Punography Ltd. RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Celebration Update # 1
October 28, 2018
Hi, RHS 69ers,
Well, nothing has changed about our tentative date for the Punography Ltd. RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Celebration. We're still on for Saturday, September 28, 2019. Keep the date saved!
Sue (Reithner) Graham contacted me and suggested again that we have a pie fight at our celebration. She says that we need about 2 to 3 acres of cleared land with freshly mowed grass. I'm fresh out of 2 to 3 acres of freshly mowed grass in the North Dallas area, but maybe you aren't. If you have such a piece of land available to be fertilized for free with meringue, whipped cream, and pie crusts, let me know!
Phil Huber is still hard at work restoring the original Punography movies into a fresh HD presentation and high quality stereo soundtrack. Quite a few of our classmates besides the ten Punography Ltd. Directors make appearances in the Punography films. Imagine seeing you and your classmates as teen-agers as though they were filmed yesterday. It will be like a real time machine!
Naturally we'll have plenty of plain and buttered popcorn at the Punography movies. But tell me what your favorite candy or candy bar to eat at the movies was, and, if it's still available, we'll make sure that we have that favorite of yours there as well!
Stay tuned for more information as the Punography Ltd. RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion draws nigh!
Tommy Thomas, Punography Ltd. Director
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