Parent-Teacher Meeting

          The school is committed to having regular formal and informal communication among the stakeholders of the school. The Principal communicates with the parents from time to time through circulars. Parents are expected to read them carefully and comply with them . Parents and guardians are invited to interact with the teachers and school administration formally at least once a year. These meetings are held classwise usually on Saturdays. Although the meetings are announced as optional, they are generally very well-attended. Parents raise issues of importance regarding their children's education and development. A lot of good suggestions come up in such meetings which the school authorities strive to follow up.

          Parent-teacher conferences are obligatory for all after the first semester exams. Parents of Junior School children are invited more frequently for such conferences. Parent teacher conferences at the beginning of the second semester are obligatory for students facing academic and discipline-related issues in the school.

         Besides the above meetings organised at the school's initiative, parents are free to visit the school on any working day to meet the teachers to discuss academic and behavioural issues concerning their children. Usually the Vice Principals are available during the first period of the day for such meetings. Parents can set up appointments through the Vice Principals to meet the teachers of their children.

       From time to time talks are organised for parents on importnat issues related to parenting and education. The response to such input sessions are generally enthusiastic


Parents' Consultative Committee

        To keep the dialogue between parents and the school ongoing, a semi-permanent body of parents called the Parents' Consultative Committee (PCC) is set up. This body has about 20 parents of both genders providing a fairly broad-based representation to all the sections of the school, socioeconomic strata, professions and religions. Parents who can give sound advice to the school authorities upon formal request on matters concerning the education and growth of the students and the well-being of the school comprise this body. The committee is selected by the school administration from the parents who volunteer to be on the committee in response to an invitation from the Principal addressed to all parents.

       The PCC raises those issues pertaining to the School that are important from the parents' point of view and may make recommendations to the management and teachers. The PCC meetings chaired by the Principal are attended by the Vice Principals and representatives of teachers. The PCC members also function as good will ambassadors in the community to help foster better understanding and cooperation among the public and local administration in matters pertaining to education in general and the school in particular. Each academic year some members of the PCC are replaced. 
