Eddy Norton

My earliest formative years were spent as a mere child at F. P. Caillet Elementary School in north Dallas. If I had known better, I would have gone to Richardson Heights, which was widely known as the “starmaker” elementary school.

Then on an upward social mobility swing to St. Mark's for junior high school where I began a friendship with Tommy Lee Jones. Although four years older than me, Tommy was my bodyguard, and that experience prepared him for his successful movie star career as a tough guy. He has yet to acknowledge the significant role I played in his career but I wanted you to know the real truth behind his success.

I began making music in a cover band – The Jagged Edge — with fellow Punographer Bill Scott. Our musical career reached its zenith when we appeared at The Hullabaloo Club in Dallas. Bill and I also mowed yards together during the day to support and add to our nighttime music habit.

Next came Richardson High School where I spent my creative time with Punography, Ltd. I have no recollection of any other accomplishment while at RHS.

Next a move to Austin to attend The University of Texas. My times with Punography, Ltd. got me hooked as a film-making junkie (for a bit). As a freshman, I dappled with the RTF (Radio, Television, Film) Dept. creating several projects: Three Faces West, The American Sportsman, and Keep on Truckin'.

Then I slid over to Dept. of Psychology, and when that didn’t work either, on to Dept. of Management (applied psychology) in the Business School.

After receiving my Bachelor’s from UT, I remained in Austin (still here!) and earned money wrangling crazy kids for the State of Texas. My experience in Punography Ltd. was great preparatory experience.

Soon I married my high school sweetheart – many of you know Judye Livings – but unfortunately she got to know me really well. We divorced. Then I got married again to a woman in both the radio and theater businesses (do you see the lifelong connection to the entertainment world here?) and then divorced again when I got to know HER really well.

Did I mention I practically stole a real estate broker’s license in the 1970s when you could get one without really trying? With that license, I acquired and managed properties with smarter associates (they were everywhere) but that business didn’t stoke my imagination enough. So I joined some other crazy friends, and we actually believed we could start a restaurant in Austin, Texas. After a few failed attempts and some mishaps, we opened a restaurant, The County Line BBQ, in 1975. Still going strong too!

Many years down the road, I remain insane or perhaps just slightly off balance like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and, therefore, I am still in the restaurant business. I also dabble in the real estate business as a counter balance. The government having failed in their many attempts to deport me although you may call me a dreamer, I remain in Austin. A highlight of my time in Austin is playing golf regularly with fellow Punographer, Thomas J. Thomas, whom I first met during my time at St. Mark’s and who has not once attempted to protect me like the more famous and successful Tommy did.
