
Admission Process

           Applications for admission are to be made on the prescribed form and according to the schedule announced by the school, and are handled by the selection committee constituted for the purpose. The committee will make its decisions, free from compulsions and coercion, on the basis of the school’s admission policy and state regulations applicable to private minority educational institutions in Jharkhand. St. Xavier’s strives to admit those candidates who it considers will respond to the values it stands for and who will persevere and benefit from the education offered in the school. Any direct or indirect pressure on the school authorities for granting admission to a candidate can disqualify him/ her.

            Incorrect declarations of age or any other matter will be a disqualification for admission. Subsequent discovery by the school authorities of such wrong declarations could be a good ground for dismissal or cancellation of admission. In such cases fees paid will not be refunded.

           Prior to admissions there may be some form of face-to-face interaction of the candidates and their parents with a designated panel in accordance with applicable laws. Parents may be required to present the original copies of the required documents for verification and bring the candidate to the school for identification. The manner, date and time for these interactions will be announced along with the list of candidates shortlisted for consideration. The final decision whether a particular candidate will be admitted is to be made after the completion of these processes.

              The latest information on the modalities of the admission process, minimum expectations regarding academic preparedness and the time table to fulfil various requirements will be made available with the application forms.

Local Guardians

           Each student is admitted to the school on the understanding that he/she is living with at least one parent. If for some reason there is a change in this arrangement, the parents should appoint a responsible local guardian. Such a guardian must be introduced to the school authorities without delay. If the arrangement is found acceptable to the school, the local guardian is to sign a submission accepting full responsibility for the care of the student.  Students are not permitted to live in private hostels, lodges, or as paying guests.