In Memory

Douglas Wheeler

Douglas Wheeler

Memorial Service Pictures

 For Douglas March 8, 2012

Lee - Doug's daughter

Nealus - Doug's brother

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03/09/12 03:07 PM #1    

Wayne Hunt

Douglas was my first cousin and my best friend when we were growing up. While we were in high school, we decided early on that we would not be a candidate for college. We had a well laid plan that almost didn’t work; here is the scoop.

While we were juniors, we joined the local Georgia National Guard, (to gain some military experience) as we planned all along to join the United States Air Force under the buddy system after graduation. We did join about two weeks from graduation and were inducted on June 8, 1960.

Upon graduation we went on a trip to Daytona Beach, Florida. While we were there I received a call from my Daddy that we needed to return home as we had orders to go in the Army for six month training. I explained to Daddy that we had plans to go in the United States Air Force. Doug and I packed up and headed home. We were disappointed in what looked like a failed plan.

Unknowing to us, Daddy had called Senator Richard Russell’s office in Washington, DC.  He was chairman of the Armed Services Committee and Daddy called to ask him if he could help us.  Senator Russell was in a committee meeting, so Daddy left word for him. Within about twenty minutes Sen. Herman Talmadge called personally to Daddy, and asked him to explain what was going on. Daddy explained our intentions and that we wanted to serve our country by joining the Air Force for at least four years and not do the six months of training with the Army.  Senator Talmadge told Daddy to sit tight and someone would call soon.

Daddy received a call from Georgia National Guard Commander General Herd about two hours later, giving the good news that he signed orders to release us from the Georgia National Guard to join the Air Force. Man were we happy.............!

Doug and I went in on the buddy system and did our six weeks of basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Basic training was a new awakening for us; we wondered if we had made the right decision. Graduation day arrived and we shook hands and embraced each other -- and that ended the buddy system.

Doug went his way and I went mine. We never saw each other again while in uniform. Doug served for more than 25 years and survived three tours in Vietnam (he was very dedicated and committed to his country).

A footnote,,,,,,,,,,!

Ronnie Patterson and John Wayne Bowman made fun of us after graduation about joining the United States Air Force. We told them so long; we are out of here. Doug and I were finishing up our fifth week when we received a surprise notice that Ronnie and John Wayne were in training at Lackland Air Force Base. On one of our free days, we located them and wished them well while in training. I think we had the last laugh.

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