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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
11 live in Arizona
24 live in California
14 live in Colorado
3 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
4 live in Idaho
3 live in Indiana
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
2 live in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
2 live in Minnesota
3 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
5 live in Nevada
4 live in New Mexico
2 live in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
2 live in Oklahoma
13 live in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Tennessee
7 live in Texas
291 live in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
5 live in Virginia
13 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Barbados
1 lives in Brazil
1 lives in Chile
1 lives in France
1 lives in Sweden
1 lives in United Kingdom
144 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


•   Vicki Bonner (Green)  2024
•   Bill Deeds  2024
•   Ken Rayl  2023
•   Janet Lodder (Brown)  2023
•   Ray Benzon  2023
•   Brent Heineken  2022
•   William (Bill) Spencer Young  2022
•   Dianne Smith (Porter)  2023
•   Fred Healey  2022
•   Glenn Holley  2022
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Skyline High School Renovation

As of July 2024, this photo shows the Skyline Academic buildings from the central courtyard.

For more photos of construction progress, visit the Granite School District Current Projects page HERE.


PLEASE KEEP YOUR HOME AND EMAIL ADDRESSES UP-TO-DATE ON YOUR PROFILES ON THIS WEBSITE, or send the info to Craig Benson,  The information will only be accessible to our classmates who are members of this website. Use of members' information for advertising or financial gain is strictly prohibited. 

If you hear of a former classmate's passing, please let us know so we can post the obituary or any information you may have. Thanks to everyone for your help.
