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Classmate Profiles (1967)

     User has created a profile: 54
     Profile contains photos: 17
     In Memory: 31
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 31
     Military Service: 17
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 54    Newest Members: 54    Latest Comments: 31  

Jim Anos   
Theodore Badarak     
Dan Brewer    
Charles Clark    
John Clark   
Bill Clay     
Keith Davey    
Richard Davidson     
Gregory DiPietro     
Mark Dobies    
Milo Gargol     
Ronald Gimik     
David Helmer    
Harry Hunter    
Jack Huren    
Mike Klosner    
Ronald Krcek    
Jim Malone   
Terry McCartney     
Patrick McGoorty     
Bob Nicol    
Craig Parkins    
Gary Phillips    
Les Raebel    
Mark Stephens    
Danny E. Stewart     
James VanBuskirk     
Bill Wilkinson     

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