50 th. Reunion 2010

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          Charlie Elliott Conference Center

Newton County High School Class of 1960 held their 50 year reunion on Saturday, May 1, 2010 at Charlie Elliott Conference Center.
Newton County High School Class of 1960
50 Year Class Reunion






Classmate Attendees Names
Ayers Carney, Jessie Jessie
Bailey, Doug  Doug, and Lana
Batchelor Barnes, Lynn Lynn
Bell Williams, Ernestine Ernestine
Bowen Scoggins, Jane Jane
Bowen Garner, Jean Jean
Bowman, John Wayne John Wayne,and Carole-Rae Reed
Bradford, Herman Herman, and Maggie
Brooking Moody, Norma Norma, and Henry
Buckalew Jarrett, Sally Sally
Byrd, Larry  Larry, and Jan
Capes, Johnny Johnny, and Peggy
Carter, Don Don, and Marjorie McWaters
Coady Kirkley, Judy Judy, and Ed
Coady Bramblett, Sandra Sandra
Collins Stewart, Penny Penny
Cowan Coltharp, Brenda Brenda, and John
Darby Byrd, Linda  Linda, and David
Day Swift, Sandra Sandra, and Wayne
Denny, Junior Junior
Dietz Bergeron, Camilla Camilla, and Jean
Dimsdale, Don Don, and Debbie
Dooley, Doug  Doug
Farrow Wilson, Myrtice Myrtice
Fuller Beam, Barbara Barbara
Giles Rountree, Charlotte Charlotte, and Dave
Ginn Fortson, Stephanie  Stephanie, and Billy
Goss, Perry  Perry, and Virginia
Hale Studdard, Mary Jo Mary Jo, and Kent
Hammond, Johnny Johnny, and Linda
Harwell Jennings, Sandra Sandra, and George
Harris Webb, Cynthia Cynthia, and Tony
Hatcher, Nicky Nicky, and Rose
Hawkins Wilson, Ann Ann, and Frank
Hay, Sam Sam, and Roxanne
Hays, Theron Theron, and Linda
Hicks Adams, Dianne  Dianne, and Hulon
Hinton, Russell Russell, and Sandy
HItchcock Hammer, Linda Linda, and Mike
Holder Buck, Becky Becky
Holifield Maddox, Carolyn Carolyn, and R.A.
Holifield, Grier Grier, and Nancy
Housworth, Robert Robert, and Brenda
Hudson Cherry, Linda Linda, and Ken
Hunt, Wayne Wayne, and Barbara
Johnson, Jimmy Jimmy, and Ann
Jones Wood, Jackie Jackie, and Don
Lazenby Parnell, Catherine Catherine, and Larry
Lewis, Phillip Phillip, and Penny
Kitchens Livingstone, Carole Carole
Kitchens Hammond, Gwen Gwen, and Hoke Cato
Lott, Mike Mike, and Joy Lott
Loyd, Jack Jack
McCart, Billy  Billy, and Judy
McClure Smith, Peggy Peggy, and RT
McCullough, Alton Alton
Millwood Fuqua, Anita Anita
Mobley Patterson, Linda Linda, and Ronnie
Moore Britt, Penelope Penelope, and Herb
Neely, Joe Joe, and Pat Neely
Oglesby Hodges, Sandra Sandra
Ozburn, Anthony Anthony
Palmer Brown, Christine Christine
Parish, Rita A. Thompson Rita A., and Barbara Ruecksties
Parish, Robert Robert, and Annie Lee
Patterson, Sara Margaret Sara Margaret Patterson
Prosser, Randy Randy Prosser, and Gaye
Richardson, John John, and Daisy
Rowe, Terry Terry, and Barbara
Shaw Harper, Diane  Diane
Smith Moss, Cookie Cookie, and Cotton
Snodgrass, David David, and Susan Fasshauer
Sockwell Smith, Betty Betty, and Gypsy
Steadham Wilson, Donna Donna, and Randle
Stone, Alvin  Alvin, and Linda
Stone Long, Karen Karen
Studdard, Larry Larry, and Betty
Taylor Herring, Betty Sue  Betty Sue, and Jimmy
Turner, Charles  Charles, and Brenda
Vaughn, Claude Claude, and Sandra
Vaughn Berry, Mary Anne Mary Anne, and Ronald
Wagner, Larry Larry, and Dianne
Walden Hegwood, Patricia Patricia, and Walter
Whisnante Ozburn, Vickie Vickie
White Waldrop, Brenda Brenda, and Carlton
Willson, Leroy Monty, and Wendy

Reunion Committee


Pictured:                                                                     Planning Committee meet at CECC
Mike Lott, Rita A. Thompson Parish, Cynthia Harris Webb, Ann Hawkins Wilson,
Gwen Kitchens Hammond, Wayne Hunt, Doug Bailey, Theron Hays, Joe Neely, Randy Prosser, Myrtice Wilson Farrow, Larry Wagner (not pictured).
In 1957 when we were freshman at Newton County High School,  there were 280 members in the class.  By the time we graduated in 1960, there were only 172 members. We lost members for various reasons; some moved away,  and regretfully some passed away. It has been a long time since we have had a class reunion. The committee is working hard to make plans for our 50th reunion.
  • Chairman - Wayne Hunt 
  • Secretary - Randy Prosser 
  • Treasurer - Mike Lott 
  • Annual, Photos, and Photography - Joe Neely 
  • Registration - Rita Thompson Parish, Myrtice Wilson Farrow and Cynthia Harris Webb 
  • Location - Larry Wagner and Theron Hays 
  • Decorations - Ann Hawkins Wilson, Gwen Kitchens Hammond, and Myrtice Wilson Farrow 
  • Invited Guests - Cynthia, Gwen, &  Myrtice 
  • Event  & Other Activities - Doug Bailey, Cynthia Harris (Webb), Ann Hawkins (Wilson), Gwen Kitchens (Hammond), Myrtice Wilson (Farrow), Rita A. Thompson (Parish) 
  • Communication and Website - Wayne Hunt 
The buffet menu will be:
ROAST BEEF/carrots and onions
TWICE BAKED POTATO/bacon and cheese

 You can purchase your photo from Syresa Pilcher at the reunion. 
See information below.
Please send me your picture's to add..................! 
Pictures taken by Barbara Hunt



Group Registering

Cynthia Harris Webb, Myrtice Wilson Farrow, Joe Neely & Rita A. Thompson Parrish

Wayne Hunt MC

Deceased Slide Show

Memorial Table

Donald Carter Calling Names of Deceased

Catherine Lazenby Parnell & Robert Housworth Performing

Catherine Lazenby Parnell & Robert Housworth

Mike Lott (Invocation)

Planning Committee

Coach Ronald & Jan Bradley

Brenda & Robert Housworth

Grier Holifield, John Wayne Bowman, Wayne Hunt, Doug Dooley & John Richerson

Dianne & Larry Wagner, Wayne & Barbara Hunt

Brenda & Robert Housworth Singing

Gwen Kitchens Hammond, Mike Lott & Wayne Hunt (Drawing for Flower Arrangement

Robert Housworth Winner

Doug & Lana Bailey, Wayne & Barbara Hunt


Hoke Cato & Gwen Kitchens Hammond

Wayne Hunt & RT Smith

Johnny & Peggy Capes

Larry & Dianne Wagner

Memorabilia Table

Memorabilia Table

Mike Lott & Wayne Hunt

Jean Bowen Garner & Jane Bowen Scoggins

Pat & Joe Neely

Pat & Joe Neely, Wayne & Barbara Hunt

Perry & Virginia Goss

Roxanne & Sam Hay

Wayne & Barbara Hunt

 Senior Class
What a wonderful 50 Year Reunion!
Thanks to all of you, it was a success beyond our expectations.


