Marshall Netherland

How pleased I was when the Directors of Punography Ltd. invited me to tear myself away from my ruthless high school social climbing to join the ranks of their creative team. I believe my most accomplished contribution to the Punography œuvre was the musical direction of the “Ban Won’t Wear Off” sequence, sung by myself and the winsome Tom “Bucky” Grimes. A second and more ambitious creation “Life is a Punograph, Ole Chum” was vetoed by the board.

After leaving Punography and RHS, and finally discovering hashish, my life came crashing down around me. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not necessarily a bad thing to find that there are other questions as pressing as “Am I popular yet?”

For many years I wandered. For many years I pined. For many years I ran from something I couldn’t quite define until one day I found myself living in Ipanema. And I had a talent for theater. I won numerous awards, among them the Brazilian Ministry of Culture Award (1985), the São Paulo Governor’s Prize (1988), and The São Paulo Association of Art Critics Award (1988), for the musical direction of “Theatro Musical Brazileiro”. I entered avant-guard theater troupe Ornitorrinco as actor and saxophonist and toured South and North America with them. I performed as The Pianist in the Brazilian films “O Corpo” (1988) and “For All” (1997).

After 14 years in Brazil I returned to the US in 1990 to turn 40. I continued my theatrical work at the New York Shakespeare Festival, on the sound team at the Delacorte Theater in Central Park and as assistant in the set and costume design departments.

Over the years since then I’ve done many less interesting albeit to me vitally important things. As a senior citizen I now dedicate myself to the reading of Henry James… sentence by sentence. If I don’t understand, if I doze off, I return to the beginning and try again. It’s like trudging through a snow-storm. I believe this exercise staves off the approach of Alzheimer’s or any other dementia by a name so sweet.

Cheers to all who created and enjoyed the art of Punography Ltd. By the way, I was the one who poured Everclear into the punch.
