
         The Prefects constitute the students’ leadership council of the school. Equal opportunities are provided for each house in this leadership team. One of the prefects from Std XII is nominated the Captain. One Vice Captain each is chosen from Std X and XII. The prefects bring to the attention of the school authorities important concerns of the students.

        The prefects organize various student activities during the year. The prefects help in the maintenance of discipline in the school and they see that the students are in proper neat and clean uniform. They take turns to be on duty on the school campus during the morning assembly and the breaks.  The school authorities consult them frequently and listen to their feedback and suggestions.

        The prefects are selected from a panel of senior students chosen by students through voting. Students with leadership abilities, good academic performance and sound moral character are chosen to be prefects. The principal, in consultation with teachers make the selection making every effort to respect the students’ selection. The prefects are appointed in the month of November from Classes IX and XI. They take charge in December and continue to perform their leadership roles for one calendar year.

        Beginning in 2008-9 academic session Junior Prefects have been appointed exclusively for the Middle School. They are selected from Class VI through a process similar to that for the senior prefects.

      Exercise of the responsibilities of the prefect offers the students an excellent opportunity to develop leadership qualities and work for the common good keeping the good of the whole school in mind.