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Newest Members
Jane Albin (Stogner)
Barbara Allen
Margie Anderson (Reynolds)
Melinda Anderson (Rusin)
Sandy Anderson (Uhrig)
Katharine Anthem (Berry)
Donald Ayers
Vearl Bacon
Larry Badgett
Allen Baldwin
Joyce Barnes (Loeffel)
Rita Becker (Holmberg)
Dick Bell
Gary Blubaugh
Terry Boese
Judy Bomberger (Train)
Judy Borth (Lutz)
Mary Bowers (Bowers)
John Brandsted
Sandra Brennan
Larry Busby
John Buster
Linda Carlson (Riffel)
Gary Casebeer
Tom Colahan
Janie Coulson (Smith)
Gene Czaplinski
Bob DeTour
Anita Dove (Dorf)
Scott Dunham
Arthur 'Butch' Duske
Larry Dyer
Frances Ediger (Becker)
Mike Edwards
Twila Ensminger (Mehl)
Wayne Ensminger
Mary Farmer (Campbell)
Carl Farnsworth
Valeta Fernberg (Waner)
Bonnie Flickenger (Peterson)
Dan Frantz
Pat French (Snyder)
Charles 'Chuck' Fry
Alvin Geren
Richard Gier
Phyllis Goad (Coup)
Scott Goering
Carol Goff (Powell)
Gary Goff
Tom Goranson
Lucinda Hale (Reynolds)
Lawrence Hall
Marvin Hall
Dennis Hamilton
Beverly Hansen (Barnes)
Judy Harris (Carey)
Patty Hartman (Edwards)
Pete Heidebrecht
Donald Herbers
David Hiebert
Tina Hiebert (Peterson)
David Holmberg
Linda Hoover (Allen)
Donna Howard (Patrick)
Mary Marie Howe (Myers)
Mike Hultberg
Gary Hungerford
Cecil Johnson
Charles Johnson
Claryce Johnson
Deanna Johnson (Bell)
Eugene Johnson
Shirley Johnson (Bartel)
Tina Johnston (Shoemaker)
Cynthia Kail (Stockham)
Robert Kaufman
Howard 'Kit' Kittell
Sandi Kling (Schrag)
Marilyn Koehn (Hamler)
Sharon Koehn (Rishel)
Shirley Koehn (Kelly)
Constance Krehbiel
Homer Krehbiel
Millie Krehbiel (Peterson)
Steve Larson
Jerry Lasater
Harvey Lauderdale
Monty Lawler
Jean Layton (Hinkle)
Marcia Leach (Dial)
Marjorie Ledell
Ray Loeckle
Gary Lohf
Sharon Lowe (Beckwith)
DeLawrence 'DD' Lundberg
Connie Mantz (Luttig)
Henry Martin
Tim Matthaei
Ralph McAninch
Mary Jack McFarland
Gary Mehl
Mary Miller (Beavers)
Alan Mitchell
Phil Mogenson
Suzanne Naylor (Seidel)
Ed Nelson
Marna Norris (Goranson)
Gene Norton
Don Olson
Roy Parsons
Dean Peer
Bill Pendlay
Regena Perll (Johnson)
Leonard Peterson
Radean Peterson
Ron Peterson
Loyd Pickett
Mike Pierce
Pat Randle (Coleman)
JoAnn Reed (Howell)
Linda Rivett (Becker)
Cheryl Rosproy (Rogers)
Janet Sager (Thompson)
Bob Schaff
Virgil Schoen
Larry Schrag
Nancy Seidel (Walker)
Bill Shirk
George Shirk
Cheryl Smith (Brazell)
Pam Smith (Newman)
David Sorenson
Dale Sprague
Linda Stevenson
Richard Stieben
Elaine Stoneback (Skinner)
Diane Stucky (Gering)
Susan Stucky (Reimer)
Marian Switzer (Hall)
Donna Taylor (Shamet)
Julia Tharp (Green)
Bob Thomas
Jim Tieszen
Blanche Tornquist (Smith)
Phil Turner
Pat Vance (Donaldson)
Rosalie Vanderbilt (Harris)
Dianna Walker (Bruce)
Benny Watson
Bob White
Olive Widiger (Snyder)
Lenna Wiebe (Peterson)
Mimi Williams (Dixon)
Kenneth Wilmoth
Terry Wokaty
Jean Yoder (Beachell)
Sharon Young (Rose)
Linda Yowell (Auld)
Joe Zerger
Guest Members
Phil Darrah (Class Of…
Jack Hodges
Margo Lackie (Drummond)
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