in the dorm, we had bunk beds. John came in drunk about 3 AM and woke me up trying to climb in his top bunk. As soon as he got comfy, I put both my feet against his mattress and launched him into the air out of his bed where he landed hard on the floor. He was so pissed, he picked up all my books and threw them through the closed window. It was 20 degrees and snowing outside and needless to say, we shivered that night, but I don't think John could feel much. John & I became good friends during those two years. We were both very quiet and unassuming "church boys" in highschool, but we wasted no time letting the demons out. Damn, we had fun! After we graduated, John got a really good job at Peacock Cadillac and I went to Dallas for my job. I was very sad when his mom called me years later and told me about his accident. According to his mom, John went out drinking, hit a telephone pole driving home and wasn't wearing his seatbelt. He didn't survive. I've been wearing my seatbelt and have a self-imposed two drink limit ever since, but I'm still reliving those good times! 

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