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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 131
     Profile contains photos: 75
     In Memory: 174
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 173
     Military Service: 47
   Restricted to Classmembers only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 131    Newest Members: 131    Latest Comments: 113  

Charles Argo    
Anthony Avery    
Allan Bash    
Fred Bellman    
John Benefiel    
Ronald Blaine    
James Conley    
Karen Eoff   
LeRoy Ferman    
Larry Forrest    
Patrick Gates    
Roy Gibson    
David Hall   
Charles Hanna    
Philip Hengen    
Keith Hull    
John M. Kelly     
Jerry Malter    
John Mc Kean    
John Mcaninch    
Cynthia Moore    
Jerry Noel   
Roger Norris    
Dan Northrop    
Max Patrick    
Mike Phipps    
Larry Rambo    
Marlin Raybourn     
Roger Reed   
Philip Rhodes    
Judy Ross (Webb)     
Harold See    
James Trezise    
George Vance     
Larry Wacker     
Melinda Ware    
Otis Williams     
Dana Winkler     
Harold Wylie    

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