Below you will see the slide show of SLHS created last year.


Again, at each corridor was a security guard screaming

at students if they were in the hallway during class. At first,

I thought they were screaming at me. 

Also, do you remember our Cafeteria? 

It is now used for students who have been expelled. 

I spoke with the Principal and asked why there were so many students

(at least 100 students) in the cafeteria at 10:00 am and

she told me if they were expelled and the students were on the premises,

they would receive state funding for that student. 

As you watch the slide place your mouse over the slide

and a description of the slide will appear.

Now we all know that our students were angels?


Julie Ferriera Passanisi

Class of 1968

San Leandro High School


Update on the statis of our SLHS - New 9th Grade Campus

School Board Names Ninth Grade Campus After Fred Korematsu

In a unanimous decision, the San Leandro School Board

named the new ninth grade campus after Fred Korematsu

at its meeting on December 15, 2009. The decision came after

consideration of seven names was reduced to choices

between Freshman and Fred Korematsu. The official name

will be "San Leandro High School, Fred Korematsu Campus.

" The decision also came before Kathryn Korematsu

and Karen Korematsu, Fred Korematsu's wife and daughter,

respectively made it to the meeting and addressed

the Board. The Board also approved the first interim

budget and elected new officers. Mike Katz-Lacabe will

serve as President, Lisa Hague will serve as Vice President,

and Hermy Almonte will serve as Clerk.

(reference from San Leandro Bytes)


Name San Leandro school after Fred Korematsu

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 15:41

Dear Friends, Fred Korematsu was arrested in San Leandro,

California, in 1942, for simply being of Japanese ancestry

and refusing to obey the military orders to report to

internment camps for Japanese-Americans for the

duration of the war. Sixty-seven years later, the

San Leandro School Board is taking nominations

for the naming of a new school, the new 9th grade

campus for San Leandro High School. Many persons

in San Leandro, including myself, believe the school

should be named after Korematsu.. I have been in

communication with Karen Korematsu and this

effort has the support of the Korematsu family.

Korematsu was a true hero of the civil rights movement.

While he lost his case in 1944, the reasoning of the

dissenting justices in the opinion twenty years later

became the majority view on the Supreme Court and

was cited in one landmark civil rights case after another.

In 1998, President Bill Clinton awarded Korematsu the

Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor

in the United States, saying, "In the long history of our

country's constant search for justice, some names of

ordinary citizens stand for millions of souls.

Plessy, Brown, Parks . . . to that distinguished list,

today we add the name of Fred Korematsu."

Naming the 9th grade campus after Korematsu

provides the opportunity to inspire students of

today and tomorrow to achieve educational success

and become active participants in our democracy. It will

show that we admire the determination Korematsu in

standing up for his rights and that of all Americans

to not be deprived of their liberty simply because of

their race, ethnicity or national origin.

(reference from APAP – Asian Pacific Americans)
