In Memory

James (Jed) MacDonald VIEW PROFILE

James (Jed) MacDonald

MacDonald, James E. "Jed"

MacDonald, James E. "Jed" (31) passed away at his home, Tuesday, November 24, 1992 of complications due to the AIDS virus. He is survived by his mother, Dalice Snyder of Kennewick, WA; his father, R. Edward MacDonald, Spokane; his sisters Nancy Lindberg, Spokane; Mary Jean Bryant, Mt. View, CA; and their families; his aunt and uncle, Marge and Doug Wailine and their family of Spokane; numerous aunts, uncles and cousins and many friends. He graduated from Mead High School in 1980 where he was a Soloist with the Jazz Choir. He worked as a Waiter and Manager at several restaurants in Honolulu, HI and Spokane and served as a volunteer for AIDS LifeLink and Hospice of Spokane. Memorial Service will be held in Hazen Monroe Funeral Home, N. 1306 Monroe St., Saturday, November 28, 1992 at 1 P.M. Memorials should be directed to Spokane AIDS Network.  Source: Spokesman Review




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08/25/09 08:33 PM #2    

Candace Little (Gremler)

Jed and I both attended Whitworth Elementary School. For some reason we didn't like each other very much. Then at Church camp at Davis Lake in the summer of 1977. Jed asked for my forgiveness and I asked for his. After that we were smiling-in-the-hall pals. Then one day, waiting for choir to begin, Jed asked me to pray for him. He didn't want to say why, and I didn't ask. At the 10 year reunion, I got to talk with Jed. He'd experienced a lot in those 10 years, some good, some really tough, but he seemed finally to be really happy. I was sad to learn that Jed passed away on November 24, 1992, but glad to know that the same Life Link with which he had so faithfully volunteered, had cared for him until he went home to be with Jesus. I know he's one of the funniest tenors in the Lord's choir, and I can't wait to see him again one day.

08/29/09 05:07 PM #3    

Shannon Maroney (Kelly)

Jed and I became close buddies through Symphonic and Jazz Choir. We shared the love of dancing and music-I enjoyed all our harmonizing in his VW as we drove down the road. Jed was a great dancer-we would frequent an underage disco club called "Arnolds" downtown. What an aerobic workout! Jed also had a great sense of humor and a laugh that was contagious! In Gourmet class, Jed would always find crazy/funny ways to play with the food we were suppose to be preparing. His antics always left me with tears streaming down my face and my abdomen screaming in pain from laughing so hard! I'm sure Mrs. Bafus had her patience stretched on many occasions while teaching our class.

Jed and I kept in and out of touch after graduation and at our 10th reunion I'm glad we had time to hug and get reacquainted. I saw Jed shortly before he passed away..I knew he wasn't well, but being Jed...he didn't like people to worry about him and told me he was "fine". When I got the call that he had passed away my heart broke in two. He had a heart the size of Texas and it showed through the selfless kindness, support and comfort he showed to others in their time of suffering.

I think of Jed often these past years and remember all the times he made me laugh and it gives me comfort. I am proud to have been his friend and confidant. I miss him very much, yet I know I will see him again in heaven. I agree with Candy: "Jed"= "Being one of the funniest tenors in the Lords choir".

09/25/09 09:37 PM #4    

Angela Gratto ((Ross) Higgs)

I actually saw Jed in his last days as I was working for an organization that provided respite care for the care takers of chronically or terminally ill. He was using an assumed name so I am surprised to see that his obituary was so forthright in its information. Due to that I feel it is ok to share my experience. He was so very ill and weak but had a fighting spirit. He knew that his days were numbered and yet he was calm and matter a fact. He shared his dismay at others knowing some of the choices he had made in life but comfortable within himself in those choices. He was concerned more for those about him even though he expressed some fear. He allowed me 'in' which was such an honor. He talked of some classmates who he felt especially close. I am sorry but I can't remember (I am terrible with names) except one young man who he said was his best friend through high school. He spoke of you as having been there through many tough times. Meeting him again is a treasured memory - I cried as I left that appointment. I am crying as I write this because these moments are ones that mold a person. I am so honored to have know Jed. I believe that victims of long terms illnesses especially painful ones like cancer and AIDS go to a place before heaven where their souls are given restoration. Then they enter whatever blessed place they believe exists. Jed may you be in a blessed place where your spirit and soul have gone to rest and be restored. Thank you for sharing a bit of your spirit with me.

03/10/10 10:52 PM #5    

Heidi Reintanz (Jordan)

I'll never forget, when much to my surprise, Jed wrote me a quick note on the envelope of a Christmas card that came thru his station when he was working for the Post Office in about 1983 or so. It was so thoughtful and so just fun loving Jed.

04/27/10 02:11 PM #6    

Conway Todd Barber (N/A)

It's like I always knew Jed - grade school through high school.  Their yard was funny with the wooden indian statues and assorted things all over (behind the No. 5 fire station).  Jed was an independant sort of guy.  He was always well meaning and sensitive in how he perceived the world around him.  He had a many sides to his personality and he seemed to get along real well with people, especially pretty girls.  Jed did like to play hard, even though he was a fat little kid.  As a fellow kid, I had to admire how he tried so hard to do things and was amazingly successful - climbed trees, worked on small gasoline engines, built his own little clubhouse (with his dad), loved to blow things up with firecrackers, rode his bicycle everywhere, was amazingly artistic, and list goes on.  He loved his mom, dad, and sisters with all his heart.  I think middle school and Jr. high were tough for Jed.  I saw Jed about 1987 and he was not the porky guy I had always known him to be, but was a regular kinda guy.  He had an aire about him that spoke of his being adjusted with things as opposed to being somehow wanting - like he had finally arrived.  When I learned of his passing, it was sad to know that his colorful personality was gone.  I know there is a place for him in heaven.  R.I.P. Jed.

05/26/10 03:31 PM #7    

Sheryl Fitzpatrick

Jed was one of the first friends that I met when I moved from Idaho and started attending Mead Jr High. His smile and laugh was so contagious, we were always cracking up at something. I loved hanging out with him as he was so mischievious at times and he always seemed to get away with it. 

One time, that I can account for was sitting at his table with the normal crowd of friends, in the Jr High Cafeteria.  Unfortunately, the meal for that particular day had included a roll and pat of butter. Instead of doing the whole food fight thing, we would patrol the area for the principal, then non-chalantly toss our pat of butter up on the ceiling. We laughed all through lunch hour about how the custodians were going to get it off or how it was going to melt and drip down on one of those hot summer days.

Never the less, the next time we tried it, we thought we were so clever in hiding our secrets, that each of us were called out of class just to go clean up the ceiling in the cafeteria. It wasn't suppose to be so funny at that point, but just being with Jed still was a hoot.

I had spent some time with Jed during high school but we seemed to go different ways and lost contact with him. I saw him a few times after high school when he worked at a drug store at the "Y". He always seemed happy with a big smile on his face and his jolly laugh made me follow suit. I still miss him and will always remember my first friend at Mead, may he always rest in peace.

01/31/21 12:15 PM #8    

Julie Bunday (Pirtle)

Oh, Jed. I wish I would have written this long ago, but here I am now. My first memories of Jed were during our middle school years. Kids that age can be tyrants and our class had quite of few of them. Jed was their target and he suffered a lot of bullying. My heart always broke for him and I was amazed at how he could look beyond that and still be the warm and loving boy that he was then. I know those times were not easy. Fast forward to high school and the opportunity I had to become close friends with him through our choir experiences. He had a voice beyond his years and I loved hearing him sing. He was so encouraging to all of us and a hug from him was the best hug ever. I have so many memories of all the shennanigans we all had together on our choir trips and at Jazz Camp every summer. He was usually somewhere in the center of it all, laughing mischieviously.

At our 10 year reunion, I was lucky enough to get one of those wonderful hugs. I spent time catching up with  Jed and he showed me how he was shooting a video greeting for Mike, who was gravely ill. Mike couldn't be there but Jed was going to make sure he was part of it anyway. Not long after, Mike passed away. Jed called me out of the blue to tell me and to ask if I would please send his family a card that contained my memories of Mike. He said his family was having a difficult time and he hoped it would help them. Of course I did as he asked.

Little did I know that not much time later, I would get the news that Jed had passed away. I was devastated as I didn't know he was ill. Then I remembered that phone call regarding Mike. There had been such an urgency in his voice. I think he knew then that he was also ill and was thinking about his family at the same time and hoping that we would all do the same for them. That would be like think of others first.

I raised a son who stuck out of the crowd just like Jed did, but it was because of his height. Just like Jed, he was bullied and it was heartbreaking as a Mom to see my son so defeated. But then...I would remember Jed and I knew that it would all be ok in the end...and it was.

I think of you often Jed. Everytime I hear the song "Candy" performed, I only hear you singing it. Thank you for being such an amazing, beautiful light. Love you.

02/01/21 09:03 AM #9    

Candace Little (Gremler)

Wow, what wonderful memories we all have of our belived fun loving Jed. I sent his mom a card after he passed. She was with him at the end, they say. He was blessed to have her for a mom. Can't believe it's been almost 30 years since his passing. What will people say of each of us? Let's work on that, starting now, to build a legacy of smiles and hugs and kindness and love. In loving memory, Jed. 

02/03/21 02:20 PM #10    

Jenny Parr (Earlscourt)

I got to know Jed in Symphonic and Jazz choirs in high school. He was such a funny and nice guy and always made me feel at ease. I was a pretty shy and quiet person and it was difficult for most people to try and get to know me. But Jed was one of the few people who took the time to talk to me and get me to come out of my shell. He was so easy and fun to be around and I always enjoyed talking to him. He had a way of making this introverted, quiet girl feel special. I was so saddened when I heard of his passing and I still feel sad all these years later that this world is missing such a kind hearted and loving soul. Rest in paradise Jed.

07/19/21 11:29 PM #11    

Karen Pooley

Jed,I will always remember your handsome face when you were working at the Pink Hotel in Honolulu! You had lost all your weight, you were so happy, tan and lovin' on life! We were not always so nice to each other in grade school (both smart-asses that we were!) I am certain you are the center of a good party up in heaven and waving your rainbow flag! Belated love to you, dear friend!

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