Tardy Eagle Tickets Available At The Door!
$19.69 Early Bird Tickets, $30 On-Time Eagle Tickets, and $30 Late Eagle Tickets Are Sold Out!
Now Selling $40 Tardy Eagle Tickets ON SALE for
2019 Punography Film Festival
The most fun way to kick off your
RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Weekend!
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Punography Film Festival is slated for Friday evening, October 18, 2019 from 6-9pm at the Alamo Drafthouse Richardson. Sales of Early Eagle Tickets (priced at just $19.69 -- can you believe that ridiculously and insanely low price?) went through the roof during the Early Eagle Ticket Sales Window of March 1-April 1, 2019.
And then we sold out of On-Time Eagle Tickets for $30 each until they were all snatched up in just four days by those who regretted not buying an Early Eagle Ticket.
Then we sold spots on the Festival Waitlist for people who wanted to come but didn't buy before all the theater seats were taken. We said that, if we decided to move to a larger theater, all those on the Festival Waitlist would get Late Eagle Tickets. Well, we decided to move to a theater at the same Alamo Drafthouse Richardson with more than twice as many seats as our original theater. So all those on the Festival Waitlist got Late Eagle Tickets and then we sold a few more when we opened up sales through July 1.
But now we're back with sales of Tardy Eagle Tickets! Tardy Eagle Tickets are being sold for just $30 through PERMANENTLY or until we are sold out at the full price of $40 (they were on sale for $30 through July 20 and then again over Labor Day Weekend but those deadlines have passed). That is still a bargain when you consider that includes dinner and non-alcoholic drinks (cash bar will be available) plus all the great entertainment and yukking it up with your classmates from 50 years ago. You can buy them at the door (cash or check only)!
- What You Get When You Come To The Punography Film Festival
- Guaranteed theater seat at the Alamo Drafthouse Richardson
- Eats and drinks
- Dinner from the Best of Alamo Menu (included in your Ticket price)
- Soft drinks, iced tea, Powerade, club soda, water, and refills (included in your Ticket price)
- Cash bar for beer, wine, and cocktails
- A fabulous line-up of activities to keep you laughing and entertained all evening!
- The most fun way to kick off your RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Weekend!
- After the Festival, enjoy socializing with your classmates at the RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Weekend Casual Gathering at the Marriott Courtyard
ThreeOne Methodsto Purchase Tickets- Personal check (cash also accepted)
- Make payable to Tommy Thomas (unless cash, of course)
- Bring to the Festival to buy your tickets at the door -- we are no longer accepting orders by mail or online!
Include the names of the ticketholders and your email address for an email confirmation of:your payment, andthe names of the ticketholders.
Mail or deliver to:Tommy Thomas40 North Interstate 35 Unit 9B1Austin TX 78701
VenmoPay electronically to Tommy Thomas' Venmo Account or through the Venmo app to @TommyThomasPhD.Send an email or include a note with your payment stating your email address and the name(s) you want assigned as the ticketholders.
PayPalPay electronically to Tommy Thomas' PayPal Account.Send an email or include a note with your payment stating your email address and the name(s) you want assigned as the ticketholders.
- Personal check (cash also accepted)
- The Fine Print
- Tickets are transferable. If you give away or sell your tickets, send an email to Tommy@PunRHS1969.net with a request to replace your name with the transferee’s name on the Festival Will Call List (you are responsible for getting payment from the transferee).
- Full refund only if Festival is cancelled. If we cancel the Festival, we'll refund the full amount of your ticket price. (Our lawyers made us put this in. No way the Festival will be cancelled.)
And while you're at it, if you need a hotel room, go ahead and make your reservations at our Official Hotel -- the Marriott Courtyard. If you book your reservation by phone (972) 994-9933, tell them you are with the Richardson High School Class of 1969 to get the special $69 rate. If you experience any problems with making your hotel reservation, click here to email our Hotel Liaison. However, note that this rate may no longer be available!
Questions? Email me at Tommy@PunRHS1969.net!
Tommy Thomas, Punography Ltd. Director
Click here to join the Punography Ltd. RHS Class of 1969 website and be assured of getting email updates on the Punography Film Festival!