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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 102
     Profile contains photos: 70
     In Memory: 65
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 44
     Military Service: 8
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 102    Newest Members: 102    Latest Comments: 74  

Ted Abenheim    
Paul Anderson    
Roger Andrews    
Mike Beall     
Jan Bogue   
Jeff Boone     
Dan Britts    
Dennis Calabi    
Hugh Carter    
Marian Crumme    
Holly Downing    
Roscoe Dudley    
John Edwards     
Steve Gavazza    
Cecil W. Hall    
Steve Hart   
Tom Haydon   
Dennis H. Hayes     
Larry Hook   
Glenn Hunt   
Rob Jensen    
Russ Joy   
Douglas LeRoy    
Diane Matlock    
Bob McKee   
Peter Moy    
Gene Sies   
Bob Sisson   
Tod Spieker    

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