
              Performance in all the subjects of study in both the semesters, as well as regularity of attendance, will be taken into account to determine whether a student is eligible for promotion to the next class. The school desires an overall attendance of 85% of every student. In order to get the Pass Certificate the Board demands that students must:

a)       Obtain a grade higher than E in all the scholastic subjects

b)       Have a minimum attendance of 75%.

        While the school maintains the record of marks of the students, the grades obtained by them are reported in their progress cards. Grade D or better is required for promotion to the next class. The Vice Principals in consultation with the class teachers and subject teachers decide whether a student should be promoted to the next class. The CBSE has a provision to upgrade the grades obtained in the scholastic area of a student for outstanding performance in the co-scholastic areas in Std. IX-X. 

      Although it is the school policy not to make students repeat any class up to VIII, if parents judge that their children will benefit by repeating a class, they may make such request in writing to the relevant Vice Principal. By mutual agreement between the parents and the school an appropriate decision will be taken in the interest of the concerned student. Parents who habitually disregard the advice and recommendations of the school on academic and behavioural matters may be asked to withdraw their children from the school.