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•   Lawrence Cantor  1/31
•   Carla Peters (Byrom)  12/16
•   Elise Williams (Fitz Gerald)  11/18
•   Kurt Fischer  11/15
•   Jerry Swords  11/15
•   Sandra Spieker (Ringo)  11/14
•   Rebecca Williams  11/10
•   Tommy Thomas  9/27
•   Holly Hobby  9/22
•   Jan Alexander  9/17
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2 live in Arkansas
2 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
2 live in Massachusetts
2 live in Michigan
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
3 live in New Mexico
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
2 live in Oregon
1 lives in Tennessee
64 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
2 live in Washington
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Italy
1 lives in Switzerland
1 lives in United Kingdom
613 location unknown


•   Russ Stovall  2/16
•   Barbara Blefeld  2/17
•   Virginia Hooter (DeSilva)  2/17
•   Randy Rushing  2/20
•   Regina Threet (Watkins)  3/2


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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 15.3%

A:   111   Joined
B:   613   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Punography Ltd.

Richardson High School Class of 1969

You know what happens when you are a high school student in Texas in the late sixties and have nothing better to do? You create Punography Ltd.

Well, that's not exactly true. What is exactly true is what chief Punography creator and lapdog of the liberal elite Steve Gardner said so eloquently in Mrs. Alsup's Memory Book:

If you recall, Ms. Alsup’s third-period honors English class had taken to writing pithy/pretentious sayings on the blackboard for us to see.

Our first response was the one-off “underground” newspaper. 

Then the Thirdies (a name I just made up but wish we had used then) did something (which I don’t recall, probably due to its utter insignificance, but perhaps someone on this email was a Thirdie and can let us know), and we decided, “Fuck it, let’s make a movie!”

A somewhat disproportionate response perhaps, but so was Vietnam.

It was a time of disproportionate behavior generally, not all of it in a bad way.

So it was that Punography Ltd. was created out of the sardonic ennui (it seems like just yesterday when we first heard that term coined by Moore) of ten white high school juniors from a suburb far, far away from Dallas. Now we didn't choose to be white -- it was a fate that simply befell us before we knew, like being gay, that we had a choice in the matter.

And in fairness to Ralph, Yahweh rest his soul, he was Jewish so we're not sure that counts as white. And Tommy is Muscogee and Cherokee Indian and we all know how that savagery affected his entire being. At least it killed that damn ennui.

So join us here and interact with us and the rest of your Richardson High School 1969 classmates. We have but one rule -- be interesting or be funny or both, but if you can't be either, then just be a lurker or, if you prefer, an interested observer. In any case, we are sure you will appreciate and enjoy this lost video footage of our 1969 All Night Party after graduation featuring various school dignitaries and honor students.

