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Albert [Bud] Adams
Theresa (Terri) Adams (Atki…)
Paul Agather
Tammy Albin (Olson)
Jane Alexander (McMullen)
Stephen Alexander
James Andersen
Bill Anderson
Ed Anderson
Julie Anderson
Kris Anderson
Rawly Anderson (Anderson)
John Angelo
Lisa Angelo (Loveland)
Karen Arnold
Janet Ashley
James Atkinson
Mark Atwood
Barbara Augustino (Engen)
Kevin Aukerman
Kurt Bachtold
Memorie Baker (Stanton)
Katia Bandera
Conway Todd Barber (N/A)
Jeff Barker
Dave Barrett
Rae-Ann Bartlett (Wallace)
Brad Bates
William Baugh
Gregory Beadles
Christina Beck
Regina Belville
Jeffrey Bendewald
Marilyn Bennett
Tamara Benson (Rowley)
Wilma Bentley (Richardson)
Becky Berg
Charles Bernard
Kari Bieker (Cornelius)
Kimberly Bieker (Coombs)
Lesa Biever (Pechia)
Brian Binsfield
Marla Bishop
Christine Bjerke (Blashill)
Dave Black
David Black
Eugene Black
Joseph Blashill
Darryl Bliss
Linda Bocksch (Mega)
Teresa Bongers (Hadish)
Erva (Rob) Bonnett
Deanna Borchert (Lesser)
Bill Bouten
Mike Bowlin
Nancy Bowman
Dale Breitkreutz
Debbie Breshears (Paul)
Steve Bresnahan
Stephanie Britton
Kenneth Brodrick
LeeAnn Brooker (Hancock)
Marcella Brown
Julie Bunday (Pirtle)
Michael Bunke
Doug Burchett
Kevin Burkhead
Angela Byrd (Johnstone)
Carol Canfield (Pope)
Ann Marie Carley (Ross)
Kimberly Carosella (Stewart)
Glenn Carpenter Jr
Maurice Carter
Shane Chamberlin
Ronald Chapman
Suzanne Chouinard (Wyse)
Darrell Christensen
Curtis Clark
Diana Clark (Riggins)
Marshall Clark
Matthew Clark
Darryl Clukey
Harold Coelho
Colan Collier
Yvonne Colling
Daniel Collins
Terese Conkling (Niska)
Michael Connelly
Susan Cooper
Debbie Cornwell
Jim Coryat
Mike Costello
Kevin Cowell
Randy Cox
Richard Cox
Troy Coyne
Scott Cozza
Stacy Crain (Lorenzen)
Mike Crandell
James Crisler
Rebekah Crofoot (Grant)
Stanley Curless
Debra Curley
Gary Curry
Susan Curtis (Remillard)
Philip Cuzzetto
Ramona (Heather) Dahlgren
David Damiano
Jens Dammann
David Danly
Kenneth Daratha
Colleen Davis (Auble)
Michael Dawson
Bryan Dearden
Charee Deems (Tillotson)
Lawrence Dehle
Clayton Deiss
Pamela Desmond
Caroline DeWitt (Kloetsch)
Todd DeWitt
Letitia Dick (Kronenberg)
Gregory Dietrich
Dave Dill
Jason Dixon
Mark Dobratz
Julie Donahoe (Jackson)
Timothy Dorsett
Kimberly Dougherty
Lori Douthitt (Struckman)
Geoffrey Downes
Scott Drader
Wade Drake
Don Driscoll
Janice Dunn
Patricia Durheim (Hoeck)
Daniel Dutton
Robert Earle
Rose Eberth (Byrd)
Shelley Emtman Eccles (Draper)
David Ellingsen
Scott Ellis
Karen Eneroth (Langager)
Lori Erb (Toews)
Cheryl Erpenbach (Hastings)
Debra Evans
Mark Evans
Todd Evans
Mikki Fanning (Sparks)
Susan Farrell
Jeff Fawcett
Bruno Feige
Julie Fender (Shepard)
Debbie Ferguson (Smith)
David Fielding
Jonathan Finkel
Sheryl Fitzpatrick
Cheryl Fitzsimmons (Clarson)
Barbara Flager
Pamela Fleming (Gates)
Stephen Flinn (Flinn)
Elinor Foltz
Geoffrey Forshag
Charles Franco
Aric Frank
Kymberlee Franklin
Scott Franz
Melissa Frase (Alfstad)
Robert Freeman
Ron Freeman
David Freitag
DeeAnn Friedlander (Brandley)
Bonnie Froemming
April Fuller (Hermann)
Susan Gable (Cress)
Deanna Gaertner
Terri Gaffney (Christensen)
Elizabeth Gant (Hill)
Teresa Garber (Quesinberry)
Stacy Gardner (Craig)
Steve Garr
Patti-Jo Garritty (McCaffery)
Kathleen Genest
Daniel Gibby
Deanna Gifford
Tom Gifford
Tracy Gilchrist
Craig Gill (Gill)
Cristi Gionet (Rowbotham)
Roger Glanville
Susan Glover (Neff)
Mike Goolie
Patricia Gould (Sargent)
Melody Gow
Kim Graham
Angela Gratto (Ross Higgs)
Dave Gravos
Debra Graybeal (Thompson)
Cheryl Green (Allman)
Susan Green (Spilker)
Kelly Greenwood
Carol Gregorak (Schmidt)
Michael Gregovich
Wayne Grob
Tammy Groce (Powell)
Joy Gronhovd (Day)
Cari Grover (Bickley)
Scott Grunwald
Julie Hack
Pamela Hagel
Liz Hall
Mark Hamilton
Robin Hamilton
Shawni Hamilton (Lauenroth)
Colleen Lynne Hanley-McComb
Gitte Hansen (Ohlsen)
Lori Hanson (Smith)
Roger Hanson
Joyce Harris (Harris)
Richard Harrison
Roger Harrison
Annette Healy (Miller)
Dave Helgoe
Marilee Hendren (Walker)
Joseph Hertz
Carrie Hesseltine (Lowenson)
Douglas Hill
Marty Hill
Carolyn Hiller
Laurie Hiller (Roffler)
John Hilpert
Alice Hindley (Kimball)
Shawn Hirte (Shukle)
David Hoerner
Paul Hoerner
Mary Holland
Thomas Holland
Nancy Holt
Marilyn Hook (McKenna)
Kerry Hooper (Nelson)
Tina Hoots (Young)
David Hopf
Jerri Lynn Howe (Jordan)
Garth Howell
Terrie Huckaba
Heidi Humphrey
Lynn Humphreys
Lance Hutchins
Robert Hutchinson
Scott Imholt
Jerry Inch
Larry Jack
Samuel Jackson
Wayne Jackson
Kelly Jacobson (Armstrong)
Christopher Jasper
Debbie Jasper
Kathleen Jaynes
Nancy Jenkins
Mitchell Jensen (Connie Jensen)
Ann Jenson (Vogrig)
Sheila Jernstedt (Leppell)
Andrea Johnson (Wasson)
Brad Johnson
Dan Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Mark Johnson
Phyllis (Pj) Johnson (Miller)
Lynnette Johnstone (Stone)
David Jones
Ed Jones
Cynthia Judd
Craig Justice
Lester Kauffman
Janice Kautz (Ashe)
Randall Keeney
Lisa Kelley
Dominic Kemp
Daniel Kessler
Kay Keyser
Drew Kimbrough
Kerri King (LeRoy)
Karen Kinvile
Kim Kirk
David Kistler
Stephanie Kline
Barbara Knopp (Conklin)
Vicki Knudtson (Wilson)
Shawn Koep
Vicki Koker
Laurie Kolb
Michelle Kosch
Dave Kostecka
Daniel Koterba
Kurt Krauth
Patricia Ladish (Dinger)
Jeffrey Laird
Scott Lancaster
Alan Langford
Bruce Larson
Bruce Lauerman (Lauerman)
Michael Leachman
Mark Lengyel
Michael Lewis
Micheal Lewis
Timothy Lewis
Misty Link (Lee)
Candace Little (Gremler)
Janelle Litton (Dubos)
Augustino Lucenti
John Luchini
Joseph Luke
Todd Lund
Melinda Lundy
James Lutz
Jeannett Lyons (Nelson)
James (Jed) MacDonald
Kathryn Mackey
Sheila Magee
Dawn Malikowski (Ne)
Lori Manderscheid
Tracy March
Shannon Maroney (Kelly)
Teri (Theresa) Marrazzo (Li…)
Karen Marshall
Michelle Masingill
Richelle Matheny (Harget)
Bill Mathews
Peter May
Debbie McCampbell (Burris)
Cassandra McCarthy
Lisa McCathren
Natalie McCloskey (Wilkes)
Mary McDevitt (Wigen)
Ed McGregor
Shauna McGregor (Menner)
Sheila McKenna (Stamschror)
Dave McLaughlin
Debbie McLeish
Terri McMahon
Bruce McMath
Kimberly McNairy
Timothy Meechan
Cynthia Meier (Sanchez-Jones)
Kent Merrick
Elaine Meske (Sherer)
Lisa Millay (Agather)
Christine Miller
Heidi Miller
Lyndi Miller (Phifer)
Marcy Miller
Robert Miller
Brenda Mills
Margy Mires
Roliene Mitchell
Louise Mochel
Brenda Monson (Johnson)
Sherri Moore (Hilborn)
Ty Morse
Curtis Mortenson
Linda Mott
Andrea Motz (Williams)
Colleen Murphy (Davis)
Daniel Myers
Raymond (Joe) Myers
Doug Nadvornick
Thomas Neal
Kathy Nell
Stephen Nelsen
Faith Nelson
Todd Nevard
Julie Newman (Landis)
Mark Newton
Lisa Nixon
Virginia Norwood
John Obert
Rob Odle
Michael Offield
Della O'Neall
Craig Opsal
Jamie Ortega
Donald Owens
Gregg Pangborn
Jenny Parr (Earlscourt)
Larene Patrick (Durning)
Scott Patterson
Douglas Pennell
Jody Pentz
Ken Peterson
Steven Peterson
Danelle Petretee
Jodi Petrie
Gregory Phillips
Pam Phillips (Harper)
Jill Pickens (Wiehle)
Dan Piehler
Roberta Pierce
Rennee Pierre
James Piper
Janece Poage (Herzog)
Lorie Pogue
Karen Pooley
Gary Pope
James Popp
Mark Porter
Lance Pounder
Todd Powell
Lori Powers
Michael Prestley
Nicki Preston (Kamimoto)
James Price
Jeff Prindle
Kelley Pringle (Jorgensen)
Monte Pryor
Debra Pugh (Chandler)
Mark Puleo
Virginia Puleo (Franco)
Robert Quackenbush
Kathryn Radka
Gordon Rand
Judy Randles
Jeff Ray
Carolyn Reames
Casey Rector
Heidi Reintanz (Jordan)
Lori Reiss
Anthony Rice
Larry Rice
Melinda Riddle (Greene)
Melissa Riddle (Sullivan)
Sandy Riley
Karin Robb (Peterson)
Joye Roberts
Karla Roberts
Mark Robertson
James Robideaux
Joe Robideaux
Lori Robinson
Virginia Roeber
Jeffery Rohrenbach
Arlon Rosenoff
Tom Rouleau (Rouleau)
Jeannie Rowe
Laura Rushton (McConnell)
Cheryl Russell
Denise Russell (Cummings)
Edwin Russell
Jo Dee Russell (Brooker)
Carolyn Ryan
Sandy Saffer
Shawna Sanford (Byrne)
Tracey Santa Rosa (Kipp)
Marc Schatz
Marv Schlepp
Monte Schlichter
Joseph Schlosser
Leslie Schmautz
Dena Scholl
Albert Schreiner
David Schultz
Cheryl Scott
Dawn Scott
Kirk Scott
Mike Scott
Marlin Seefeldt
Robert Seghetti
Sandy Seipp
Gloria Shadowens
Julie Shaw
William Shaw
Donald Shelton
James Sheneman
Robin Sherwood
Scott Shirley
Robert Shores
David Sicardo
John Sicilia
David Skaer
Ellen Skaer
Stephanie Skaggs
Steve Sleizer
Rob Smagh
Susan Smick (Thompson)
Andrew Smith (Underdahl)
Christina (Chris) Smith (Baker)
Darlene Smith (Cupp)
Eric B Smith
Erik Smith
Justin Smith
Jeffrey Snyder
Reid Sorg
Dave Soukup
Ruth Spangenberg (Siltanen)
Cindy Sparrow
David Standen
Brian Stanger
Carole Stark (Bullock)
Ann Stearns
Gregory Stein
Jeffery Stewart
Lee Stickelmeyer
Charles Stobie
Kimberly Stowell
Timothy Stroh
Doug Strong
Gayna Sullivan
Terri Sullivan
Leo Suver
Rodney Swenson
Kirk Swirczynski
James Taigen
Gregory Tapley
Budd Taylor
Janet Taylor (Eagle)
James Teter
Michael Thomas
Lane Thompson
Laurie Thompson
Scott Thompson
Tony Thompson
Kent Thornbrugh
Teresa Thune
Troy Tipke
Tammy Tofte
Mike Toutant
Maria Towle
Janeen Truscott (Leachman)
William (Jay) Tucker
Brett Twiggs
Jeff Ulrick
Marci Vanderbosch
Laurie Vandergriff
Wendy Vaughan (Bleecker)
Carla Veltri
Dan Vigil
Heather Vincent
Michael Vingo
Lori Wakenshaw
Brent Walker
Colette Walker
Merry Walker
Lori Walmsley (Abbott)
Lisa Ward (Duke)
Steven Ward
Matthew Warner
James Watanabe
Linda Watkins (LeClerc)
Mitchell Watkins
James Watson
Steven Weinhandl
Mark Werfelmann
Dorothy Wheeler (Walls)
Timothy Whitney
Debbie Wicklund
Brian Wilkes
Diana Wilkinson (Patterson)
Matthew Williams
Shayne Williams (McCaslin)
DeeAnn Winfree
Doreena Wing (Dobson)
Shelli Winkelman (Maitland)
Candace Wisemore (Pickett)
Darlene Wold
William Woodruff
Donald York
Lee Young
Suzanne Young (Block)
Theresa Zappone
Dean Ziegler
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