Official 50th Reunion Hotel

The Official 50th Reunion Hotel

The Marriott Courtyard is our Official RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Weekend Hotel. To get the $69 per night rate for any combination of nights starting Friday, October 18, 2019 through Saturday, October 19, 2019, call the Marriott Courtyard directly at 972-994-9933. If you experience any problems in making your reservation, click here to email our Hotel Liaison. The $69 rate will expire the sooner of 5pm Central, October 4 and the date that all our contracted rooms are taken, whichever date is sooner. So make your reservation as soon as possible!

The Marriott Courtyard is conveniently located just east of Central Expressway and just north of Campbell Road at 2191 N. Greenville Avenue, Richardson TX 75082. The Marriott Courtyard is the site of one of our four reunion weekend events -- the Casual Gathering -- and is no more than a 10-minute drive to each of the sites of the other three reunion weekend events.

Here are all four of the RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Weekend events. Click on an event for complete information about that event -- including registration and ticket information:

  1. Punography Film Festival, Friday, October 18, 6pm-9pm
  2. Casual Gathering, Friday, October 18, 8pm until the last person leaves
  3. Ceremony of Remembrance, Saturday, October 19, 10am-11:30am
  4. Main Event, Saturday, October 19, 7pm-11pm

Click here to join the Punography Ltd. RHS Class of 1969 website and be assured of getting email updates on the Punography Film Festival and other RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Weekend events!
