Classmate Profiles

     Contains profile information: 140
     Profile contains photos: 127
     In Memory: 105
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 105
     Military Service: 31
   Restricted to Classmates only


Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 140    Newest Members: 99    Latest Comments: 50  

John Adams   
Bob Agee    
Richard Allen     
Wendell Allen   
Patsy Austin (Johnson)   
Steve Bailey   
Jimmy R. Baker     
Bobbie Mae Banks (Holland)    
Jerry Barnette     
Jean Barrett (Scott)   
Joan Barrett (Gunn)   
Dennis Billings    
Marion Billions (Sorto)   
Tad Black   
Nancy Blackwell (Gordon)   
Wiley Blankenship   
Jimmy Blythe    
Joe Bogle   
Kenneth Bolding   
Frances Boseck (Graves)    
Dorothy Bowen (Griswall)   
Bettye Bowling (Roberts)   
John Brazelton     
Joe Brazier   
Brenda Brown (Richards)    
Rand Bryan    
Jim Burden    
Sandra Call (Cavnar)   
Linda Carithers (Steagall)    
Jimmy Carlisle   
Sue Carrell (Meadows)    
Charlotte Case (Dickey)   
Patricia Chandler (Hill)   
Don Church    
Charles Clark    
Linda Clark (Boyd)    
Jane Coburn (McManus)   
Jerry Coffey   
Carl Collins    
Beverly Compton (Holland)    
Doris Cook   
Ed Cornell   
Skip Cox    
Pattie Craig (Jett)    
Edward Crook   
Jim Crow   
Paul Darmer   
Dave Darwin   
James Davis   
Ann Dean (Poole)    
Bob Delmore   
Byron DeMent   
Reba Dinsmore (Shelton)    
George Douthit   
Jewell Duncan   
Larry Durham     
Wilda Eddins (Freeman)   
Donna Edwards (Wallace)   
Malcolm Edwards    
Nancy Edwards (Carney)   
Sugene Elkins (Lawler)    
Ebbie Emens (Ramey)  
Jewell Eubanks (Holladay)   
Yvonne Evans (McCord)    
John Farrer   
Mary Jean Fennell (Williams)    
Johnny Ferrell   
Suzanne Filler (Belser)  
Lynne Fisher (Snow)    
Judy Flack (Jackson)   
Eleanor Forsythe    
Guy French   
Wilma George   
Carlyine Gibson (Pierce)    
Jimmy Gilliam   
Ralph Glenn   
Richard Goode    
Mary Jane Gosline (Bateman)   
Mildred Gray (Bush)    
Peggy Guffin (Trout)   
Carolyn Guyse (Aldredge)   
Tom Guyton    
David Habercom   
Lynn Hagood   
Julian Harris   
Norman Harris   
Charles Henson    
Shelby Herchanhahn (Wilson)   
Marvin Herron    
G. Wendell Hill    
Robbie Hines (Hudgeons)    
Howell Holland   
Nancy Holloway (Moore)   
Don Holt   
Sue Hughes (Floyd)    
Robert Bobby Hull    
Mary Helen Hurst (Peacock)   
Jimmy Don Jackson   
Billy Jenkins   
Travis Jenkins    
Helen Jervis (Hodge)    
Bobby D. Johnson   
Myra Johnson (Harding)   
Scott Johnson   
Tommy Johnson   
Marvin Julich   
Billy Kay   
Bud Kelly   
Carol Kennamer (Parson)  
Pat Kennedy (Bivens)   
Pat Kennedy (Blevins)   
Valerie King (Sands)   
Pete G. Kinney   
Virginia Kracke (Thomason)   
Tom Kullman    
Larry Landry    
Janice Lane (Jones)   
Joan Lawrence (Williams)   
Kenneth Laws   
Nita Jan Lee (Parker)   
Charlotte Leeman (Knight)   
Howard Little   
Jerry Livingston     
Tommy Loggins    
Frank Long   
Jimmy Long   
Joe Lowery   
Shirlene Lyle (Rook)   
Tom Lyons   
Robert McConnell   
George McCrary    
Gloria McGee (Dillard)    
Jim McMurtrie    
Olivia McNeese (Bryan)   
Larry McRae    
Wimbreth Melton (Howard)   
Bobby Miller   
Jerral Miller   
Sandra Minor (Grammer)    
Linda Mitchell (Davis)   
Joyce Moats (Terry)   
Bill Montgomery   
Paul Montgomery    
Linda Mooney (Keenum)   
Hershel Moore   
Mary Ann Moore (Hardin)  
Doug Nabors   
Wendell Nicholson   
Wayne Norton   
Sue Nungester (Smith)   
Hugh Ogle   
Ray Ogle   
Esco Olinger   
Richard Ordway    
Joan Owens (Turner)    
Monte Owens (Asby)   
Danny Parker     
Katie Parker (Allen)   
June Pate   
Mary Francis Patrick (Chandler)   
Asa L. "Buddy" Payne   
Earl Penn   
Sandra Pickens (Collins)   
Jane Pirkle (Coley)    
Ed Pitcock    
Don Allen Poole   
Pat Powell (Murrell)   
Patricia Price (Goodwin)   
Scharlotte Price (McAbee)   
Bob Quinn   
Nancy Reed (Coley)
Bonnie Richardson   
Newman Richardson     
Sara Rickard   
Bobby Riddle   
Sandra Rivers (Arnold)    
Betty Faye Roberts (Meals)   
Billy W. Roberts   
Carolyn Robertson    
Janice Robinson (Laws)   
Goodwin Rose   
Pat Sanders (Aldridge)    
Judy Sanderson (Page)   
Bobby Schwuchow   
Peggy Scott (Van Bibber)    
Max Seagle   
Penny Sehorne (West)   
Dorcas Sewell (Harris)   
Tommy Shaddix   
Harriet Simrell (Davis)   
Sandi Slape (Crane)    
Cecelia Smith (Armstrong)    
Pat Smith (Laughlin)   
Robbie Smith (Wigginton)    
Robert Smith   
Ronnie Smith   
Wray Smith   
Terry Smithers   
Bill Snider    
Frankie Speegle (Wallace)   
Noah Srygley   
Don Stanford   
Emily Stanford (Ferguson)    
Cheri Stedham (Bradford)   
Carl Still   
Joe Stimson   
Jimmy Stone   
Linda Stone (Kenfield)    
Sammy Stone   
Wanda Street (Plemons)   
Tommy Taylor   
Elizabeth Terry (Dent)   
Linda Terry (Edwards)    
Pattie Terry (Curtis)   
Bob Thomas    
Donnie Thomas   
Chris Thompson     
Douglas Ann Thrasher (Livin…)    
Eddie Tiller     
Sam Timberlake   
Ron Travis    
John Tucker    
Mary Nell Tucker (Nockert)   
Cecil Turner   
Elliot Tyler    
Pat Vinson (Bumpus)   
Tommy Walker   
Nancy Ward (Riddle)   
Barbara Watson   
Vivian Marie Wilcutt (Colley)   
Patty Wiley    
Corene Williams (Dinsmore)   
Irene Williams (Cunningham)
Frank Wilson     
Dotty Wood (Ferrell)   
Sammy Wright   
Edwin "Tink" Wyle   
Gene Yarbrough    
Sid Yarbrough   
Pat Young (Shontell)    

Guest Members

Mary Jane Arnold (Draper)    
Bingham Edwards
Cole Ferrell (Johnny Ferrell's …  
Dorcas Moore (Bradford)  
Wilson Morgan    
Gary A Mummert    
John Pugh    
Ann Rowe (Bailey)   

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