Date and Time
2019 Punography Film Festival
Friday, October 18, 2019 from 6-9pm Central Time
As you may know, David Cordell, Brenda Brown Dickey, Phil Dyer, Cynthia Woodward, and Bruce Gadd (the RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Committee) are working hard to put on the RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion. They set the dates for Friday and Saturday, October 18 and 19, 2019. To date, they have scheduled a free (you buy your own drinks and food as you wish), informal, come-as-you-are Casual Event for the Marriott Courtyard lobby on Friday evening and the Main Event (dinner, decorations, memorabilia, music, etc.) for which there will be a fee for Saturday evening. The Marriott Courtyard is the official reunion hotel but please wait for information from David before making reservations.
I announced previously that the Punography Ltd. RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Celebration would be held Saturday evening, September 28, 2019. Two major changes have happened -- the name of the Punography event and the date of the Punography event.
The Punography Ltd. Directors have changed the name of our event from the Punography Ltd. RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Celebration to the Punography Film Festival. Why? The name was too long and created some confusion about it being a stand-alone competing 50th reunion to the RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion.
As far as the date goes, we realized that having two similar events three weeks apart created difficulties not so much for the planners but for the potential attendees -- members of the RHS Class of 1969. For those traveling, would you come to Richardson twice? Would "two reunions" simply be one too many? Would you see these two events as competing and not cooperating?
So ... we have changed the date of the Punography Film Festival from Saturday, September 28, 2019 to Friday, October 18, 2019 from 6-9pm (you can still attend the 50th Reunion Casual Event instead or afterwards). The Punography Film Festival will be conveniently located at the Alamo Drafthouse in Richardson.
If you haven't already joined the Punography website, join today (it's free!) and see all the Punography Film Festival information (and a lot more) there. You'll also be assured of receiving up-to-date emails from me about the Punography Film Festival.
Now, to attend the RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion and the Punography Film Festival, you need save only one set of dates -- Friday and Saturday, October 18 and 19, 2019!
Look for future emails from me on the Punography Film Festival. The Punography Ltd. Directors are working hard to ensure a memorable Friday evening for the RHS Class of 1969 on our 50th Reunion weekend!
Tommy Thomas, Punography Ltd. Director
Click here to join the Punography Ltd. RHS Class of 1969 website and be assured of getting email updates on the Punography Film Festival!
Click here to go forward to the September 8, 2018 initial announcement of the Punography Ltd. RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Celebration. Remember that the September 28, 2019 date in this announcement has changed to October 18, 2019 and that the name of the event is now the Punography Film Festival!