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Sandy Clark Kleisley

Profile Updated: August 31, 2021
Sandy Clark
Sandy Clark


Sandy Clark


Sandy Clark


Yes! Attending Reunion
Mark Kleisley
Residing In:
Hilton, NY USA
Children and/or Stepchildren:
Joe born 1973 & Angel born 1983
Stepchildren: Michael born 1979 & Michelle born 1984
Grandchildren? How many?

10 granddaughters: Deanna, Emily, Alyssa, Kayla, Jessica, Adrianna, Ariel, Sarah, Leea and Maya. As of this date (Jan 2021) the eldest is 20 yrs old and the youngest is 12.

Do you still see/talk to/hang out with any classmates? Who?

I made many friends at CHS. Some I've kept in contact with all these years; but mostly Marcia Mechler, who has been my best friend since grade school. Mar is my sister from another mother. A more generous & loving heart you will never meet!

I met Marilynn Sams (class of 70) over 25 years ago when we worked together at Delco, but I never knew her in school. We quickly became besties, and she is another "sister" to me who I love dearly and enjoy going on adventures with.

A few of us have become especially close and get together often for breakfast (pre-pandemic). I have so much love for my sister-friends: Sue Wayne, Deb Walter & Carol Incardone.

I also reconnected with Patty Sage in 2019 and have come to love her more than I can say. Patty now lives in an assisted living facility due to many health issues. My visits with her leave me feeling blessed to know her and wishing I could get her out of there & move her in with me. Sadly, that's just not possible with 2 adult children back home. (Full house)

Many, many others I reconnected with just a few years ago through Facebook. Approx 15 - 20 of us were meeting for dinner every month, again that was pre-pandemic. I sure hope we can get back to that soon. I love & miss them all so much. They include: Denise Noakes (& her side-kick Eileen Keegan), Susette Enright, Barb Osborn, Mary Bouton, Mary Farrell, Donna Lehr, Judy Carmestro (72), Carol Stanley, Jim Reitter (72), Debbie Gray, Debbie Warner, Pat Jarvis, and of course Sue Wayne, Deb Walter, Carol Incardone, & Marcia Mechler. Occasionally we are joined by: Sharon Brule, Char Pfhal, Molly Morante, Linda Bailey, Jan Ferris (72), & Maz Collichio (72).

Denise always brings cake (or cupcakes) for desert to celebrate whoever has a birthday that month. And Jim sometimes brings cheesecake. We have so much fun! (Hope I didn't leave anyone out, apologies if I did!)

What are your memories of high school (i.e. embarrassing moment, funniest thing you did in high school, favorite high school hang out, favorite teachers)?

If you want to know my secret crushes, you'll have to go to Class Forums then click on "Who Was Your High School Crush?".

If you want to see an embarrassing photo of me, look at my CHS pic from 7th grade below. Wow, I looked like such a dork back then! Haha!

Funny but embarrassing memory: It was also 7th Grade: Walking to school down Lake Avenue with my brother and a few of his friends; I had a crush on one of the friends and we were talking .... I was so engrossed in our conversation and wasn't looking where I was going ... sure enough, I walked right into a fire hydrant, flipped over it, my skirt flew up exposing everything! They all laughed at me. I wanted to die at the time but of course I can laugh at it now :-)

Who was/were your closest friend(s) in school?

Marcia Mechler

What did you do right after high school?

Got a job as a nurse's aide at Lakeshore Nursing Home.

What did you want to do or think you were going to do when you finished high school?

I had no clue.

Biggest thing you would do differently if you went back to your time at CHS?

Not skip class all the time! And I would also get involved in things like Music Theatre & Sports.

School Story:

If you don't know me, I'm not surprised! By 10th grade I skipped more than I was there, until I just quit going altogether after 11th. Yes, I was that bad. And yes, it embarrasses me that I was such an idiot back then and I totally regret it. At least I did return to school to get my GED (night classes) when I was pregnant for my 1st born.

Past jobs?

I have held many various jobs over the years including nurse's aide in Lakeshore Nursing Home, office manager at a building supply company, a customer service rep at Verizon Wireless.

My longest employment was 21 years at Delco Products where I also held several various jobs; started on the assembly line for several years, moved to inspection, then I taught statistical quality control to fellow employees for a year, left that & became a 1st line supervisor for 2 years. I hated supervision so I went back to hourly and became a fork lift driver for the last several years I was there.

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I reconnected with Mark Kleisley at our 20th class reunion and we have been together every single day since. So weird how I never felt anything for Mark other than friendship when we were in school, but when we met again 20 years later, I knew instantly that he was "the one" for me. We got married in 1993. Mark is the love of my life and treats me like a queen.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Mostly I love spending time with family & friends (like most of us) but besides that I enjoy gardening, reading, and creating graphics and websites to name just a few.

States you've lived in?

Just NY state - Born & raised here and most likely will die here.

Countries you've visited?

Mexico, Canada, Bahamas, Jamaica

Like most of us, I've been to Canada many times and for several years I had a time share in the Bahamas with my ex.

Mark & I have been to Jamaica several times (love Jamaica!) and hope to go again one of these days. We have also been to Mexico but that's about it. I'd still love to see Europe but not so sure that's in the cards anymore.

I wanted to travel all over in my younger years when I neither had time nor money to do so, but now that I could travel if I wanted to, I'm mostly content to enjoy life at home with my friends, family and our 2 sweet toy poodles. Yes, I've become a homebody!

Favorite vacation spot?

Jamaica! Yah mon!

What did you always want to do that you haven't done yet?

Sky dive - came close to doing it once but chickened out. ;-)

How do you see yourself in 10 years?

Longevity is not in my DNA, so most likely I'll be singing with the angels ;-)

If you could build a second house anywhere, where would it be?


Any words of wisdom?

Live each day as if it were your last because you never know when it will be.

Anything else you'd like to share?

I love being retired and have no idea how I had time for anything else when I was working and raising kids.

Sandy's Recent Comments

Aug 31, 2021 at 1:28 PM

Thank you to everyone who came to the reunion! In my humble opinion, it was the BEST ever because YOU were there! I just wish we had had the forethought to keep the party going somewhere else - it ended too soon!

Posted: Dec 13, 2020 at 2:42 PM
Our wedding June 5, 1993 - newly blended family
Mark's son top left, my son top right
My daughter bottom left, Mark's daughter bottom right
Posted: Dec 13, 2020 at 2:35 PM
My wedding day with my new stepdaughter (left) and my daughter (right)
Posted: Jan 15, 2021 at 8:19 AM
Taken at Letchworth 2017
Posted: Jan 15, 2021 at 1:56 PM
Me - 7th grade orchestra - when I looked like a dork haha
Posted: Jan 15, 2021 at 8:17 AM
My family - taken when I was 16
Posted: Jan 15, 2021 at 8:16 AM
Our daughter Angel with 2 of our granddaughters
Posted: Jan 15, 2021 at 8:16 AM
Us with our 10 grandgirls 2012
