Richardson Heights Elementary Class of 1963

61st Reunion

Saturday, October 26, 2024


Richardson Heights Elementary School

101 North Floyd Road

Richardson, Texas 75080


Saturday, November 9, 2024

The Richardson Heights Elementary Class of 1963 61st Reunion was a smashing success! For those of you who did not attend Heights, I encourage you to have a reunion with those from your elementary school. What a great experience to be back in the building where we spent so many of our formative years together!

Here are some of the highlights -- peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, nickel (buffalo/Indian head only) ice cream, the gym, the stage in our cafeteria, Holly saying the opening prayer, and Bob leading us in reciting the Pledge of Allegience and singing Texas, Our Texas. The biggest highlight? All those smiles as our Heights classmates were transported back in time to the late 50s and early 60s.

Left to right: John Powell, Russ Stovall, Bubba Bostick, Karley Fairchild, Jimmy Baker, and Steve Healy. Just a few of the 30 RHE classmates who attended.

And donations! Our Heights classmates opened up their hearts and their checkbooks. We received enough in donations to cover the expenses of putting on the reunion and then some. That "then some" right now is $407. I pledged before the Heights Reunion that, if our donations exceeded our expenses, the excess money would go to current Heights Principal Jenny Lanier to use for the benefit of her students in whatever way she decided. And that is how it will be.

I will accept more donations through this Friday, November 1. If you would like to donate to Richardson Heights Elementary School and see that 100% of the money you give goes directly to benefit the current Heights students, then email me at I'll reply with information on how you can donate by check, Venmo, or Zelle. And, no, you don't have to be a Heights graduate to make a donation to these wonderful kids!

In the very near future I will email you with the link to an updated Richardson Heights Elementary Class of 1963 61st Reunion webpage with photos, stories of the reunion, and a list of donors who agree to be identified by name.

Thanks to everyone involved!

What follows is the content on this page prior to November 9, 2024.


Anyone who attended Richardson Heights Elementary School at any time from September 1957 through May 1963 is invited to relive those memories with their fellow classmates at this once-in-a-lifetime event. As of Saturday, August 31, 2024, here are those 33 Heights classmates who have confirmed that they will be attending. We now have only 7 spots left!

  1. Sandra Abbot
  2. Jimmy Baker
  3. Bubba Bostick
  4. Bobby Cederberg
  5. Randy Combs
  6. David Cordell
  7. Debbie Dupree
  8. Pamela Eckeberger
  9. Karlan Fairchild
  10. Bobby Fleming
  11. Janet Hambright
  12. Steve Healy
  13. Marsha Hensel
  14. Hollis C. Heyns
  15. Holly Hobby
  16. John Hoffpauer
  17. Laura Kirklen
  18. James Lintner
  19. Mike Marks
  20. Rusty McBride
  21. Glenn Messmer
  22. Martha Mize
  23. Jim Mulvihill
  24. Steve Partlow
  25. Pam Pearce
  26. John Powell
  27. Sandra Spieker
  28. Russ Stovall
  29. Jerry Swords
  30. Randy Talley
  31. Tommy Thomas
  32. Lowell Tuttle
  33. Rebecca Williams

This Richardson Heights Elementary Class of 1963 61st Reunion is solely for those who actually attended RHE at any time during 1st through 6th grades. We want to re-create as much as possible the experience of being young and specifically at RHE in the late 50s and early 60s. For that reason, although we would love to see them at other Reunion Weekend activities, please leave your siblings, spouses, children, and pets (service animals welcome) at home. If you need assistance of any kind, we are happy to provide that for you — just let us know in advance.

Each of our known classmates will receive a personal invitation by phone to attend. At that time, we’ll take your RSVP. If you have not yet received a personal invitation and want to RSVP, you can do so by contacting Tommy Thomas.

Bring your memories of those rolling televisions that showed NASA rocket launches, the tetherball pole, and nickel Dreamsicles and dime Drumsticks that barely made it to the playground after lunch before melting all over our hands. 

Also bring all memorabilia that you have — for example, class photos, RHS football ribbons, and report cards — to share with your classmates. Here are some of the class photos available now.

If you attend the Ceremony of Remembrance at the RHS Class of 1969 55th Reunion, don’t stop to eat lunch before you come to RHE. Come directly to RHE. At noon we’ll have your lunch ready for you in the RHE cafeteria.

When you arrive at RHE, park on the north side of the Heights building in the parking lot or  across Floyd Road on Lockwood Drive. Note that parking is not allowed in the circular driveway on Floyd Road. Then make your way to the RHE front door by the flagpole in the center of the school. Someone will meet you and direct you to the cafeteria where your lunch will be waiting. We’ll eat lunch first (feel free to start sharing and speaking with your classmates while you eat) before beginning the scheduled activities. A small group of your classmates will then facilitate your RHE reunion experience.

The weather on Saturday is predicted to be sunny and warm. So wear comfortable shoes and we will go outside and explore the playground. That experience alone is assured to jar loose some memories from our days at Richardson Heights Elementary.


You do not need to register for nor attend the RHS Class of 1969 55th Reunion in order to attend this RHE Class of 1963 61st Reunion!

Entry: Personal Invitation Only. Anyone who attended Richardson Heights Elementary for any period of time from September 1957 through May 1963. (Sorry — ONLY those who actually attended RHE may attend e.g. no spouses, children, or siblings unless they too attended RHE.) If you want more information or to RSVP, contact Tommy Thomas.

Invitation: All of our known Heights classmates will receive a personal invitation from another Heights classmate by phone if any of us knows your phone number. Our lease of and insurance for the Richardson Heights Elementary School building limits this event to a maximum of 40 participants. If you are reading this page and have not yet received your personal invitation, RSVP to Tommy Thomas now.  If you RSVP that you'd like to come but we already have 40 confirmed RSVPs, we will put you on a wait list.

Dress: Come as you are.

Cost: Free. Voluntary donations accepted. Contact Tommy Thomas to make or learn more about making a donation. Your donation may be made anonymously if you wish. If donations exceed expenses, the excess amount will be given to the current principal of Richardson Heights Elementary, Jenny Lanier, to spend on her students as she wishes.

Food and drink: Lunch will be provided. 

Song: His Latest Flame by Elvis Presley

Shadow Reunion Events

Click on any activity to get detailed information about that event.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Go Out Swinging — 11am-4:30pm

Saturday, October 26, 2024

RHE Class of 1963 61st Reunion —12-2pm

Mrs. Baird’s Kindergarten Class of 1957 67th Reunion — 3-4pm

The Graduate With A Twist — 5-6pm

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Pi R Squared Redux — 8-9:30am


Shadow Reunion Home Page

Click here to return to the Shadow Reunion Home Page.

Got a question?

Click here to contact Tommy Thomas for more information about the Shadow Reunion or any its five events.

Got a complaint?

Click here to register a formal complaint about the Shadow Reunion. We value your feedback and will get back to you in a timely manner proportional to the speed with which that unwarranted anger triggered your dinosaur brain to contact us.
