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•   Kent Brothen  10/26
•   Sharon Slavin (Krafft)  11/4
•   Kay Knudson (Studebaker)  11/8
•   William "Bill" Kerwin  11/15
•   Mary Susan Aksteter (Morgan)  11/21
•   Robert (Rusty) Tanner  11/24


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 66.5%

A:   141   Joined
B:   71   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   David Stall  9/27
•   Duane Rasmuson  4/9
•   Linda Lindquist (Daube)  2/14
•   Sharon Slavin (Krafft)  7/13
•   Judith Gronau (Lausen)  7/12
•   Mary Reid (Brooks)  1/24
•   Mary Susan Aksteter (Morgan)  11/17
•   Marilyn Stenrud (Steinman)  8/12
•   Timothy Kiernan  5/5
•   Bronna Bornstein (Steiman)  2/9
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

7 live in Arizona
2 live in Arkansas
13 live in California
5 live in Colorado
9 live in Florida
2 live in Hawaii
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
110 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
1 lives in Missouri
3 live in Montana
1 lives in Nevada
2 live in New Mexico
3 live in New York
2 live in North Carolina
2 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Dakota
1 lives in Tennessee
4 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Virginia
2 live in Washington
4 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Finland
17 location unknown
135 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

St Louis Park
Class of 58, The Luckiest Generation

      Welcome to the

St Louis Park Senior High School 

 Class Of 1958 Web Site.

Home of the Orioles!

This is a Website devoted to the St. Louis Park High School Class of 1958.  It is intended for those Classmates who graduated from this place and time.  It is designed to be informative, inspiring, and nostalgic with memories of our time in the 1950s, including the music we loved and those we sat next to in class. We know that when the dust settles, we realize how little we need, how very much we actually have, and the true value of human connection.  This website accentuates that connection, with the hope that we will always be together.

For music to accompany your viewing of this Home Page, click here:



We want to keep in touch with you.  If you change your email address, or mailing address or phone number, be sure to go to MEMBER FUNCTIONS  and make those changes under "Edit Contact Info."


On September 29, 2024, Our Classmate Daniel Geldert was back in Minnesota for his last concert as the conductor of the Minnetonka Concert Band.  The concert was held at the Minnetonka High School Arts Center Auditorium.  A very special summary, with pictures of our classmates in attendance, and details of the concert itself, is placed in the Top Link at the Left, entitled: Dan Geldert - Inspiring.  Enjoy!

NEWS FOR July 2024

We are sorry to announce the passing of our Classmate Sandy Canton Kerwin.  She died on July 9th of this year.  Her husband of 62 years, and our Classmate Bill Kerwin, notified us of Sandy's passing, from cancer.  We have included an "In Memory" notice on this website that you will like to review about her life.


"Ladies Who Lunch" hold May 10th get-together.

May 10, 2024, some of the “Ladies Who Lunch” gathered to visit with classmate Mary Reid Brooks while she was in town for a visit, from her home in Salem, Oregon.  KC Bretzke said, "We had a very nice time.  We wish we had cast a wider net, as some who might have come were not notified.  Maybe we could do another lunch for all the ladies, or even do a lunch for anyone in the class who wants to gather."

The "Ladies Who Lunch" has been an on-again, off-again, informal gathering of women from our class who like to gather to talk about anything and everything they wish.  While their agenda has been kept a secret from the men in our class, their conversations have reportedly centered on our upcoming class reunions, among other things.  Of course, we've always appreciated their input.

Here is a picture of their recent get-together:


 Left to Right: Kay Knudson Studebaker, KC (Karen Cravens) Bretzke, Carole Erickson Skala, Barbara Brackett Solberg, Judy Gerber Tess, Janet Aarness Midtbo, Mary Reid Brooks.  Lunch was held at the RH Rooftop Restaurant at the Galleria in Edina.  If you would like to be notified prior to their next gathering, contact Karen (KC) Bretzke at, and express your interest.


Classmate Lowell Nelson, of Eugene, Oregon, has passed away.  We have added some information about his life and passing on our "In Memory" section of this website.


We have posted some new music from the '50s and '60s for you to listen to.  Check it out by clicking on the Video Juke Box tab at the left.


Due to the watchful eye of classmate Duane Rasmusen, we have just learned of the passing of our classmate Glenn DePue.  Glenn died on April 3, 2024.  We have posted an extensive obituary notice for Glenn on this website, in the link to our "In Memory" section.  You may recall that Glenn's brother Russel passed away in 1963, and you may review that notice here also.


We have just learned of the passing of our classmate Elliot Husney in 2019.  Thanks to the watchful eye of classmate Marv Shedlov, who noticed an obituary notice for Elliot's sister, we were able to find Elliot's obituary notice that was in the Denver Post newspaper, and have entered it here, in our In Memory section of this website.  When you call out the In Memory section, to read of Elliot's considerable community service and professional accomplishments, be sure to scroll down to the year 2019 to find Elliot's page.


Some thoughts below from well-known people you are likely to recall,

all about getting older.  Hope you like them!

  • “If you want to know how old a woman is, ask her sister-in-law."  (Eva Gabor)
  • “Old age comes at a bad time." (Ed Sullivan)
  • "Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened." (Stevie Wonder)
  • “Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you are aboard, there is nothing you can do about it."  (Golda Meir)
  • "The older I get, the more clearly I remember things that never happened. (Mark Twain)
  • "I’m at that age where my back goes out more than I do." (Phyllis Diller)
  • "Nice to be here? At my age, it’s nice to be anywhere." (George Burns)\
  • “First you forget names, then you forget faces, then you forget to pull your zipper up; then, you forget to pull your zipper down." (Rob Reiner)
  •  “You spend 90 percent of your adult life hoping for a long rest and the last 10 percent trying to convince the Lord that you’re actually not THAT tired.” (Princess Grace)
  •  “Old people shouldn’t eat Health foods. They need all the preservatives they can get.” (Bob Hope)
  • "At my age, flowers scare me." (George Burns)
  •  “It’s like you trade the virility of the body for the agility of the spirit.” (Ed Sullivan)
  • The years between 55 and 75 are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down."  (T.S Elliot)
  • "At age 20, we worry about what others think of us… at age 40, we don’t care what they think of us… at age 60, we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all."  (Ann Landers)
  • “When I was young, I was called a rugged individualist. When I was in my fifties, I was considered eccentric. Here I am doing and saying the same things I did then, and I’m labeled senile." (Milton Berle)
  • “The important thing to remember is that I’m probably going to forget." (Martin Scorsese)
  • “We don’t grow older, we grow riper." (Pablo Picasso)
  •  “It’s paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn’t appeal to anyone.” - (Andy Rooney)
  •  “The older I get, the better I used to be.” (Lee Trevino) 
  • “I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a lot more as they get older, and then it dawned on me — they’re cramming for their final exam." (George Carlin)
  • "Everything seems to slow down with age, except the time it takes cake and ice cream to reach your hips." (Elizabeth Taylor)
  • “Grandchildren don’t make a man feel old, it’s the knowledge that he’s married to a grandmother that does." (Norman Vincent Peale)
  • "When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it’s a sure sign you’re getting old." (Mark Twain)
  • “You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks." (Dennis Quaid)
  • "There’s one advantage to being 102, there’s no peer pressure." (Adam & Eve)
  • “There are three stages in man’s Life: he believes in Santa Claus, he does not believe in Santa Claus, he is Santa Claus." (Leon Phillips)
  • "Looking fifty is great — if you’re sixty." - (Joan Rivers)



We are all saddened to report that classmate Brice Martinson passed away on March 15, 2024.  We have entered an obituary notice for Brice and additional information about his life in the IN MEMORY section of this website.


Look who attended our

65th Class Reunion

on August 26, 2023.

Can you name everyone pictured?

See our names listed below...





Moving Left to Right, here are our names...

       FRONT ROW                            2ND ROW                                    BACK ROW__

  Karen (KC) Cravens Bretzke          Gordon Tanke                           Tom Rutledge

  Nancy Foss Harris                          Mary Enestvedt Nelson             Roger Johnson        

  Sara Lenmark Halverson                Barb (Mrs. James) Cogelow     Kent Brothen

  Barbara O’Neil Horbal                    Beverly Watts Hedin                  Allan Moran

  Janet Aarness Midtbo                    Judith Gronau Lausen               James Cogelow

  Nancy Atwood Steege                   Carol Ann Erickson Skala           Allan Thompson

                                                        Carole Banbury Shulman            Marvin Shedlov

                                                        Kay Knudson Studebaker           Bob Erickson

                                                        Barbara Brackett Solberg           Tim Kiernan

                                                        Janet Lien Bardahl                      J. Howell Owens

                                                        Gloria Hiner                                 Bruce Elliasen

                                                        Judith Gerber Tess

                       Barry Lazarus was also in attendance, but left prior to this picture being taken.

But for those of you who may have tried to find us via our Zoom-Link, we must apologize.  For unknown technical reasons, although we worked for an hour to make it work, it simply did not.  We know that there were a couple of classmates in the queue whose names appeared; but we just couldn't get our computer to cooperate.  We continue to remain somewhat technically challenged, and we didn't have any grandchildren present to help us out!

You may enjoy reading the item at the top most link at the left margin entitled

"One Percenter".



Classmate Howell Owens has discovered a video you may like.  It's a fast, virtual drone tour inside of St. Louis Park High School as it looks today, done by students themselves.  The students who attend these days really have it nice!  They likely will never know how much tender, loving care the taxpayers have provided for their proper education.  Below the modern-day picture of our high school, swipe the following URL and put that in your browser:Image preview


We have added a new page to the links at the left, entitled NOSTALGIA MACHINE (for music and memories).  You will find it in alphabetical order on the Link List.  Enjoy!

We have also added a new page to the links at the left: Pandemic Stress Relievers.  It's essentially a lot of good old music videos for you to watch and listen to as you await the end of this terrible Covid Pandemic that has us all so self-isolating.  Get ready for some nostalgic reflection!  


Let's all hope 2023 is a far better year for us Super Seniors!

Remember: Wear your mask and get the booster vaccine when it's offered.  Stay away from the new Omicron Variants.


If you need some nostalgic review of your teen years in the 1950s,  to remember those of us who still love you, then get ready to enjoy these

50’s Memories: Click on this video:



Need an "Attitude Adjustment" during the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Try This YouTube Video for some Nostalgia

Or, to review your love for America, watch this Video

Then: Check out the link near the top at the left:

"COVID Attitude Adjustment".


  Send in some new news about your friends from St. Louis Park High.

How about viewing this nostalgic video from 1955 to get your juices pumped up and ready for a whole-class reunion, maybe in 2023?

http    ://safeshare.TV/w/   FEDEwZH Z Xu

All we have to do is convince our event-planning group to arrange for such a special party so we can all see one another once more.


Remember when this photo was taken?

Our 55th Reunion in 2013 at the SLP Hall of Fame Induction Dinner

(Yes, that's Roy Griak in the middle.)





                Did you know? 

Did you know 11% of people are left handed; Did you know August has the highest percentage of births; Did you know unless food is mixed with saliva you can't taste it; Did you know the average person falls asleep in 7 minutes; Did you know a bear has 42 teeth; Did you know an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.


Today's Inspirational Quotes

 Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. 

            Francis of Assisi




This Week's Nostalgic Photos
Each week a new photo or two will appear below.  You won't have to guess what the first one is.  The item will be obvious.  Just be amazed at what you see or have forgotten!
How about a little Sonny & Cher, along with Bob Dylan!
But this second photo will be of someone or something not easy for you to determine.
She came up missing, and has never been found!  Amelia Earhart

    Rememberance Quotes for January  

“I like starting projects in January.

That’s the best time to start something.

It’s so inward.”

- Carolyn Chute



See the source image

Featured Article, Website or Blog: 
Weeding Out Some Common Organic Gardening Myths

Just about everyone's interested in organic gardening from one viewpoint or another, so it's no surprise that organic gardening myths might pop up in the garden of public opinion. Myths both pro and con are easy to come by -- so we'll cover both sides of the issue in this article. Here's the truth about four popular ones: 




We have thirteen Photo Albums, with accompanying music, to share with you.

These are mainly Albums from our 50th, 55th and 60th Class Reunions.  You will find them all at the links entitled "Our Photo Gallery" and "50th Reunion Photo Sets" and 60th Reunion Action links at the left side of this page.  They are...

  1. SLP Class of '58 Gallery..........variety of photos sent in by classmates
  2. Our High School from our days at Park High
  3. 55th at the Park Tavern............Sept. 10, 2013 - 1st 55th Reunion Event
  4. 55th at the Farm........................Sept. 11, 2013 - 2nd 55th Reunion Event
  5. 55th at The Hall of Fame..........Sept. 12, 2013 - Induction Banquet
  6. 70th Birthday Cruise..........Our July 20, 2010 Cruise on Lake Minnetonka
  7. 50th School and Bus Tour.......Big 50th Reunion -  Day 1 Activity
  8. BBQ at Tim Kiernan's Farm.....Big 50th Reunion - Day 2 Activity
  9. Relaxing Saturday Morning.....Big 50th Reunion - Day 3 Morning
  10. 50th Saturday Banquet............Big 50th Reunion - Day 3 Evening
  11. 60th Reunion at Kip's Bar........Our Friday Night - Day 1 Activity
  12. 60th Reunion at Tim's Farm....Our Saturday Afternoon-Day 2 Activity
  13. 60th Reunion Banquet Shot....Our Sunday Evening - Day 3 Activity

Sit back, adjust each album to "full screen mode," turn on the music at the scroll at the top or bottom of each photo set, change tunes or watch without music...all to suit yourself.  Come back often.  You'll recognize someone different each time! 

Four of the best, at our 60th at Kip's:  Judith Carroll Chambers, Sandy Canton Kerwin, Carol Erickson Skala and Gail Nelson Helgeson 

Judith Alexander Steward, Kay Knudson Studebaker and Mary Ann Evans Eckenberg.  See who else was there at the "60th at Tim's Farm" Photo Album.



Getting ready for the 60th Reunion Banquet are Jonathan Daube, Beverly Watts Hedin, KC Cravens Bretzke, Linda Lindquist Daube, and Nancy Jo Wallace Lopp & Larry Lopp.  See who else was at the Banquet at the "60th Reunion Banquet Shot" Photo Album.

 Guess who's enjoying the 60th Reunion at the Minneapolis Golf Club!


Minnesota ~ You Gotta Love It!


Come back home to Minnesota - a water wonderworld


This is a totally free site: Find your name under the link at the left entitled "Classmate Profiles" and join us.



