1963 Spring Concert

BHS 1963 Spring Concert


Junior and Senior Choirs

Comin’ Through the Rye

Jig for Voices

My Bonnie Lass She Smileth

I’ll Walk With God

Land of Hope and Glory

A Cappella Choir

O Sing Your Songs

The Turtle Dove

Solo – Stanley VerNooy

I Ride an Old Paint

The Stars are With the Voyager

All in the Golden Afternoon

Waters Ripple and Flow

Sop. Solo – Diane Tedesco

Baritone Solo – Jeff Fitch

Elijah Rock

Combined Choirs

I’ve Been Buked

Country Style

I Hear a Voice A-Prayin’

Boys’ Quartet

The Story of a Tack

Alvin Yates, Stanley VerNooy, Jeffrey Fitch, Dennis Tirsch

Boys’ Glee Club

There is Nothin’ Like a Dame – solo – Dave Bayersdorfer