Classmate Profiles (1952)

     Contains profile information: 3
     In Memory: 16
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 11
     Military Service: 3
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Opal Ashworth
Mary Berry (Scott)  
Robert Berry
Jimmie "Jo" Blalock (White)   
Bobby Burton
Eldon Cooke  
Wanda Dimsdle
Charles Doughdrill
Mary Lena Griffin (Woody)   
Don Hines   
Dwayne Howle   
Jack Howle
Charles Douglas Ingram  
Julia Kirbo (Johnson)   
Charles Kirkland
Bentley Lloyd   
Alma Lou Low (Bright)  
Don Matheson    
Ommie Lee Meredith (Gilbreath)   
Ronald Mitchell
Bobby Pinkston  
Billy Adrian Poe   
Byron Roberts  
Parker Wayne Sullivan
Dwain Turner   
Roger W. Walker   
Lila Mae Warren   
Rayford Wilbanks    

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