Eagles 69th Birthday Party

It's time to start a new annual tradition for the best class to come out of Richardson High School -- the RHS Class of 1969!

Martha Mize is leading a group of classmates in planning for an annual Birthday Party for the entire RHS Class of 1969. The first one -- the RHS Class of 1969 69th Birthday Party -- will take place either Saturday, August 15, 2020 or Saturday, September 12, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas (you know, the building with the big ball on top in downtown Dallas).

Initial plans are to have a Saturday evening dinner followed by a birthday party right after dinner at the Hyatt Regency Dallas. There will also be optional group activities in downtown Dallas on Sunday. Hotel rooms will be reserved at special rates at the Hyatt Regency Dallas if you want to stay there either Friday or Saturday night or both nights.

In order to plan this birthday party so that YOUR preferences, likes, and dislikes are taken into account and Martha and the other planners can choose the weekend on which most classmates can attend, please respond to the survey by CLICKING ON THIS LINK and answering the questions by Friday, April 10, 2020. The party planners will take your responses into account before announcing final plans.

Visit this page often for updates on the 69th Birthday Party as the date draws near!

If you have any questions at all, please contact Martha Mize by email, phone, or text.

Martha's email: CoolCheerMom@yahoo.com

Martha's cell: (940) 224-3577