In Memory

Joe I. Walker (Jr)

Joe I. Walker (Jr)

Joe passed on today,  January 27, 2009 ( his birthday)

Joe had a rough life and now he is at peace.


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01/29/09 10:07 AM #1    

Gayle Reece (Reece)

I knew Joe since first grade, we lived on the same country road. When I moved back to Tyler and to my folks house, Joe was living with his folks. I stopped by his barn for a beer several times and we listened to lots of rock and roll. He loved ZZ Top. I even made him a quilt in trade for some handy man chores at my house. He was part Indian (Cherokee maybe?) and I made his quilt with all Indian theme fabric. He loved it. He built me some shelves in return. I know the last years of his life were very sad and he made bad choices, but he was always a good guy in his heart. And he was my friend.
Why do so many folks die on or around their birthdays?

01/29/09 10:27 AM #2    

Mike Grimes

Joe, I wish the last time I saw you we had not been so rushed but had taken the time to talk longer. That will always be the most special hug I got from you, my last. I'm sorry I didn't get your birthday card sent until the 27th.... maybe it will be of some comfort to your Mama. Bye, sweet friend. You'll always hold a special place in my heart..... I wish life had been kinder.
Cindy Connally Grimes

01/29/09 12:28 PM #3    

David Cates **

I am glad to hear that Joe was part Indian. When I first saw his recent picture I was troubled and I was not sure if I should post it here. Now I have some peace because he has that Indian Warrior look that you see in portraits of old Indian Chiefs. Happy hunting Joe

01/30/09 09:50 PM #4    

Jim Appleby

In grade school Joe was always the "Big Bear" to me, constantly smiling and such a great personality. Thanks to those of you who stayed in contact with him over the years. I'm sure he needed and appreciated your friendship.

01/31/09 12:55 PM #5    

Thomas A. Thompson

Joe was a really good guy, very friendly and I will miss him. R.I.P. good friend. I wish I had know he was ill.

02/02/09 09:02 AM #6    

Judith E. Loechel (Bergbower)

About 3 years ago, early one morning at 4:00am,,,,got a knock at my door,,Ray was already at work, but could hear someone out here hollering for help,,,I opened the door and to my surprise there stood Joe. He knew who I was right off. He had the wrong house but could tell he was very confused, and since that day, have wondered what happened to him. He use to be so out going and always had a beautiful smile when he saw me and a great big bear hug,,God has him now and he is in good hands,,,Rest in peace, Joe....

02/06/09 02:48 PM #7    

Gary Fout

When we were in middle school; there was a basball game where Joe came home while I was catching. I had the ball and was blocking the plate. There was a bone crunching impact and I woke up about 10 feet away with Joe's big smile in my face. He was a good friend and played a mean air guitar.

Rest well my friend.

02/09/09 10:26 AM #8    

Gayle Reece (Reece)

Several of our classmates attended Joe's funeral. It was a beautiful day and there were a lot of folks there.
I asked the family about the Indian connection and they said No, no Indian. I like David's comments so I think we should make him an "honorary" indian because that photo really does make him look warrior like.
I know he is finally pain free.
I know times have and are changing and so many are scattered about, but I have to comment on being proud to be still connected to that country life where folks take care of each other. It was the traditional funeral with Amazing Grace sung, then the graveside comments, then the wonderful country cooked food by the Dixie Baptist Church ladies. You know: fried chicken, ham, that pink sweet salad, peas from last years garden, baked beans, cakes, pies, banana pudding, sweet tea. I saw folks I had not seen in 40+ years and then there were still people who remembered my parents (they have been gone 20 yrs) from living on the Old Chandler Hwy since 1946. One man came up to me and said: "Gayle Reece", yes, "I remember riding the bus with you" It was Harold Garrett and he was a couple years older, making that 42 yrs ago. It was nice to be remembered. So just remember in our fast paced world with all the high technology that country roots are still what holds many memories together for a lot of us.

02/17/09 12:21 PM #9    

Glenn H. Sparkman

I only knew Joe during high school when we became friends playing football. I remember he could hit like a freight train, and never liked the idea of lining up in front of him. I remember goofing off with him at his home near the airport one Saturday. Always the nicest guy, I'm sorry to hear he is gone.

03/02/09 10:16 AM #10    

Audie Adams

I can't remember a lot about Joe in high school, but I remember how handsome he was.

I dated his brother for awhile and I got to know Joe & his loving parents.

Joe now you can rest in peace with no sadness or sorrows!

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