Punography FilmFestival FAQs
Punography Film Festival
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find out all the details about the Punography Film Festival?
Click this link for all the Festival details.
Where can I buy tickets for the Festival?
You can buy tickets by check, Venmo, and PayPal. Click this link for details.
When is the Punography Film Festival?
The Festival is Friday, October 18, 2019 from 6-9pm.
Where is the Festival being held?
The Festival is being held at the Alamo Drafthouse Richardson in Richardson, Texas.
Who is the Special Guest of Honor at the Festival?
The Special Guest of Honor is Mrs. Jeanne Alsup, the junior English teacher for many RHS Class of 1969 graduates and the inspiration for Punography Ltd.
What is included in the ticket price to the Festival?
A bunch of stuff. Dinner, non-alcoholic drinks (cash bar available), new and old Punography films, and much, much more. Click this link for more details.
When is the RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion?
The 50th Reunion is being held Friday and Saturday, October 18 and 19, 2019 -- the same weekend as the Festival. Click this link for details.
Will the Punography Film Festival conflict with 50th Reunion events?
No. The first 50th Reunion event will be the Friday evening Casual Event. The Casual Event will start either slightly before the end of the Festival or after the Festival ends.
Where is the Casual Event being held?
The Casual Event is being held at the reunion hotel -- the Marriott Courtyard.
How long will it take to drive from the Festival to the Casual Event?
It is a five-minute drive from The Alamo Drafthouse Richardson to the Marriott Courtyard.
How much does it cost to attend the Festival?
Advance heavily-discounted Early Eagle Tickets are available now for $19.69 for one ticket or $29.69 for two tickets (regular price is $29.69 for one ticket). Early Eagle Tickets will be sold through March 31, 2019. Click here to buy your tickets.
Will tickets be available after March 31, 2019?
If seats not claimed by Early Eagle Ticket buyers are still available in the theater, tickets will be sold but at a much higher price than Early Eagle Tickets. We do not guarantee that any tickets will be available for sale after March 31, 2019.
What’s the most terrible mistake that an RHS Class of 1969 graduate can make?
Watch this 3-minute video to see exactly what the most terrible mistake that an RHS Class of 1969 graduate can make. Be sure to turn on Closed Captioning before watching. Click on the CC button at the bottom right of the screen to turn on Closed Captioning.
Punography Film Festival
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the Punography Film Festival?
The Festival is Friday, October 18, 2019 from 6-9pm.
Where is the Festival being held?
The Festival is being held at the Alamo Drafthouse in Richardson, Texas.
When is the RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion?
The 50th Reunion is being held Friday and Saturday, October 18, 2019.
Will the Punography Film Festival conflict with 50thReunion events?
No. The first 50thReunion event will be the Friday evening Casual Event. The Casual Event will start either slightly before the end of the Festival or after the Festival ends.
Where is the Casual Event being held?
The Casual Event is being held at the Marriott Courtyard.
How long will it take to drive to the Casual Event from the Festival?
The Alamo Drafthouse Richardson is a short five-minute drive from the Marriott Courtyard.
How much does it cost to attend the Festival?
Advance heavily-discounted Early Eagle Ticketsare available now for $19.69 for one ticket or $29.69 for two tickets (regular price is $29.69 for one ticket). Early Eagle Ticketswill be sold through March 31, 2019.
Will tickets be available after March 31, 2019?
If seats are still available in the theater, tickets will be sold but at a much higher price than Early Eagle Tickets. We do not guarantee that any tickets will be available for sale after March 31, 2019.
What’s the most terrible mistake that an RHS Class of 1969 graduate can make?
Watch this 3-minute video to see exactly what the most terrible mistake that an RHS Class of 1969 graduate can make.