First Thursday - 04/06/23

First Thursday Breakfast
April 6, 2023

Fourteen classmates and guests got a jump on the Easter weekend at April's First Thursday Breakfast, including one new classmate and our first Gen Alpha guest.

It was great to see the lovely Darlene Berardinucci Creazzo, who joined us for her first First Thursday.  We also welcomed to the table our first Gen Alpha guest, Leo and Marianne Wismer's granddaughter, Sydney, who charmed our regular gang of Baby Boomers with her smile and her fashionable and on-point Easter bonnet.


May be an image of 10 people, people sitting and indoor

Clockwise from lower left: Marti Ott Sebring, Donna Howey Bysher, Debbie Hoover Statler, Sandy Long Rickert, Terry Bieber Balcavage, John Katinis, Bob Statler, Barb Nuttal Horinko, Betty Chroust, Darlene Berardinucci Creazzo, Leo Wismer, Sydney and Marianne Wismer.  Not in photo: Photographer Joy Garren Hemming.


The flip side.


Newcomers Darlene and Sydney enjoying the pre-Easter company with Leo and Marianne.


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