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Long overdue MOST SINCERE THANKS to Mike Scott who motivated me to initiate this site. If you like the site, "Thank you!!!" If you don't like the site, blame Mike.
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Need to join this site? First, try the "Join Here" link at the login field. If that doesn't work, click "Contact Leigh," tell me the years you attended the AHS, graduation year (if it applies), and I will send instructions.
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Famous biographer Robert Caro stated, "Power doesn't corrupt; it reveals." Remind you of anyone?
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Click HERE for links to listings of interesting places in Mexico City and competing cities.
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Lincoln: "It’s my belief that the most ethical way to go about influencing other people is through argumentation, which respects their individuality, and respects their freedom, and seeks their free assent."
Juarez: "Entre Los Individuos, Como Entre Las Naciones, El Respeto Al Derecho Ajeno Es La Paz." Click HERE.
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Classmates, we are coming up on the 13th anniversary of this website. We have almost 1,000 names in the database, although only just over half are active with valid email addresses (the 154 names on the In Memory page are inactive, except for one poor bastard who I added there prematurely, who I later, as Charles Dickens said, "Recalled to life."). Check the geographic distribution (Where We Live, in right hand column) of active registrants.
Building and maintaining the site is great fun, and as usual I invite comments, suggestions, and complaints. That's how we make this site better! God Bless America! ¡Viva México!
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Why I want to be in the tourism trade, click HERE . Or maybe not.
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<== Humor 4 page updated February 1, 2023.
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Reaonable likeness of your friendly webmaster Leigh on a good day:
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This site went live 9/3/2011 and the database currently lists 846 classmates of which 145 appear on the In Memory page. We have registrants from 41 US states, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, 13 Mexican states (including CDMX), and 12 other countries. Log in today to update your profile, or click HERE as I welcome suggestions. Graduated before '59? After '69? You can still join! Click HERE, send your name, email address, and graduation or attendance date, and I will list you to the closest graduation date.
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Unforgettable Comments Teachers Made to Students, click HERE.
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Test: Did you really live in Mexico? Click HERE.
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Return frequently for:
- "This Day in History" (Right column, waaay down).
- "What's New" at upper left to see birthdays (if you added month and date to your profile. The year does not appear).
- "Profile Updates" at right.
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Click HERE to see 60 photos that captured "cool" in the 60's.
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Click HERE for jukebox with hundreds of 60's songs.
Because the Class of '65 is the very essence of chivalry, gentility, generosity AND modesty, we welcome AHS classmates, friends from similar Mexico City schools, and all who attended the American School from 1959 through 1969 to join 65's free site, click HERE for information.