
Creekmur Cemetery
(click link to view cemetery on Find A Grave, which may include headstone photos, obituaries, personal photos,etc.)

Directions:  Hwy 139 North (Princeton Rd) turn onto Hwy 276 (Hurricane Rd) and go approx .5 miles.
The cemetery is on the right side of the road in a field, on the David Cunningham farm.
Creekmur Malaci, 1779--April 9, 1811
+ Creekmur Wife (Anna nee Ballance)
Creekmur George, born 1778 (War of 1812) (this could not be Andrew George, husband of Nancy.  He            was born in 1818, and was the son of Malachi.  This possibly could be brother of Malachi? or it is a typo, and needs further investigation. Records indicate that Andrew George, born in 1818, and Nancy's husband, is buried in this cemetery)
Creekmur Nancy (1C3F) (nee Cunningham), wife of George, no date (1830-??)
Creekmur George Owen, son of A & N, Oct. 18, 1845--1850 (This is possible a son of Andrew George & Nancy, but the birth year doesn't look correct.  They married in 1848, so this is either a typo, or it is not a son of theirs.)
Creekmur Spunk, 1882-1968
Creekmur Mary Jane (2C1C3F), 1852-1857 (dau of George & Nancy)
Creekmur children of George & Nancy--Mack, Mary, Malinda, Tommie, Ambie, Grasty,
                                                        Nancy, Lina & Ellen (no dates, just names)
King Mary Ann, May 2, 1819--Aug. 16, 1869
Peal Harvey, born July 11, 1820, no stone (died Jan 1902)
Peal Emily (nee Creekmur), no stone (wife of Harvey) (ca1817-bet1870-1880)
Peal Harvey, born Nov. 19, 1849, no stone
Peal William M., born Nov. 13, 1857, no stone (son of Harvey & Emily)
Peal Sarah (nee Creekmur), wife of W. (William), no stone (1859-??)
Peal Waymon G., April 1, 1848--March 21, 1871
Stone Mildred A., wife of WA, Nov. 2, 1880--March 6, 1916
Smith Eunice, dau. of FA & Sarah, Dec. 16, 1872--July 27, 1911
