Pi R Squared Redux
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Hilton Garden Inn
Tommy's Junior King Suite
1001 George Bush Turnpike
Richardson, Texas 75080
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Pi R Squared Redux -- the final Shadow Reunion event -- was the most satispieing experience of the entire Reunion Weekend. And we got it all videotaped -- from the arrival of the King of the Reunion to the chefs who baked and delivered their scrumptious concoctions.
Actual Film Footage from Pi R Squared Redux on Sunday, October 27, 2024
And finally that special judge who finally came out of the shadows to make herself seen for the first time since our senior year at RHS -- Sue Daly!
The True Incarnation of Sue Daly
True to form, Sue gave each chef an equal opportunity to take home the grand prize by indulging in both a sizable bite of each pie and a deep, insightful conversation about the method and ingredients used to create the magnificent dish. In the end, Sue declared that each pie was adequately delicious in its own right and therefore every pie but one tied for second place.
There was that one pie that stood head and shoulders above all others and without a doubt deservedly took first place. A pie so paradoxically light yet solid, creamy yet chunky, and satisfying yet leaving everyone craving for more. This pie needed no topping to increase its supreme delectability -- no cream, whipped cream, cheese, or ice cream. Nothing at all.
Of course I'm talking about Tommy's® Pecan Pie -- the pie that previously saved the world from the stranglehold of fascism and is now destined to adorn the memories of the members of The RHS Class of 1969 forever with the egalitarian yet elitist flavor that sets it apart from all others.
Tommy's Pecan Pie To The Rescue
With that, I am signing off as the instigator of the Punography Film Festival and the Shadow Reunion -- what I hope was heaps of fun for all my RHS 1969 classmates on our 50th and 55th Reunions.
What appears below is the content of this page prior to November 9, 2024.
Well, the Reunion Weekend is almost over. Seems like just yesterday we were recalling memories of our youth. Well, OK, it was just yesterday but who's counting?
But this morning as we depart from Reunion Weekend, we will have a celebration of baking. Remember when your Grandma would bake that absolutely wonderful apple pie using Granny Smith apples, homemade crust, and brown sugar? And then top it off with fresh vanilla ice cream churned that afternoon on the back porch?
No, I don't remember that either, but it's a great set up for anticipation for the Pi R Squared Redux.
Here's the backstory. A few years ago some RHS Class of 1969 Classmates got into a bragging squabble about the quality of their baking -- specifically pies. I claimed that my Tommy's® Pecan Pie was the best in the world and provided what I thought was the evidence to prove it. However, other classmates were having none of my claims of being the best.
So we had a contest in 2015. We called it Pi R Squared. The results of that contest have been a closely held secret for going on 10 years now. We will announce the results of that contest from 2015 at the Pi R Squared Redux Shadow Reunion event. I know it has been a long time coming but that built up anticipation will make it all the ... sweeter.
And to make it a more joyful experience, everyone who attends is encouraged to bake and bring their favorite pie to share with (or just show to) other classmates. Or buy and bring it from the Bluebonnet Cafe in Marble Falls. Or from anywhere else. The more pies, the merrier!
Although we don't have this event as yet planned to be a competition among bakers as to who bakes the best pie, who knows what we might do? We already have a special guest judge in mind. Someone who arouses the curiosity in all RHS Class of 1969 graduates who attended the RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion in 2019.
But who is this special judge? Who could possibly parse the many pleasantries found in various pies and pick the best one? One mysterious classmate who arouses wonder in every one of us. Who is this classmate that has remained in the ... shadows?
The Shadow knows. Come and meet The Shadow.
You do not need to register for nor attend the RHS Class of 1969 55th Reunion in order to attend Pi R Squared Redux!
Entry: All RHS Class of 1969 graduates and their invited guests.
Invitation: No invitations will be sent in advance -- just come on in and set your pie on the nearest table.
Cost: Free.
Dress: Come as you are.
Food and drink: Bring your favorite pie! If you are staying at the Hilton Garden Inn, your breakfast is included in the cost of your room. If you are not staying at the Hilton Garden Inn, breakfast (or just coffee) is available for purchase. Just be careful when ordering.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
Shadow Reunion Events
Click on any event to get detailed information about that event.
Friday, October 25, 2024
Go Out Swinging — 11am-4:30pm
Saturday, October 26, 2024
RHE Class of 1963 61st Reunion —12-2pm
Mrs. Baird’s Kindergarten Class of 1957 67th Reunion — 3-4pm
The Graduate With A Twist — 5-6pm
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Pi R Squared Redux — 8-9:30am
Shadow Reunion Home Page
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Click here to register a formal complaint about the Shadow Reunion. We value your feedback and will get back to you in a timely manner proportional to the speed with which that unwarranted anger triggered your dinosaur brain to contact us.