To promote learning with understanding and learning with joy, the school has introduced the skill-based diagnostic test, ASSET (Assessment of Scholastic Skills through Educational Testing) in English, Mathematics, and General Science for the students of Classes III-IX. ASSET is conducted by the Ahmedabad-based research organization, Educational Initiatives (EI). Every individual student is given a detailed analysis of performance in each subject indicating his/ her strong and weak skills. Appropriate suggestions are also given as to how the learning and hence performance in such tests can be improved.

          EI also gives classwise analysis of the students' performance to inform teachers about the strong and weak skills of the students in each subject. The school also receives an analysis of the performance of the students across years and in comparison with other ASSET-taking schools in India. Teachers work together in their subject groups within classes and across classes to prepare remedial plans. A representative of EI, who visits the school several times a year, guides the teachers in this effort. The objective of this effort is to wean students and teachers away from the culture of rote learning and shallow teaching. The expectations of students, teachers and parents in regard to tests and examinations are expected to change as a result. The focus on marks will shift to formative testing with the goals of diagnosis and remediation.
