Wayne Hunt






                     Senior Picture 1960


  United States Air Force Photo  Chanbley Air Force Base,France         1962

  Barbara joined me in December1962 

She was there 18 months and I was there for 21 months.


My Military Story

Active Duty:                                    June 9, 1960 to March 7, 1964

Air Force Reserves Inactive :         March 8, 1964 to September 9, 1965


  • The beginning, a well laid plan:

This is my military story that began while I was in high school, my first cousin Douglas Wheeler and I decided early on that we would not be a candidate for collage. We had a well laid plan that almost didn’t work; here is the scoop.

While we were juniors, we joined the local Georgia National Guard, (to gain some military experience) as we planned all along to join the United States Air Force under the buddy system after graduation. We did join about two weeks from graduation and were inducted on June 8, 1960.

Upon graduation we went on a trip to Daytona Beach, Florida. While we were there I received a call from my Daddy that we needed to return home as we had orders to go in the Army for six month training. I explained to Daddy that we had plans to go in the United States Air Force. Doug and I packed up and headed home. We were disappointed in what looked like a failed plan.

Unknowing to us, Daddy had called Senator Richard Russell’s office in Washington, DC.  He was chairman of the Armed Services Committee and Daddy called to ask him if he could help us.  Senator Russell was in a committee meeting, so Daddy left word for him. Within about twenty minutes Sen. Herman Talmadge called personally to Daddy, and asked him to explain what was going on. Daddy explained our intentions and that we wanted to serve our country by joining the Air Force for at least four years and not do the six months of training with the Army.  Senator Talmadge told Daddy to sit tight and someone would call soon.

Daddy received a call from Georgia National Guard Commander General Herd about two hours later,giving the good news that he signed orders to release us from the Georgia National Guard to join the Air Force. Man were we happy.............!

Doug and I went in on the buddy system and did our six weeks of basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Basic training was a new awakening for us; we wondered if we had made the right decision. Graduation day arrived and we shook hands and embraced each other -- and that ended the buddy system.

Doug went his way and I went mine. We never saw each other again while in uniform. Doug served for more than 25 years and survived three tours in Vietnam (he was very dedicated and committed to his country).

A footnote,,,,,,,,,,!

Ronnie Patterson and John Wayne Bowman made fun of us after graduation about joining the United States Air Force. We told them so long; we are out of here. Doug and I were finishing up our fifth week when we received a surprise notice that Ronnie and John Wayne were in training at Lackland Air Force Base. On one of our free days, we located them and wished them well while in training. I think we had the last laugh.

  • Basic Training Lackland  Military Training Center (ATC)  Lackland Air Force Base San Antone,Texas


  • My First Duty Assignment Lasted From July 23, 1960 to August 1962 at Air Force Missile Test Center (AFSC) Patrick Air Force Base, Cape Canaveral, Florida


  • September 9, 1960 Relieved from duty with Refueling Unit and assigned duty with Fire Equipment Repair Unit


  • August 4, 1960 I received my first airman’s stripe after arriving at Patrick from A/Basic to the rank of A/3C.


It was an exciting time at Patrick Air Force Base with it being the support base for Cape Canaveral. I saw firsthand the beginning of our space program as many night time rockets left the launch pads. We always knew when a rocket was about to be launched because the U2 planes would take off and head out over the Atlantic Ocean.

On Feb. 20, 1962, Glenn squeezed into his Friendship 7 capsule, circled the earth three times in five hours and became a national hero.


  • September 10, 1960 I survived my first hurricane: Hurricane Donna


  • MP Duties Feb 27 to March 3 1962:

I’ll never know why I was chosen out of all the airmen at Patrick to take a train ride with SSgt. John S. Shiver to Turner AFB, GA to escort a AWOL airman prisoner back to Patrick AFB. Strange thing happen………!

  • July 7 - 8, 1962:

 The celebration began with a rehearsal dinner at Porterdale Hotel with Ms. Effie Boyd doing the rehearsal dinner and reception after our wedding ceremony at Porterdale Baptist Church.

  • July 17, 1962:

A surprise welcomed me when I returned to duty at Patrick. I had orders for Thule Air Force Base, Greenland. As luck would have it, they switched my orders with another airman whose wife was expecting. He went to Thule Greenland for 12 months and I went to France for 24 months.

Duty assignment 7367th Material Squadron, 7367th Combat Support Group (USAFE) APO 247, US Forces

  • August 23 and 24, 1962:

My Mother, daddy, brother, me and Barbara left for Washington DC where we spent time sightseeing and visiting Sen. Russell and Sen. Talmage office. At that time my dad had a first cousin Maj. Fletcher Allums serving in the Army and was assigned to the Pentagon with the CIA.  

  • August 25, 1962:

We arrived at McGuire AFB, New Jersey where I would fly out from on August 26 to Paris France. This was a sad day for us all.

  • August 26, 1962 to March 2, 1964:

Arrived in Paris, France where I boarded a train for Chambley Air Force Base France.

  • June 3, 1963 Outstanding Airman Award:

7367th Material Squadron

7367th Combat Support Group (USAFE)

APO 247, US Forces


ATTN OF: Commander                                                                   3 June 1963

SUBJECT: Outstanding Airman Award

TO: 7367th Combat Support Group

APO 247, US Forces

1. Airman Second Class Julian W. Hunt. AF2476S639 has been selected to represent this squadron in the competition for the 7367th Combat Support Group’s Outstanding Airman Award for the month of June 1963. •

. a. Outstanding Achievements:

           Airman Hunt has been assigned duties in the vehicle maintenance shop since his arrival in August of 1962. During this time his skills have been used on fire crash and refueling vehicles. His devotion to duty has enabled him to accept many responsibilities not normally assigned to men of his grade. He is extremely safety conscious and has functioned as airman in charge of the section during absences of his supervisor. This included supervision of other individuals He has voluntarily Spent many hours after the normal work day to complete a job so the vehicle “User” could have his vehicle. 'While 'working on refueling units his duties required him to work outside during the winter months. This was accepted with a cheerful attitude and positive, quality results were produced. During his 35 months of service he has completed ECI courses 4711, 4721 and 4725 pertaining to his and related AFSC’s. He is presently taking a civilian mechanics course from General Motors and is enrolled in an ECI course in supervisory management.

During April 1963, Airman Hunt suggested and put into practical use 2 different types of adapter plate. These were used .to modify a Gorman-Rupp Company refueler pump so that it could be used on an F-7 Refueler in place of a Heil Company pump thereby using parts on and and preventing deadline of an important vehicle.

In January of 1963 Airman Hunt also modified an engine sling that is now in continuous use in the maintenance shop_ Both of these suggestions have saved the Air Force many dollars in time and manpower. He is active in Protestant church Activates (PMCC) and attends church services regularly

b. Military Bearing &: Experience: His appearance is always neat and above reproach. His courtesy both on and off duty is outstanding and he is a credit to the Air Force and the community.

c. Attitude and Cooperation: Airman Hunt has a friendly attitude toward all and is extremely cooperative as well. He is a man that will perform a splendid job for any organization

2. Airman Hunt is highly recommended and deserving of the Outstanding Airman Award.

Captain, USAF

I received this award with great pride and honor.

  • November 22, 1963 President Kennedy Associated:

Barbara and I were in the base theater watching a move when the picture stopped and lights came on. Staff sergeant in charge walked out on stage and announced our president had been associated.

The base was placed on alert for more than a wee.

  • February 1, 1964 received orders to return home:

We had been preparing to close the base for several months.  This gave me a three month early out and I would finish my obligation in the Air Force Reserves.

  • March 2, 1964 Depart Frankfurt Aerial Port of Embarkation, Rhein Main Air Base, Germany:

I left Europe and arrived at 1608 Air Base GP for separation processing at Charleston AFB, South Carolina.

Barbara took a separate flight from Frankfurt, Germany to New York at the same time I left for Charleston. I met Barbara at the Greyhound Bus Station in Charleston, South Carolina where we spent two nights and headed home.

My time in service was an experience of a life time for me and Barbara. It made both of use appreciate Covington, GA and the good old USA.

